
Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

author:Central Plains hot brother

Hello everyone, I am "Zhongyuan Spicy Brother", friends who like food, you can pay attention to us.

When each chef cooks, they have their own characteristics, different methods and different spices, and the taste of the food is naturally different. I also love to eat fish-flavored delicacies, such as shredded fish and fish-flavored tofu. In particular, the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot made by our chef is even more loved, with Taoyuan Jianmin watermelon sauce, the sauce is fragrant, and people want to eat more and more.

Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

After the fish and shrimp balls eggplant pot is full of aroma, people want to drool when they smell it, and I can eat an extra bowl of rice. Fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot this dish is not only delicious, but also has a high nutritional value, rich in vitamins and protein and other nutrients. Next, we will briefly tell you about the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition solution is super rice.

Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

Delicious fish and shrimp ball eggplant casserole

Ingredients: Eggplant, Taoyuan Jianmin watermelon sauce, prawns, green pepper, green pepper, ginger and garlic, pepper, starch, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, salt

Method: 1, we first process the ingredients, rinse the eggplant, remove the outer skin and other impurities, and then cut into pieces with a knife;

Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

2, next, rinse the shrimp clean, remove the shrimp head and shrimp shell and other impurities, peel into shrimp, add the appropriate amount of starch, cooking wine and salt, the shrimp marinate for a while;

3, then wash the onion, ginger and garlic separately, and then cut into green onion, ginger and garlic; after washing the green pepper, cut into green pepper strips;

Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

4: Heat the oil in a hot pan, put in the cut eggplant, fry for a while, fish it out, drain the oil and put it on the plate;

5, then put the marinated shrimp balls into the oil pot, wait until the shrimp is fried until it is bent and mature, fish it out, drain the oil;

Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

6, heat the pot again, add green onion, ginger, garlic and green pepper to fry the aroma, add the appropriate amount of Taoyuan Jianmin watermelon sauce, pepper, starch, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and salt, pour in a little water;

7, after cooking for a while, put in the fried shrimp balls and eggplant, cook on medium-low heat until mature and flavorful, add a little starch to the soup;

Never get tired of eating! Teach you the fish and shrimp ball eggplant pot with good color and flavor, and the nutrition is super delicious

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