
Apple will push VR/AR headsets, and the accumulation of driver IC factories is expected to benefit

Apple will launch a VR/AR headset this year and will use the latest Mini/Micro LED display technology. However, with the international manufacturers Samsung, Apple, Dell and other successive layout of MiniLED and the launch of displays, laptops, TV and other products, MiniLED technology officially entered the first year of mass production applications has been quite certain, LED driver IC accumulation (3527) ahead of the deployment, has launched a variety of chip solutions, can be expected to rise in the first wave of demand, priority MiniLED business opportunities.

Tianfeng International Securities analyst Guo Mingxi's latest report pointed out that Apple will launch AR/MR headset this year, the outside world generally believes that Apple will use the latest Mini/Micro LED display technology, plus Samsung, Dell also launched MiniLED backlit displays, showing that MiniLED in technical yield and production costs have made great progress, making the international manufacturers have changed from the past wait-and-see attitude to pragmatic application.

Apple will push VR/AR headsets, and the accumulation of driver IC factories is expected to benefit

Image source: Paixin's genuine gallery

TrendForce Jibang Consulting in 2022 industry trend forecast point out that 2022 will be MiniLED and Micro LED in the new display gradually commoditization of the year, the international brand manufacturers will give priority to seize the Mini/Micro LED supply chain technology and supply of the dominance, while in the price can have a high degree of price making power.

In addition to the upstream chip rich, equipment factory Wheat, PCB factory Zhending, Tai county, beat factory Table Table Section, MiniLED driver IC is an indispensable and important key component, and Taiwan factory accumulation of the earliest into the development of Mini/Micro LED technology, and last year launched a series of full matrix area dimming Mini LED backlight chip, and successively introduced the variable refresh rate function, whether for static or scanning type Of MiniLED backlight display , which can effectively handle the problem of vertical sync signal mismatch screen source frame rate.

With the 5G high transmission capacity will drive the demand for 4K8K high-resolution display, MiniLED high brightness, high resolution, high contrast and other characteristics and traditional display has a difference advantage, coupled with the previous Japanese, Korean brand manufacturers launched high-end MiniLED backlit TVs, displays, etc. gradually opened the market, this year Apple once launched mini/Micro LED VR/AR headset, undoubtedly a new wave of impetus, in the Chinese mainland brand follow-up, The sweet spot of accumulating business opportunities in 2022 will officially arrive. (Source: Financial News Express)

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