
From the source of spices, those who are proud of the world, this is the foundation of civilization

Our long history of the application of spices, as the only remaining fruit of the four ancient civilizations, can basically be said to be the existence of the world, as early as the Shang Zhou Period in 1600 BC, we have already had records of aromatic plants. We spent the same amount of time using aromatic plants for food, and in the shang and zhou dynasties, we used cinnamon and ginger to keep meat for a longer period of time, and the ancient Roman Empire used salt and ice to prolong the preservation of meat.

From the source of spices, those who are proud of the world, this is the foundation of civilization

Our current spices, they were all in the beginning to better preserve the ingredients, and in the Shang Zhou Period, our application of ginger cinnamon belongs to this category, so it is not an exaggeration to say that from the beginning of them we have already had a history of spice applications. We now have a more widely accepted definition of spices, which was proposed by the Arabs, then spread to the European continent, and then to the world. On the other hand, we in China, in fact, we propose a time close to the meaning of modern spices, and the Arabs are almost the same, in the Southern and Northern Dynasties period Tao Hongjing master used a sentence "boiled meat is a little is odorless" to describe fennel, this is not the basis of modern spices to go to the exotic incense?

From the source of spices, those who are proud of the world, this is the foundation of civilization

Also in the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, we and the emergence of spice compound application 'five-spice powder', although our five-spice powder is recorded later than ancient India, but five-spice powder has established preparation rules, but also integrated into our traditional five-element theory, and ancient India has no fixed collocation of Marsala is an essential difference, in Xiaoming's view, five-spice powder is closer to our modern spice compound application definition of existence, so if the composite application of spices, we are also proud of the existence.

From the source of spices, those who are proud of the world, this is the foundation of civilization

Our revolutionary forerunner, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, once said it particularly well, "The art of cooking is born of civilization, and if it is not deeply conceived in a civilized race, it is not exquisite, if it is not exquisite, the art of cooking is not good, and the subtlety of Chinese cooking is enough to show the depth of evolution." "Spices are an important part of cooking, and we have a long history of application of it, which is enough to confirm the depth of the evolution of our civilization, and this depth is understandable to those who call themselves 'beacons of civilization'?

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