
The simplest surname in China, a total of three strokes, but most people open their mouths and read it wrong, don't believe you try!

The simplest surname in China, a total of three strokes, but most people open their mouths and read it wrong, don't believe you try!

China as one of the world's four major civilizations, and China's surname culture is also a long history, as early as the ancient period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors already has a surname, as early as the Yellow Emperor there are historical records: "The Yellow Emperor to Ji Shuicheng, Yan Emperor to Jiang Shuicheng, so the Yellow Emperor for Ji, YanDi for Jiang" so people at that time were based on Ji, Jiang as surnames.

The simplest surname in China, a total of three strokes, but most people open their mouths and read it wrong, don't believe you try!

Until now, the four major surnames in China are Zhang Wang Zhao Li, these four surnames are the most populous surnames in China, from ancient times to the present, some small surnames have long ceased to exist, and posterity has not been passed down to today. There are also some compound surnames that are simplified to single surnames.

The simplest surname in China, a total of three strokes, but most people open their mouths and read it wrong, don't believe you try!

However, the surname Jiang also evolved another surname, but it is a very rare surname in China, Ming Ming strokes have only three strokes in total, which can be called the easiest surname to write in China, but few people can pronounce it correctly, and few people have seen and heard of it.

The simplest surname in China, a total of three strokes, but most people open their mouths and read it wrong, don't believe you try!

The simplest surname is 彡, which I'm sure most people don't recognize. 彡 is a very uncommon surname, but it is very simple, that is, this surname has only three strokes, when Yan is used as a surname, this word is read as "xian" or "shǎn", and this word can usually be read as shān, is it feeling like increasing knowledge, what do you think about it?

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