
Committed to achieving a win-win situation, Nezha Automobile released the home recruitment plan of which iron

Recently, Nezha Automobile, which makes cars for the people, released the home recruitment plan for global car owners! From January 22, 2022 to February 28, 2022, Nezha car owners who own and operate physical industries can log on to the Nezha Auto APP to apply for registration. After joining the Netie Home, Nezha Automobile will provide owners with platform communication resources such as the official APP of Neche Automobile, promotion of the Circle of Netie Friends, exclusive badges of Nezha Home, and shooting of the owner's story of the Video Series of Netie Light. In the future, Nezha Automobile will also unlock more rights and interests packages for car owners.

Committed to achieving a win-win situation, Nezha Automobile released the home recruitment plan of which iron

【Nezha Automobile Launches Which Iron Home Recruitment Plan】

With the original intention of "sincerely co-creating with Which Iron users, building user network channels, and creating a win-win situation", Which Iron Home is a user rights sharing platform built by Nezha Automobile for car owners. The rights and interests of the Home platform are provided by Nezha car owners from all walks of life, and other car owners can participate in sharing after redeeming points in the mall. In the future, Nezha Automobile will take which iron home as the primary resource, create a "public commentary" in the automotive industry, and hold various activities with which iron home stores to achieve a win-win situation with users and support the entrepreneurial dream of which iron.

Committed to achieving a win-win situation, Nezha Automobile released the home recruitment plan of which iron

【Nezha User Community:Which Iron Universe】

At the same time, Netie Home is also the activity base, network channel and information exchange center of Nezha car owners. The construction of the Home platform further deepens the link between Nezha Car and users. This is another landing practice of Nezha Automobile's "user-centered" development concept, which is another "out of the circle" of Nezha Automobile, which is another innovative move of Nezha Automobile in the field of marketing. For the owners of the Home, the choice is not only a beloved smart pure electric car, but also a young and energetic lifestyle.

At present, Which Iron Home has gathered Guihai Mermaid Experience Hall, Qi Le Recording Studio, Qi Yun Lou Hilltop Hot Spring Villa, Tai Shen Jing Thai Dress up Afternoon Tea Restaurant, Lean Tong App, Yunxi YUNXI Flower Shop, 1+1 Children's Basketball Club, Semi-Warm Time Creative Sugar And other stores, and also welcomes more Which Iron to land on the official APP of Nezha Automobile and open more stores!

Committed to achieving a win-win situation, Nezha Automobile released the home recruitment plan of which iron

【Guihai Mermaid Experience Hall; Coordinates: Sanya】

Committed to achieving a win-win situation, Nezha Automobile released the home recruitment plan of which iron

【Qi Le Recording Studio; Coordinates: Wuxi】


United New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd

Founded in October 2014 with a registered capital of 1.672 billion yuan, a total investment of more than 10 billion yuan and a total of more than 6,000 employees, Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hezhong Company") is an innovative high-tech company integrating research and development, production and sales of high-quality intelligent electric vehicles and software services. With the pure electric passenger car production qualification of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is the only new force car manufacturing enterprise with "double qualification and double factory" in China. Headquartered in Shanghai, the company built production bases in Tongxiang and Yichun, and set up a design center in Beijing and a research and development center in Jiaxing. Nezha Automobile is a product brand of United Company.

Nezha Automobile's vision is to "make high-quality intelligent electric vehicles within reach". Adhering to the brand mission of "making travel more comfortable with innovative technology that breaks the convention", with "building cars for the people" as the original intention and "science and technology equality" as the brand value, focusing on products and forward-looking technologies, promoting the continuous evolution of electric vehicles, and leading the future development trend of science and technology.

Nezha Automobile focuses on the mass consumer market, and will launch a number of models of different levels at the speed of one new car per year based on the carefully built exclusive platform for pure electric vehicles, covering the mainstream market of A0-B level. At present, Nezha Automobile has launched Nezha U Pro, Nezha V, Nezha V Pro and other models. At the 2021 Guangzhou International Auto Show, Nezha Automobile released a full-stack self-developed intelligent and safe car platform - "Shanhai Platform" to meet the needs of users and the market.

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