
Home-cooked recipe: Xiang - flavored South American snails

author:Texas News Network

raw material:

Ingredients: 1000 g of fresh South American snails.

Ingredients: 20 grams of garlic sprouts, 20 grams of kimchi, 20 grams of green and sharp red peppers, 20 grams of wild mountain peppers.

Seasoning: vegetable oil 50 g, refined salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate 6 g, cooking wine 15 g, oyster sauce 6 g, steamed fish soy sauce 4 g, whole dried pepper 10 g, triscenter 3 g, cumin powder 6 g, pepper powder 2 g, ginger 5 g, garlic seed 5 g, chives 3 g, perilla leaves 5 g, tender meat powder 3 g, food powder 2 g, sesame oil 3 g, wet starch 5 g.

Preparation Method:

1, wash the South American snail to take the meat, add cooking wine and white vinegar repeatedly scrub until there is no mud smell, slice into thin slices, add tender meat powder, food powder, fine salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine marinate for 1 hour and set aside.

2: Cut the garlic seedlings, kimchi and wild pepper into rice, cut the green and red peppers into circles, chop the ginger and garlic seeds, cut the dried pepper into sections, cut the chives into flowers, and chop the perilla leaves.

3: Put the net pot on the high heat, put in the vegetable oil, add the ginger, minced garlic, dried pepper segments and the above ingredients, sauté until fragrant, then add the marinated South American snails, add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce, steamed fish sauce, thirteen spices, cumin powder and perilla leaves, cook into the cooking wine, stir-fry the raw, drizzle sesame oil, hook the mustard, put it into the hot iron plate, sprinkle the green onion.


The taste is fresh, slightly sour and spicy, and the flavor is outstanding.

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