
In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

The imperial examination is a kind of examination invented by the Sui Dynasty. The imperial examination was no less important to the ancient readers than the second life.

Ancient imperial examinations were the only way for ordinary people to turn the fate of their lives

Three years of fame dust and soil, hard women sell tofu, this is the true portrayal of the title of the golden list of readers.

The imperial examination can ensure to the greatest extent that the Hankou disciples do not compete fairly with the children of Guiqing by virtue of their mouths and relationships. As an examination system for selecting officials and talents, the imperial examination was accompanied by the demise of the feudal ruling dynasty.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

First, the colorful activities after the title of the gold list

During the Song Dynasty, there were activities such as the roll call of honor, the ceremony of thanksgiving, the gurudwara of the first saints, and the feast of the feast. After putting on the roll call, then performing Xie Enyi, he went to the guozi to supervise the first master of Xie Xiansheng, and then gave the new soldiers and the various branches and the first person to smell the wedding feast, and ordered the relevant ministers of the DPRK to accompany the feast.

High school candidates will also have a cross-horse parade to congratulate the crowd. In order to enhance the sense of glory of the readers of the ZhongjinShi, the Song Dynasty government not only posted the imperial list, but also the ceremony of the emperor Linxuan's roll call. Out of policy considerations for the concentration of imperial power,

Throughout the Song Dynasty, there was considerable importance attached to the literati

The emperor personally called the name of the qualified jinshi of the palace examination, and gave them and the first one by one, reflecting his importance and grace for the first jinshi, and the qualified jinshi was directly given by the emperor himself, which also added great glory to them. This is a very good approach

It helped the Emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty to attract the needs of talents

。 Since then, the ceremony of emperor Linxuan's roll call to the first place has been followed and gradually developed into a system.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

Unless exceptional circumstances,

The place where the roll call was held was generally held at the place where the temple was tested

。 The Northern Song Dynasty carousel ceremony was very solemn. On the day of the roll call, Emperor Linxuan sat on the top of the main hall, and the ministers such as the chancellor, Zhongshu Shilang and the palace examiner stood in the hall, and the new soldiers and ministers waited at the entrance of the hall or outside the hall entrance, and the official team was very large.

The officials who were waiting at or outside the entrance of the palace on the roll call were not only the officials who were related to the examination, the examination papers of the Inspectors of the Southern Province, and the examiners of various disciplines, but also the imperial relatives, the ministers of the military, the envoys, the envoys, the envoys, and the important members of the imperial court. Northern Song Dynasty and related activities after the first, in addition to the roll call of honor and thanksgiving ceremonies,

There is also an interesting feast

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

Wen Xi Feast already appeared in the Tang Dynasty

However, due to the development of the Song Dynasty's celebration of the feast, it was deeply loved and concerned by the people. During the Tang Dynasty, the WenXi Feast was the banquet for the new and first people after the imperial court. The location of the feast is not fixed, and is generally held within a few days after the temple examination.

The special institutions of the imperial court are responsible for the arrangement of musical instruments, wine tables, and stages, and the music is played throughout the city, and the music should be composed according to the law of yale music.

Basically, they all expressed the desire and importance of the Song Emperor for talents

。 In the middle, flowers are also given to the jinshi and the first, and the feast is staggered, the song and dance are raised, and in this relaxed and joyful atmosphere, the poems are jumped out of the poems, and there are also imperial poems and Confucian passages in the middle way.

The main participants in the feast were Hanlin Bachelor, Wupin Zhishizhong, Shang Shu Left and Right Cheng and Liubu Shilang. Judging from the official rank, it shows

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the importance attached to the wedding feast of the new soldiers was very high

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

After hearing the wedding feast, the officials and new recruits attending the banquet had to wear flowers and go home, and the people on the road watched and watched, which was a rather beautiful scene. The relevant provisions of the Song Dynasty's feast were also continuously improved, and gradually formed the right, special name and even special gift and the first jinshi - to go to the banquet, and it has been stipulated that those who take leave with the banquet officials must also go to the banquet.

In the Tang Dynasty, the feast was mainly based on garden viewing

。 The feasts and drinking activities of the Tang Dynasty were like the amusement habits inherited from the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and were held more vigorously in society, so that the Tang Dynasty jinshi banquet became a vigorous development trend. For the new scholars of the Tang Dynasty, the Qujiang Feast was the most glorious event in their lives.

On the day of the feast of the new jinshi Qujiang, the emperor often accompanied the concubines to the Ziyun Tower to watch; the secretaries of state in the capital and the relatives and friends of the jinshi came to Qujiang to congratulate and help; some princes and female relatives of the rich families came to visit; and many big merchants also came here to sell jewelry and money.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

In the Tang Dynasty, due to political stability, strong national strength, economic prosperity, social stability and convenient transportation, it was easier for Tang Dynasty scholars to go out of their homes, have more extensive contact with society, and experience social life.

Loved roaming

It was a common hobby of most literati in the Tang Dynasty. The scholars of the Tang Dynasty, before or after their departure, often had the experience of wandering outside.

This is also one of the reasons why the Tang Dynasty jinshi and the first popular feast tour.

Banquets are the main performance occasions for music

So the new changes in Tang Dynasty music added a lot of fun to the banquet. Ancient poetry, music, and dance were usually one and appeared in banquets and drinks at the same time, and in the Tang Dynasty, the relationship between poetry, music, and dance was very close.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

Under the influence of the Confucian traditional idea of "learning and excellence", the scholars of the Tang Dynasty all regarded being officials as their duty.

