
The puppet army caught the wife and daughter of the Eighth Route Army and planned to ask for credit, and after learning of their identity, they quietly put them back and bought gifts!

The puppet army caught the wife and daughter of the Eighth Route Army and planned to ask for credit, and after learning of their identity, they quietly put them back and bought gifts!

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was an extremely important battle in the modern history of our country, because it had a direct bearing on the life and death of the Chinese nation. In the most critical moment, there were groups of heroic sons and daughters, He Jian was born in 1910 in a very poor family in Huang'an County, Hubei Province. Because he had a pure heart that wanted to defend the country, he joined the ranks of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in 1929.

The puppet army caught the wife and daughter of the Eighth Route Army and planned to ask for credit, and after learning of their identity, they quietly put them back and bought gifts!

Focused on saving the country, He Jian did not begin to focus on his private life until his 32nd birthday, and the brilliant general who fought on the front line was not married or had children. At that time, He Jian's leaders were also very concerned about his personal life, so they asked him and introduced Yang Hongzhao, the excellent captain of the drama club. Later, the two got along very well and soon went home.

The puppet army caught the wife and daughter of the Eighth Route Army and planned to ask for credit, and after learning of their identity, they quietly put them back and bought gifts!

Still a woman with a little girl, the puppet army thought that catching a female eight road to the Japanese can get some benefits, in case a beautiful woman can also give the Japanese more benefits, then think of the puppet army began to make an arrest plan. Yang Hongzhao was completely defenseless against this, and naturally the enemy could not defeat the puppet army that was prepared, so soon both mother and daughter were arrested by the puppet army.

The puppet army caught the wife and daughter of the Eighth Route Army and planned to ask for credit, and after learning of their identity, they quietly put them back and bought gifts!

Fortunately, the news of Yang Hongzhao's arrest was known to the village chief, who found the puppet army and told them that this was He Jian's wife and child, and even the Japanese were afraid of He Jian. The puppet army was directly stunned when he heard this, and was scared half to death. Finally, after listening to the advice of bao chang, he secretly sent Yang Hongzhao's mother and daughter back, and also bought some gifts to bring to He Jian.

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