
Night Reading: Only Love Can Overcome The Fear in The Depths of The Heart - "Can't Be Separated"

Night Reading: Only Love Can Overcome The Fear in The Depths of The Heart - "Can't Be Separated"

Author: Robin Benway

Publisher: Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House

Producer: Phoenix Linkage

Original name: Far From The Tree

Translator: Chen Yating

Publication year: 2019-3

Can't Be Separated, Far from the Tree.

From the perspective of the story itself, this is a book with no surprises.

Author Robin Benway specializes in writing juvenile fiction and has won many awards.

So the moment I opened the book, I didn't expect too much.

The family novels that young readers turn to are like a deep and visible pool of water, clean and clear, no dirt and dirt, no gullies and undercurrents.

Even throwing small pebbles and making ripples on the surface of the water are a ring with a predictable trajectory.

The story is simple, telling the story of three teenagers of the same mother, who grew up separated from their mothers and grew up in different backgrounds. Eventually, karma meets, finds each other, and solves the mystery of why their mother abandoned them.

The three protagonists are designed to be somewhat deliberate, almost encompassing the character settings of the standards of youth literature.

Big Brother Joaquin: Racial discrimination + violent tendencies + foster care system

Second sister Grace: Teenage pregnancy + adoption system + school bullying

Third sister Maya: lesbian + family identity + marriage crisis

So, this is a book that you can guess the end by reading the introduction.

However, this is a book that must be pursued to the end once opened.

Even the most clichéd story, the author still calmly tells the story, the appropriate dialogue, the plot extension that is not impatient, and the summary golden sentences that jump out from time to time.

I guess the translator should also be a very gentle person, the pen is full of emotion, the translated words are smooth and natural, and it is like a spring breeze to read.

The eldest brother, Joaquin, because he is a boy and a mixed-race child, has never been adopted, and has been in various foster families since he was a child.

I have also met a kind family, but because of the paranoia and violent tendencies of my personal character, I missed the opportunity to change my destiny.

So he can't trust others, and then he doubts himself and denies everything.

His apparent indifference and ignorance are to protect himself and to protect those around him.

The adoptive parents of the second sister Grace love her like life, but she gave birth to a "little peach" because of the encounter with a scumbag, and the first taste of the forbidden fruit.

She chose to send her child to the right family, but she was constantly worried about whether she would make the wrong choice.

When she learned of the tragic experience of her eldest brother Joaquin, the fear in her heart made her suffer even more.

The third sister, Maya, was fortunate to grow up in a complete and wealthy middle-class family.

However, due to the obvious difference in appearance and personality, she always felt that she was an out-of-place outsider.

Even if her family carefully cares for her fragile and sensitive heart, Maya is still like a little hedgehog, erecting spikes to the outside all the time.

These three half-siblings actually had a messy life.

Joaquin categorically rejects the maclindas' love and resolutely breaks up with his girlfriend because he is afraid of being hurt and is more worried that he will hurt others. He intuitively felt that he was not worthy of the beauty of the world.

After Grace gave birth, she returned to the campus full of gossip. She learns to use her fists to deal with school bullying, but she doesn't dare to talk to anyone about her children. The more frenzied she appeared, the more panicked she became.

Maya, on the other hand, is confronted with the discord of her adoptive parents, and her adoptive mother is an alcoholic, and all she thinks about is whether she will be sent back. She stood by like a stranger and kept making a fool of herself, testing the feelings of those around her. Eventually, she was estranged from her father, quarreled with her sister, broke up with her girlfriend, and made a lot of anger.

It is not until the three of them, with their own troubles and confusions, meet again in the sea of people, and finally embark on the road to find their biological mother, that self-healing really begins.

Far from the Tree

If the tree here refers to their mother.

From the very beginning of the separation of mother and child in the flesh, the deepest fear was rooted in the deepest part of the three people's hearts.

They are abandoned, unloved, and can be ignored.

But the real fear is the emotional isolation from the inner self.

Fear takes root and spreads infinitely, distorting their perspective on the world and the way they approach life.

Joaquin is self-enclosed and doesn't know how to trust. Grace was too well protected and brave enough to face the crisis and fear. Maya refuses to express her true self, doubts her surroundings, and is inferior and weak.

Fortunately, when they found their mother, the towering tree of their origin, it was once so gentle and powerful that they once cherished the three of them as treasures in life. It's just a pity that fate is not for her, so that she left the world early.

At that moment, the three brothers and sisters finally struggled to climb out of the quagmire, and the heavens and the earth were wide from then on.

When they begin to face up to negative emotions and emotions, they gradually realize that the fear in their hearts is also the awakening moment of each other's lives.

Buried under fear, it is the mother's love that is too late to say, the deepest and most selfless love.

Because, they were born with love and blessings.

They left, they came back.

The love of the mother, the love of the family, the love of the brothers and sisters, with countless ties to tightly wrap them, give them the strength to grow upwards, until they grow into towering trees that stand on the top of the sky.

Only love can overcome the fear in the heart.

The more focused fear is, the stronger love becomes.

In the face of life frankly and openly, without fear of the unpredictable future, life will be filled with shining hopes.

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