
Another car company layout meta-universe? Nezha Auto applied for a meta-universe related trademark

[Zhiche Pie News] 2022 has arrived, but the heat of the meta-universe has not diminished at all, and the number of companies that want to enter the meta-universe has only increased. Recently, the Zhiche Faction learned that another car company attacked the meta-universe, and it was Nezha Automobile. According to the Tianyancha App, Nezha Automobile Affiliated Company Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of a number of meta-universe related trademarks.

Another car company layout meta-universe? Nezha Auto applied for a meta-universe related trademark

Nezha Auto applied for a meta-universe related trademark

The information shows that Nezha Automobile applied for the name of the meta-universe related trademarks as "Nezha Meta-Universe", "United Meta-Universe" and "Which Iron Universe", and the international classification of these trademarks involves advertising sales, scientific instruments, means of transport, etc., and the current trademark status is in the application.

In addition to Nezha Automobile, a number of car companies have previously applied for the meta-universe trademark, including Xiaopeng Automobile, Ideal Automobile, Weilai Automobile and SAIC Motor. At present, for car companies, the meta-universe is still very attractive.

Another car company layout meta-universe? Nezha Auto applied for a meta-universe related trademark

Nezha car

It is worth mentioning that after a period of accumulation, Nezha Automobile has become a well-known automobile brand. On the first day of 2022, Nezha Auto announced the december 2021 delivery data. According to the data, Nezha Automobile delivered 10,127 units in December, an increase of 236% year-on-year, and the monthly sales volume exceeded 10,000 consecutively; the cumulative total delivery volume in 2021 was 69,674 units, an increase of 362% year-on-year, and the cumulative total delivery volume was as high as 95,977 units.

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