
Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

author:Kitchen seat

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

Speaking of ingredients suitable for winter consumption, potatoes, radishes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other root foods grown in the soil are absolutely essential, just into the winter, many people will start to buy these rhizome foods everywhere, they are not only highly nutritious, but also easy to store, as long as they are placed in a cold place, they will not deteriorate at all, you can eat a whole winter, whether it is used as a staple food or side dish is very suitable, especially friends in the north are more inseparable from these delicacies, today teach everyone to use pumpkin to make a relatively petty delicacy, The method is simple, nutritious and delicious, adults and children like it, let's take a look at it!

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and pectin, pectin is a good thing, it can adsorb bacterial toxins in the body, etc., so as to give the body a big sweep, so everyone often says that pumpkin has a detoxification effect, eat more is very good. In addition, pumpkin sweet and soft glutinous, both to promote digestion but also to protect the gastric mucosa, especially the contemporary young people suffer from stomach diseases, we can eat pumpkin to improve stomach diseases, baili harmless, young and old.

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

There are countless delicacies about pumpkin production, such as pumpkin porridge, pumpkin cake, pumpkin cake, pumpkin pudding, etc. that we often eat, the pumpkin itself is sweet, only a little ingredients need to be added to make a fragrant small dessert when cooking, and my favorite is the pumpkin soup, because it tastes good, easy to operate, high value, zero failure, but also especially suitable for office workers and mothers to drink, and the pumpkin soup is more classic delicious, delicious and not fat, the taste is also very smooth, drink warm and warm stomach, Come to a bowl of pumpkin soup, today is also a full day of vitality ah~

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

【Cuisine】: Pumpkin soup

【Cooking ingredients】: 200 grams of pumpkin, 50 grams of pure milk, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, 2 grams of starch, a little water.

【Cooking steps】:

1, when buying pumpkins to remember two points, one is to look at the color, the color is dark yellow and the texture is relatively clear pumpkin super sweet. The second is to look at the melon sac, the mature pumpkin sac is hard, the melon seeds are full, and the pumpkin that meets the above two points is the pumpkin that has matured and has a sweet taste.

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

2: Deduct all the pumpkin seeds, cut the pumpkin skin along the pumpkin wall, cut the pumpkin meat into thin skins, put it in the steamer for 20 minutes and then take it out.

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

3, pour the steamed pumpkin into the juicer, continue to add 50g of pure milk, tighten the lid of the cup and press the start button, beat the pumpkin and milk into a delicate pumpkin milk paste.

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

4: Take a container and mix half a bowl of water starch for later.

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

5, pour the beaten pumpkin milk paste into the milk pot, the non-stick pan can also be, and then put in the appropriate amount of rock sugar, while heating while stirring until the rock sugar melts. (The whole process should be kept on fire, otherwise it will be mushy!) )

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

6, pour in the water starch, continue to stir, cook until the pumpkin milk paste is completely viscous, so that a pumpkin soup with delicious coexistence is complete, is not super simple. After turning off the heat out of the pot, you can put a few goji berries on the pumpkin soup, it looks more pleasant, and it also increases the sweetness of the goji berries, like friends do not miss, especially the little fairies who love beauty, the more you drink the more beautiful, the beauty effect is great!

Sweet and rich pumpkin soup, just right as afternoon tea, smooth and delicate, super delicious

【Cooking Tips】:

1. Choose sweet pumpkin, steam it in advance, and then beat it with milk to make a paste.

2, like me to pay attention to me!

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