
He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

"Famous people in the world, more than half of the Central Plains!" The chaotic and complicated Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty is an era of talents, in fact, in addition to the characters in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that we are more familiar with, there are many cattle people in the real history who have not appeared in the speech, and today we will introduce one. He was one of the four famous warriors of Yingchuan, who had successively restrained the five sons of liangjun, and eventually became the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei, he was Zhao Yu!

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

One of the four famous men of Yingchuan

Zhao Yu (171–245), courtesy name Boran, was a native of Yangzhai, Yingchuan (present-day Yuzhou, Henan). Zhao Yu was born during the Jianning period of the Eastern Han Ling Emperor. Since childhood, he has been familiar with the history of the Bible, and has developed a keen observation and analysis ability and a shrewd and trained personality. When he was a weak champion, he was known as a township, and together with Yang Zhai Xinbi, Xuchang Chen Qun, and Dingling Du raided, he was called the four famous men of Yingchuan.

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

After Dong Zhuo's disaster in the imperial court, Zhao Yu saw that the warlords of all walks of life were fighting endlessly, and for a while they could not find an object they could turn to, so they moved their families to Jingzhou to avoid the chaos of war. In 196 AD, after Cao Cao welcomed Emperor Wu of Han to Xuchang and accepted Zao's suggestion to implement the TunTian system, Zhao Yu said to Fan Qin: "Cao Zhen should be in the east of the world, and will be able to save Huaxia, and I know where I am going." So he went north with Du Xun, Fan Qin, and others.

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

The gold medal of the five sons of the general joined the army

After joining Cao Cao's camp, Zhao Yu successively served as the chief of Lang Ling and the chief bookkeeper of Sikong Tuan. Because Zhao Yu was familiar with the history of reading the scriptures since childhood, had a keen sense of observation and a shrewd and refined ability to reconcile, coupled with the Yingchuan family of scholars, Cao Cao could be said to have great trust and attention to Zhao Yu, although the five sons of Liang were famous, but Cao Cao did not trust them very much. During battles, they were often controlled by xiahou huan, Cao Ren and other clan generals, and in addition to the Marquis Cao of The Xiahou, Zhao Yu also often controlled the generals.

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

Before the Battle of Chibi, Zhang Liao, Le Jin, and Yu Ban were stationed at Changshe, Yang Zhai, and Yingyin, respectively, and they were not convinced by each other because of their outstanding merits, and they were reluctant to help each other many times. Cao Cao then appointed Zhao Yu to join the army and participate in the military of Zhang Liao, Le Jin, and Yu Ban. Zhao Yu used the methods of persuasion and guidance to eliminate and resolve contradictions and solve problems, and finally enabled the three generals to eliminate their accumulated grievances and ensure the unity of the army.

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

Because Of Zhao's rule of the army, he was often appointed as the Governor of the Imperial Guard, commanding and coordinating Cao Cao's senior generals to go out on expeditions. In 208 (the thirteenth year of Jian'an), Cao Cao conquered Jingzhou, sent Zhao Yu to serve as the Taishou of Zhangling, and promoted him to the post of Governor of the Capital, supervising the seven roads of Yu Ban, Zhang Liao, Zhang Gao, Zhu Ling, Li Dian, Lu Zhao, and Feng Kai. Later, he served as the chief bookkeeper of the chancellor and was transferred to Fufeng Taishou.

In 219 AD, Guan Yu's Northern Expedition to Xiangfan, Wei Zhen Huaxia, Cao Cao sent Zhao Yu to the south as a huilang to participate in Cao Ren's military campaign, and xu Huang led the army. After arriving at Fancheng, Guan Yu besieged Cao Ren more tightly, and the reinforcements from the North Road had not yet arrived. The men and horses led by Xu Huang were not enough to relieve the siege of Fancheng, and the generals urged Xu Huang to quickly send troops to the rescue. Zhao Yu stepped forward in time to stop the urging of the generals, and promised that he would be responsible for the problem, and waited for the large army to assemble before sending troops to break through Guan Yu's encirclement.

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

Zhao Yu can be said to be the only civilian official in the Cao Wei camp who has cooperated with the five sons of Liang, and he has always been able to successfully reconcile and restrain the fierce generals, which shows his ability to understand, analyze, and reconcile. After that, Zhao Yu still went out with the army, in 222 AD Cao Xiu resisted the eastern Wu attack, Zhao Yuren joined the army; in 225 AD Cao Pi cut down Wu, Zhao Yuren joined the army; Cao Fang, the king of Qi, took the throne, authorizing Zhao Yu to supervise the military operations of Yongzhou and Liangzhou, and the governor commanded the Yong and Liang armies.

Elder of the Four Dynasties of Cao Wei

In 220 (the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an), after Cao Cao's death, after Cao Pi succeeded to the throne, Zhao Yu was in charge. Soon after, Cao Pi appointed him as the Commander of the Horse Guards, concurrently serving as the Taishou of Hedong and the General of Theonong Zhonglang. In 226 (the seventh year of the Huang Dynasty), after Cao Pi's death, Cao Rui took the throne, and The Jin Dynasty made Zhao Yu the Marquis of Duxiang , with 600 households , and authorized him to supervise various military operations in Jingzhou.

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

In 239 CE, Cao Rui died, and Cao Fang, the King of Qi, took the throne, authorizing Zhao Yu to supervise the military operations in Yongzhou and Liangzhou, and after the holiday, he was transferred to the general of Zhengshu and the general of Zhengxi, and the governor of Yong and Liang. In 243 (the fourth year of the first year), Zhao Yu requested to return to The Beijing Division due to old age and illness. He was conscripted into the rank of General of the Hussars and promoted to Sikong (one of the Three Dukes). In 245 (the sixth year of the first year), Zhao Yu died at the age of seventy-five, and his title was Muhou

He did not appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, once restrained the five sons of liangjun, and was the elder of the four dynasties of Cao Wei

Since Zhao Yu joined Cao Cao's camp in 196 AD, the four dynasties of Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Rui, and Cao Fang have been diligent and earnest, and in the past 50 years, they have made great contributions to Cao Wei, as the elders of the four dynasties, they can be called the founders of Wei!

References: Notes on Pei Songzhi in romance of the Three Kingdoms, And Lu Simian in History of the Three Kingdoms

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