
The 17-year-old young soldier of the Red Army remained in southern Shaanxi due to his wounds, and subsequently established a Soviet government and served as its chairman

In today's society, 17 years old is the age of a high school student, and many students have no way to solve difficulties when they encounter them, and may be in a state of ignorance.

But in the revolutionary years, at the age of 17, he had already taken up a gun and fought for the sake of national justice. In history, there was a 17-year-old young soldier who was temporarily separated from the troops because of his wounds and illness, and by his own strength, launched a mass attack behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy.

It proves that the soldiers of the Red Army, on their own, mobilized dozens of masses, formed a revolutionary contingent, and established a Soviet government. This little Red Army soldier is named Zhao Changjiang, and then let's walk into the experience of this little soldier and understand the experience of this little soldier!

The 17-year-old young soldier of the Red Army remained in southern Shaanxi due to his wounds, and subsequently established a Soviet government and served as its chairman

In November 1932, the Red Third Army from the Honghu Revolutionary Base Area passed through Shaanxi Province, an armed force led by the Communist Party during the land reform at that time. In early 1928, He Longjia received instructions from the Party Central Committee and was ordered to return from Shanghai to the western Xiang'e region to lead the troops, launch the rebellion on both sides of the Jingjiang River and the Xiangxi Uprising, and join the Red Second Army created by Duan Dechang at that time to the revolutionary base area in western Xiang'e.

In March 1931, the Red Second Army, founded by Duan Dechang, was reorganized into the Red Third Army, and his commander was He Long Political Commissar, Deng Zhongxia. At that time, the Kuomintang army carried out the third encirclement and suppression of the Communists, and the three encirclements and suppressions were crushed by the Red Army, and the number of people grew to 15,000 at the peak.

However, due to the influence of the error of left-leaning command, by the summer of 1932, the revolutionary base areas led by the Red Army had all been crossed by the Kuomintang, and at this point, the revolutionary base areas had lost the right to the red army at that time, in order to save the unsmooth war situation, the Red Army was forced to decide to break through. In the course of this breakthrough, the Kuomintang troops were surrounded and blocked, and the Red Third Army was forced to detour into southwest Henan, and Shaanxi then entered the western part of Hubei, crossed the Yangtze River again, and finally reached the revolutionary base area on the Xiang'e River.

This transfer is called the Small Long March, in the course of the Long March, the Red Army experienced more than two months, walking nearly 7,000 kilometers to arrive, in the process, the pain is unimaginable, but the Red Army soldiers still survived. In November 1931, the officers of the Three Red Armies successfully crossed the Han River, crossed the Daba Mountain, and entered Hubei.

The 17-year-old young soldier of the Red Army remained in southern Shaanxi due to his wounds, and subsequently established a Soviet government and served as its chairman

When the Red Third Army passed through the territory of Shaanxi, it was the middle of winter, the whole army was facing the severe climate at that time, the soldiers were wearing thin coats, there was no clothing that could withstand the cold, so many soldiers could not continue to keep up with the troops and were forced to hide in this area. According to later statistics, at that time, there were as many as 15 hidden warriors who stayed here for various reasons.

At that time, in the face of the Kuomintang, our army did not have a very good mass base, but the Red Army has always had a clear distinction between love and hatred, so it has won the hearts of the people. When the masses discovered the 15 soldiers who had fallen behind, the masses used various ways to protect the soldiers who had fallen behind, and in the face of the Kuomintang's questioning, the masses said that these strangers were their relatives and friends, or their son-in-law, or their own hired employees.

Among the 15 men, a young warrior named Zhao Changjiang, who was only 17 years old at the time, was forced to stay in the home of a villager because of his injuries. But it proves that the little soldier did not stop the revolution because of his wounds and illness, and in his heart he always had to fight the reactionary warlords to the end.

In order to insist that the revolutionary little fighter use bamboo weaving as a cover, revolutionary activities were carried out in secret in various regions. He was acutely aware that his own efforts alone were not enough, so he mobilized dozens of people and formed a small local guerrilla group.

The local guerrilla force formed by Zhao Changjiang had at its peak of 40 men and a dozen guns, and was the first to be established in January 1935 and served as chairman of this Soviet government. This local guerrilla group formed by the Yangtze River constantly harassed the Kuomintang in the past, dealing a heavy blow to the Kuomintang. Later, after the 25th Army came to Shaanxi, Zhao Changjiang wrote to Cheng Zihua and made contact.

The 17-year-old young soldier of the Red Army remained in southern Shaanxi due to his wounds, and subsequently established a Soviet government and served as its chairman

Later, the Red 25th Army sent a squad of soldiers to meet Zhao Changjiang, but for various reasons, Zhao Changjiang did not follow the Red 25th Army to leave, and still chose to stay in this place to continue to negotiate with the enemy. But in December 1935, Zhao Changjiang was unfortunately killed for betrayal by traitors, and when the young soldier died, he was only 20 years old.

After the sacrifice of Zhao Changjiang, in order to commemorate this young hero, local villagers built a mausoleum for Zhao Yangtze in this village, which sits south to north, with an east-west width of 60 and a north-south length of ten, and was identified as a key cultural relics protection unit in Shaanxi Province in 2018.


In the long course of 5,000 years of history, many patriots have emerged, and patriotism has great spiritual strength in the history of the Chinese nation. It is precisely because of the unity of the Chinese that foreign powers have been defeated again and again, and wars of aggression have been defeated again and again.

The 17-year-old young soldier of the Red Army remained in southern Shaanxi due to his wounds, and subsequently established a Soviet government and served as its chairman

Chinese people have never been conquered by the heroic sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, and in order to save the country and save the country, they will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and deal with the enemy. Zhao Changjiang, who is only 17 years old, is our hero, and we should inherit the revolutionary spirit.

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