
"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

Foreword: If you want to list the major events of the League of Legends LPL transfer period, the departure of IG meritorious players Rookie and Theshy in 2018 will definitely be among the top. The former went to V5 alone to try to break new ground; the latter joined WBG, formerly known as SN, and built a new phase of "Galactic Battleship" with famous players such as sofm, angel, and huanfeng. On January 13, WBG met the new generation of WE Narrow Road, and Theshy entered the starting list before the game, which was WBG's battle of Liwei and Theshy's self-proof battle.

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

The ultimate double C is difficult to defeat the gods, and Theshy Gwen miraculously entered the field to win the first set

It's still the original recipe, it's still a familiar taste, and even the famous scene of "Theshy playing Biubiu" is the same. In the first BP, WE's main aircraft Jinxe's late team battle was supplemented by Luo's opening team; the WBG lineup was more late, Gwen, three hands, moon male 3 core who fat who can C. And Theshy's choice to have to bring ignition without sprinting, to be able to bring a deadly rhythm and never with a conqueror is as fierce as ever.

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

In the early stage, Sofm grabbed the main catch on the road and helped Gwen get a blood in 8 minutes, which also led to weAn Zhao Xin's success in the lower half of the area. In the middle of the time, Nakano Tenchi's WE once had an advantage, and in 33 minutes to win the Wind Dragon Soul, the plane took off completely, and Jinx doubled the 700 bounty. The turning point occurred in the 38th minute, WBG saw that the formation was not good enough to prepare for retreat, Sofm was in line with Theshy's thinking and reversed the group, Gwen entered the field and instantly melted the WE main force, and then the resurrected three-hand TP cooperated with Theshy to force a wave of bulldozing WE.

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

One willing to fight and one willing to be beaten, WBG three-way advantage lightly won the S12 first win

After learning from the experience of the first BP power period is too late, the male gun of Theshy in the second round is more stable and developed in the early stage, and Angle's stay-up wave is a heavyweight hero of the rhythm; WE has also made progress, establishing the idea of "double C" and giving Biubiu a Serene anti-pressure group, but giving the next road to choose the ember + piano girl (the piano girl is very late in the power period, the line pulls the crotch) Of the unpopular pick.

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

Entering the game, the WBG state is obviously improving, Angle stayed up late Bobby quickly single-handedly killed Shanks after choosing the radiation side, 8 minutes down the route to kill the WE duo, on the road Theshy and Biubiu perennial honeymoon no one disturbed, WBG momentum is very good. In the 22nd minute, WBG was forced to join the group, Theshy cooperated with the late-night Bobby to win a double kill with the ultimate explosive bomb, and then WE was no longer able to resist the advance, and WBG completed a wave in 23 minutes.

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

Theshy's "Highland Shopping Map" was on fire, but the post-match scene made IG fans break through

It is worth mentioning that Theshy's comedian character still exists. In the 20 minutes of the second set, WBG released the Canyon Pioneer Convergence Theshy on the road to advance, a wave of you chased after me after Theshy miraculously appeared in the WE Highlands, but the teammates were thousands of miles away, a wave of "Highland Shopping" was widely circulated after the game, and it was recommended to include Theshy famous scenes.

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

Compared with the discomfort of Ah Bin and RNG in the face of the run-in problem, it is difficult not to give applause for Theshy and WBG. But in the post-match interview stage, Theshy's hesitation when introducing himself as usual broke through the defenses of IG fans, which may be "want to say IG, but blurted out WBG", which also corresponds to the sentence "Incheon is very small, so small that it is not clear on the map; Incheon is so big that Theshy himself can't get out".

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

Summary of personal analysis

Whether from the perspective of WBG fans or Theshy fans, WBG's 2-0 in the first game of the spring tournament is in line with our expectations, even if the first game is not so smooth, even if WBG will never usher in the ultimate complete body of Sofm + Theshy + Snake. And as in the preface "This is Theshy's self-proof battle", even if there is more rhythm and more doubts in the offseason, even if he will face the decline of physical function as he grows older, Theshy's competitive spirit of climbing to the best state seems to have never changed, and he is still the spirited dragon slayer teenager before. Finally, do you think Theshy's performance has improved compared to the S11? Does he fit the WBG style of play?

"Theshy Highland Shopping Map" is on fire! WBG dry crush WE, post-game interview let IG old fans break the defense

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