The imperial examination is an important way to enter the army

The new section of the jinshi who has passed the imperial examination has carried out social interaction by participating in a series of banquets, gaining good reputation, gaining social recognition, and expanding contacts for future careers.

This kind of activity is like a popular commercial cocktail party in the society now,

The same purpose is to make connections

Whether it is helping at work or cooperating in business, ancient and modern are common in many aspects of behavior. At least thousands of years of ideological form still has the shadow of antiquity, the ancients have the wisdom of the ancients, do not think that the era of the ancients are backward, this kind of thinking is not advisable, must be abandoned.

The Qujiang Conference was the largest and longest-lasting banquet in the Tang Dynasty

, sometimes up to several months, or extended into midsummer. Participating in the Qujiang banquet was the most proud and proud thing for the scholars, and even the emperor had to go to the Ziyun Tower on the qujiang river to watch.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

Second, the doorway of the ancient Xie Shi Feast

The examinee and the examiner accidentally formed a temporary relationship due to the opportunity of the examination, which gave rise to a special relationship in the Tang Dynasty.

Protégé and seat master

。 The lord of the seat is the zhigong official who presides over the examination of the ceremonial department, and the protégé refers to the jinshi and the first. The disciples walked in the clouds, and they were naturally grateful to the lord of the seat, and the spring repaid him.

The relationship between the master and the protégé is no longer just a ceremonial and nominal relationship.

A relationship between the lord and the protégé is formed with the link of promotion, gratitude and retribution

, breaking through and replacing the original category of teachers and students based on preaching and teaching.

In the Tang Dynasty, the banquet was a banquet ceremony similar to a family banquet held in the name of the lord. The protagonists of this banquet are the owner and his family, who have a strong utilitarian purpose in addition to self-entertainment. The protégé regarded the lord as a shelter and a cash cow, and wanted to use his power to rise step by step. The new recruit should express his feelings to the lord of the seat, praise his justice with the sonorous rhythm of the poem, and express his gratitude to Zero.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

In the Tang Dynasty, a group was formed between the lord and the protégé, and between the same year, and the partisan party was born. The master of the seat is proud of the protégé, the protégé is grateful and repays the favor, and the master of the seat is reached, and the two are interdependent, united, and weave a huge bureaucratic network.

Looking at the Song Dynasty, in the Northern Song Dynasty, there was also a special activity of the Yuan, which was a special honor for the Yuan

The activity of crossing the streets of ma

The specifications of the honor guard across the street are the same as those of the emperor. Seven people from the guards were selected to open the way for the emperor in front of him and enjoy the courtesy of the emperor. This kind of scene is really envious of passers-by, and the scene is very grand. This also further stimulated the expectations of the common people for the imperial examination, and also witnessed the importance attached by the imperial court to the imperial examination.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

Third, the connotation behind the title of the gold list of the imperial examination

Banquet is one of the forms of diet, from its important position in social life, it can be said that banquet is the most common kind of activity in the daily life of the people's diet, anyone will participate in this kind of activity. It is the form of communication that people communicate most frequently in social activities.

The Entrance Banquet is a high-level social banquet

The emperor himself gave a banquet to familiarize himself with the faces of the new jinshi, and second, to envelop the jinshi who were about to enter the career, strengthen the harmonious atmosphere within the ruling group, let the courtiers know how to repay gratitude, and create a harmonious atmosphere of high-level officialdom.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

From an official's point of view,

Please the Emperor through feasts and drinks

, let the emperor pay attention to himself, and be promoted. As a new employee who has just entered the official field, we must win over some people, make friends with the same list of scholars and officials and eunuchs, please pay more attention, so as to avoid detours for the future official career, appear to be gregarious, and not be isolated.

Activities and ceremonies related to the initiation and the posthumous

, not only to make the first jinshi identify with their own identity, but also to make the society identify with the whole of the first jinshi. It enhanced the sense of glory of the Dengdi jinshi, and at the same time showed that the state attached great importance to the scholars, especially the jinshi, so that the social status of the jinshi was greatly improved.

It has infected ordinary people and aroused the people's determination to study hard and pursue fame. The strong advocacy of the rulers and the encouragement of the glory of the jinshi displayed in the activities related to the jinshi, the people spontaneously studied hard, constantly applied for the examination, and pursued the meritorious name, making the atmosphere of reading and entering the world flourish.

In ancient times, the banquet of the jinshi belonged to a high-level social banquet, and what was the intention behind the emperor's personal banquet?

Hold a series of celebrations such as banquets,

Invisibly, a small political group of officials was formed

This group has played a considerable role in the governance of state policies and reforms throughout the dynasties. The participants of this kind of banquet belong to the upper echelons of society, and participate in the banquet in order to realize the needs of social interaction in order to establish and maintain interpersonal relations and "harmony" with society, so that their own existence and development have a certain "sense of security".


All kinds of celebrations are inseparable from etiquette and etiquette

。 For the kings of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, they clearly realized that celebrations are tables, and etiquette and etiquette are the real connotations.

Through etiquette, etiquette to demonstrate a political function, hierarchy permeates all aspects,

Its essence lies in the normative constraints of the lychea

, to distinguish between different social levels in order to organize a tightly organized society. The difference between the rich and the poor means that there is order, and order means that there is a spirit of etiquette, and the ruling class tells the people to pay attention to etiquette in everything they do, and there are certain rules.


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