
Public | Sui Jiaqi passionately explained the Yuan Dynasty Jun kiln

Public | Sui Jiaqi passionately explained the Yuan Dynasty Jun kiln

Walking into the "Charm of Fusion" exhibition hall of the Inner Mongolia Museum, a sharp-tongued little docent is enthusiastically explaining the origin of the "Xiao Song self-made" incense burner in the Jun kiln for the audience who came to visit. "This 'Xiao Song self-made' incense burner in front of you is a Jun kiln porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, you may be curious about what 'Xiao Song self-made' is, in fact, it is the name of this Jun porcelain, derived from the inscription on the front of the utensil, 'Xiao Song' may be the name of the craftsman, 'self-made' is the meaning of self-made." This 'Little Song Self-Made' incense burner is one of the largest, most complete and most exquisitely crafted jun kiln incense burners ever found in China. ”

Clear thinking and smooth expression made the visitors present throw admiring eyes. The little docent who was explaining was named Sui Jiaqi, and he was a fifth-grade student of Suhu Street Experimental Primary School in Hohhot. In 2009, Sui Jiaqi, who was only 9 years old at the time, not only fell in love with the cultural relics when he visited the Inner Mongolia Museum, but also liked the stories behind the cultural relics. In July 2021, after passing the training of the Inner Mongolia Museum "I am a little explainer training class", he began his career of cultural relics explanation, and in more than half a year, Sui Jiaqi has lectured on nearly 100 various cultural relics, and has become famous in the "small docent circle".

Speaking of the "Little Song Self-Made" incense burner, Sui Jiaqi is really dancing with flying eyebrows, and his mouth is like a river. Under the dim light of the exhibition hall, the kiln transformation effect of this "treasure" cleverly transforms, which looks like jade and not jade, which is very exquisite. Sui Jiaqi's small eyes stared at this cultural relic while explaining, as if the rings of history were recorded in his eyes.

Speaking of this cultural relic, Sui Jiaqi solemnly introduced that the Jun kiln is one of the five famous kilns in China, and enjoyed the reputation of "gold is priceless" in the Song Dynasty. However, because of the high firing conditions of Jun porcelain in the Song Dynasty, there are more restrictions in the forming and firing process, so the height of Song Dynasty Jun porcelain is not more than one foot (33.3 cm), and the folk also often use "Jun bu Ying ruler" to reflect the preciousness of Song Dynasty Jun porcelain. Different from the Song Dynasty Jun porcelain, this Yuan Dynasty incense burner completely broke the frame of the height of "one foot", with a caliber of 25.5 cm and a height of 42.7 cm, which is the most discovered Jun kiln porcelain, influenced by the nomadic culture of the grassland, and its round and huge shape has become the representative of the Jun kiln porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty.

Just when everyone carefully examined this cultural relic, Sui Jiaqi told the cultural relics in more detail from the aspects of appearance, color, and characteristics, "This incense burner has two vertical ears, a round drum belly, three animal feet, and three claw marks are carved at the tip of the foot, and there is a rectangular straight ear on each side of the mouth, and the mouth edge to the shoulder are decorated with animal-shaped ears on both sides." There are 3 unicorns carved on the neck, pasted on both sides of the front and back, one on the back 'walking' in the middle of the back neck of the porcelain, the two on the front are symmetrically distributed, and there is a rectangular inscription in the middle of the two, engraved with a 15-character inscription of "A Self-made Incense Burner of the Little Song Dynasty on September 15 of the Year of His Unitary Unitary Year". The abdomen is decorated with four animal faces, the first ring pattern and the animal face pattern, due to the thick glaze hanging through, the local outline is slightly blurred, and the virtual reality is reflected. The most amazing thing is that the incense burner applies azure glaze throughout the body, the tire texture is earthy yellow, because the glaze is very thick, so that the glaze color flows from the top left and the right down to the instrument table during firing, forming a strong contrast between the azure glaze and the earth yellow exposed tire, with the metallic texture of the bronze. ”

When the visitors listened with relish, someone suddenly asked: "How was this 'Little Song self-made' incense burner discovered?" "Sui Jiaqi's mouth rose slightly, showing great confidence, confident to solve the mystery for the visitors," In December 1970, when students from the History Department of Inner Mongolia University were participating in production labor 500 meters southeast of the White Pagoda in the eastern suburbs of Hohhot, they inadvertently discovered the cellar cultural relics, and surprisingly, there were 6 pieces of porcelain hidden in the two large urns, and this Jun kiln 'Xiao Song self-made' incense burner was one of them. According to research, this batch of porcelain belongs to the Yuan Dynasty cellar, and they represent the highest level of porcelain manufacturing in the Yuan Dynasty. ”

Sui Jiaqi's language is concise, and a wonderful explanation makes people feel free. The work of the docent allowed Sui Jiaqi to gain knowledge that he could not learn in school, and in the process of explaining, he discovered the cultural charm of Chinese history. In his daily life, watching historical documentaries, reading historical stories, and collecting cultural relics have become an important part of his learning. Recalling that when he just participated in the work of the little docent, Sui Jiaqi encountered a very challenging little story, which made him remember it vividly.

A tourist from Germany, need Sui Jiaqi to explain, in the face of the difficulty of language barrier, Sui Jiaqi did not flinch, bravely took over the task of explaining, "I used the English I learned plus the English annotations on the display case, through my own understanding, expressed in English, and finally successfully completed this difficult task, the foreign friend gave me a thumbs up." Sui Jiaqi said that at that time, he could not show unconfidence in the face of foreign friends, and after this incident, he felt that he had grown up.

"The museum is my second class, and in this class I learn a lot of things that I can't learn in school. What excites me even more is that by explaining what I have learned to more people, whenever people throw praise at me, the sense of satisfaction and acquisition is indescribable. Speaking of this, Sui Jiaqi paused slightly, and his face was full of shame: "There are also times when tourists are asked to stay in the explanation, and it is also very difficult at that time." But I am not discouraged or flinching, and afterwards I will humbly ask the big brother and big sister of the museum for advice until I learn to understand the heart to calm down. ”

Sui Jiaqi learned in the second classroom and grew in the second classroom!

(Photo courtesy of Inner Mongolia Museum)

Editor-in-charge: Wu Min

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