
Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that sleeping less than 6 hours a night in a week can cause changes in more than 700 genes in the body.

In addition, many sciences believe that circadian clock disturbances are the cause of neurasthenia, sleep disturbances, stomach problems, and even depression and heart disease.

And now there are many people who lack sleep for a long time, so that the physical condition is getting worse and worse, resulting in a variety of problems.

Therefore, people who always can't sleep, after a long time, there will be 5 bad changes in the body, and everyone must understand it.

Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

First, it causes hair loss

In daily life, programmer workers often stay up late and work overtime, and if they don't get enough sleep, they are easy to lose their hair and look very old.

This is due to poor sleep affecting the normal growth of hair, the early stage may just dry out, the later will make the hair fall out more and more, but also more and more white.

Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

Second, fat and sugar metabolism disorders

Prolonged failure to sleep can also lead to disorders of fat and glucose metabolism, impaired cerebral cortex function, and autonomic dysfunction, which increase arterial systolic or diastolic blood pressure at rest and induce hypertension.

Therefore, we need to know that about one-third of a person's life is spent in sleep, and studies have found that sleep is not only necessary to maintain life, but also a necessary condition for the body to repair itself, beautify and restore physical and mental strength.

Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

Third, memory decline

If there is always a manifestation of forgetfulness recently, it should be suspected that it is caused by poor sleep, after all, the rest is not good at night, the brain function can not be rested, it will affect the next day's life and work, and memory decline is caused by long-term poor rest.

However, everyone's physique is different, memory is also different, some people's memory is better, but recently there are always forgetting things and forgetting things, you need to suspect that the brain function has not been fully rested, resulting in these reactions.

Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

Fourth, increase the burden of the eyes

When they can't sleep for a long time, many people will get used to looking at their mobile phones or computers, and some office workers will even work overtime until what time it is in the morning, which will increase the burden on their eyes.

If the eyes cannot be rested, they are prone to eye diseases, such as dry eye disease and decreased visual function.

Especially for myopic people, staring at a mobile phone in the middle of the night will make the symptoms of myopia worse, and it may be necessary to wear eyes for a long time to see.

Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

Fifth, endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders are a common symptom, and if a woman's endocrine disorders are in order, it can cause the skin to darken and make the skin very bad.

Endocrine disorders are related to long-term sleep, because sleeping too late every day makes the endocrine system in the body disordered, and for a long time, the normal function of each cell in the body will be affected. Therefore, female friends are best not to stay up late to ensure good health.

Long-term insomnia can not sleep, these 5 problems or find the door, if you have, timely conditioning

Under normal circumstances, if you always stay up late for a long time or sleep for 6 hours, the body will have a variety of problems.

Therefore, even for their own health, they should also ensure sleep time, as long as they are healthy, they can prevent some diseases.

Therefore, we must insist on sleeping for 7 to 8 hours a day, as long as the sleep time is stable, it will not affect the health of the body, and it will not produce diseases. I hope that everyone will pay attention to it and always ensure scientific and reasonable sleep quality.

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