
There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

author:Liang Shanqi talked
As a former friend, I can only send him one last word: good luck to him!

alas! The neighbor couple quarreled again, and the movement was not small! It seems to be a fight! I'm going to be a peacemaker again.

The quarrel can be said to have become a part of the couple's daily life. Sometimes when I get excited, I will also use my hands and feet. The root cause of the quarrel is gambling. To tell you the truth, I can't understand how they can continue to live on such a day!

There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

The neighbor couple, the man's name is Ye Qiang, the woman's name is Gao Xiaoli, both in their 40s. Ye Qiang and I have been playing since we were young, so the relationship with their family is not bad.

They had two children, a man and a woman. It is reasonable to say that the children are complete, if it is not because Ye Qiang has been addicted to gambling and irresponsible, it should be a very happy family.

It is because Ye Qiang is addicted to gambling, does not do the right thing, and does not assume the responsibility that he should do as a husband. It leads to the escalation of marital conflicts, often filling the home with smoke.

The two of them always quarreled and fought, which also gave me a headache as a friend and neighbor. Hear, know, if you don't just look at it, persuade it, it doesn't seem good. I now regret being neighbors with them more and more!

There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

In my impression, Ye Qiang has always liked to gamble before he got married. Seeing others start the game, they can't help but come over and get over it.

Especially in the days around the Spring Festival every year, I will get together with a group of fox friends to play cards, day and night. But at that time, it was all a small gamble, and basically there would be a measure.

After a few years of marriage, I don't know when it began, Ye Qiang's boy is gambling more and more fiercely, and it can even be said that he gambled to lose his mind and gamble until it was dark! You can really see the nature of the gambler in him!

About 10 years ago, there was a few days before the Spring Festival. He went to the casino in the next village to gamble for 3 days and 3 nights, and lost all the tens of thousands of yuan he had saved from his part-time job. People often say that nine out of ten bets make sense.

But Ye Qiang, who had already lost the red eye, was not convinced. In order to turn over the book, he borrowed 20,000 yuan from people to continue gambling. However, good luck did not patronize him, and the twenty thousand yuan he borrowed was soon lost.

There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

Already penniless and in debt, he returned home and slept with his head covered. After staying up in the casino for 3 days and 3 nights, he was really tired. Sometimes you have to admire the gambler's psychological quality, he has lost a good quality, he can still sleep peacefully!

I didn't see anyone for a few days, and as soon as I came back, I hid in my room and slept. His wife knew that it was not a good thing, so she immediately took Ye Qiang's clothes and rummaged up and down to see how much he had lost in the past few days. The result is that except for an empty wallet, not even a single coin was found!

This can make his wife angry, splitting his head and covering his face and scolding Ye Qiang. But Ye Qiang just didn't react, covered his head with a quilt, and scolded you no matter how you wanted. Fortunately, his wife did not know that he not only lost a year's savings, but also owed a bunch of debts, otherwise it was possible to divorce immediately!

There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

Remembering all these years, Ye Qiang has disappointed himself again and again, and his wife is more and more angry the more she scolds, the more angry she is. In the last breath, he packed up his clothes and returned to his mother's house. Leaving the two children and Ye Qiang at home spent a cold and tasteless Spring Festival.

On the second day of the New Year after the Spring Festival, Ye Qiang thought that his wife's anger should have passed. So he took his two children to his father-in-law's house and asked his wife for forgiveness, saying that he would definitely change his past mistakes in the future and no longer disappoint her. Ye Qianghao said that the two children also helped to intercede, and finally persuaded his wife to come back.

In fact, the family conditions of Gao Xiaoli's family are very good. Both brothers are civil servants and are in good financial condition. Just because this brother-in-law is a good gambler and makes a mess of the family, for the sake of his sister, he has helped them financially in the past few years.

The house that Ye Qiang now lives in was also bought by his brother-in-law with a down payment 3 years ago. Because of the child's study, his brother-in-law was distressed by his two nephews, so he borrowed a down payment to buy this house.

Since I was a friend with whom I grew up playing together, I asked him to buy a house opposite my house, thinking that there would be a care between friends in the future. So we became neighbors again. I now regret that I had thought about it for a week.

Of course, over the years, Ye Qiang has not always lost money, and there are occasional times when he wins. After winning the money, he immediately looked different in momentum, looking like an explosive household. From time to time, I call on friends to go out to eat and drink.

There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

But for gamblers, losing money is basically inevitable, and winning money is accidental. Otherwise the casino would have closed long ago. It's just that every gambler has a dream of getting rich in his heart, just like a demon in his heart, and he can't stop wanting it!

I didn't believe that gambling was addictive before. It wasn't until Ye Qiang became my neighbor again in the past few years that I realized that gambling is really similar to drug use. It will make people lose their minds, and it will make people not recognize them!

According to Ye Qiang's wife, as long as Ye Qiang has a few thousand yuan on his body, he can not go home for several days and nights! How twisted the gambler's mentality is, which shows that it can really be said to be perverted!

Over the years, Ye Qiang didn't know how many times he had made a promise to his wife to quit gambling, and it was estimated that he himself was numb. According to his wife's words: Ye Qiang's promise is like a fart! If it weren't for the sake of two children, they would have been divorced a long time ago!.

Just because Ye Qiang was addicted to gambling, the husband and wife always quarreled and the relationship was tense. Such a family atmosphere also has a great impact on the learning and personality of their two children. The two children gradually grew up and were very indifferent to him!

There is no peace in the family, it is all a disaster caused by gambling

I also had a formal conversation with Ye Qiang about gambling. After all, it is a friend, I can't see him like this all the time, I really want him to live a good life.

He told me that in fact, he himself knew very well that he could not make a fortune by gambling, and it was harmful and useless, but he couldn't help it, it was really like taking drugs, and he knew that it was harmful and he had to smoke!

After a touching and reasonable conversation, Ye Qiang said that he understood that my friend's kindness was all for the good of his family. And promised not to go in the future.

Seeing how firmly he said at the time, I really believed him at the time, thinking that I had not wasted my tongue. But before long, he sneaked off to the casino again! I can only sigh that dogs can't change eating shit!

As his wife scolded him: his promises were like farts, and that's right! It seems that he is really hopeless!

I don't want to pay attention to him again! As a former friend, I can only send him one last word: good luck to him!

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