
Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

The kidneys play an important role in the human body, and urination is controlled by the kidneys. In the human body, there are two kidneys, the kidney function is particularly powerful, can produce 180 liters of primary urine per day, the body's intake of water needs to be metabolized by the kidneys.

Not only that, the kidneys can also regulate the osmotic balance in the body, the endocrine system, etc., the human body can carry out normal physiological activities can not be separated from the help of the kidneys, kidney function is an important indicator of kidney health, people with good kidney function generally do not appear the following symptoms.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

First, nocturia increases

First of all, the human body at night to urinate is a normal phenomenon, nocturia increase refers to a phenomenon that people urinate more at night than during the day, and increased nocturia does not refer to an increase in the number of urination.

People with poor kidneys will have increased nocturia, which will occur after functional dysfunction of the renal tubules. Tubules act as concentrated urine in the kidneys, and if the tubules are dysfunctional, the urine cannot be fully concentrated, resulting in increased nocturia.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

2. Hypertension

Patients with abnormal renal function will have hypertension, in the kidneys, the glomeruli play a role in secreting renin, when the renal function is abnormal, it will lead to an increase in the secretion of renin, after excessive renin secretion, the body's blood pressure will rise locally.

In addition, abnormal kidney function can also lead to hardening of the arteries, which can cause a further rise in blood pressure.

It is recommended that patients with hypertension regularly monitor their blood pressure and properly regulate their emotions so that their blood pressure can be controlled within the normal range.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

Third, the urine has foam

The appearance of foam in the urine is mainly reflected in patients with chronic kidney disease, which is caused by the large amount of protein in the urine. However, if you urinate too quickly or drink too little water, this situation can also occur, which needs to be considered according to different situations.

If you have a long-term situation, it is recommended to go to the hospital for relevant examinations in time, early detection and early treatment, you can avoid worsening of the condition.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

4. Pain in the renal area

The kidneys play an important role in the human urinary system, and if your kidneys have cysts, it is easy to involve muscles near the kidneys, causing pain in the kidneys.

The kidneys are located on the back of the body, in the waist and abdomen, if your kidneys are in pain, you need to consult a doctor and have a urine test to find out the cause. However, psoas muscle strain and lumbar spine disease can also cause this condition, not all of which are caused by kidney disease.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

Fifth, memory decline

Poor kidneys will cause patients to have memory decline, which is due to the fact that people with bad kidneys are prone to insufficient qi and blood, long-term lack of qi and blood will affect the normal operation of the brain, resulting in memory decline in the body, slow response, can be conditioned through traditional Chinese medicine, can play a good effect.

In addition, in ordinary life, we must strengthen exercise and improve the body's immunity, which can play a certain preventive role.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, depending on whether you have these abnormalities, the more you occupy the kidneys, the more dangerous it is

The kidneys are a very important part of the human body, and if your kidneys do not exhibit the above five abnormalities, it means that your kidney function is at a normal level. For people with bad kidneys, in ordinary life, we must develop good work and rest habits, do not stay up late, you can play a role in protecting the kidneys.

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