
The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The author | cold research author team - Wending

Word count: 6952, Reading time: about 13 minutes

Editor's note: In the famous Three Great Expeditions of the Wanli Calendar, the Battle of Ningxia, which quelled the Mongol rebellion, was often less closely regarded than the Battle of Korea against the Japanese invasion, and the Battle of Bozhou, which pacified the rebellion of Yang Yinglong, the commander of the Miao Territory. Temporally, the rebellion broke out in February of the twentieth year of the Wanli Calendar (1592) and was put down in September. About eight months before and after. Geographically, its scope is basically limited to ningxia town and its vicinity. Therefore, several important historical books on the history of the Ming Dynasty, such as the "History of Ming" and the "Ming Tongjian", have not been treated as major historical events, and the records are not very detailed. However, if we read extensively the historical records about this event, we can see that this event not only reflects the major problems in the military and political system of the late Ming Dynasty, but also has a profound impact on the political situation in the late Ming Dynasty.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

During the Jiajing period, "after living in Mushan, he repeatedly stole the heads of border people and animals to gain profits, because he threw himself into the Huangtai Jibu". His human nature is cunning and fierce, and Huang Taiji is quite jealous. Later, because he "offended his ministers, his father and brother were killed", and because he was "spared from the water and grass", the desperate Duobai finally had to surrender to the Ming Dynasty. Wang Chonggu, who was then the governor of Ningxia, accepted him and adopted the method of using yi to control the yi, selecting indigenous soldiers and establishing a guard, led by Dabai, and calling him his family to fight against the Mongols. He was good at riding and shooting, and his bravery was extraordinary, and his guards dared to die bravely, so they made many military achievements and were often heavily rewarded. Inspector Wang Chonggu and Governor Shi Maohua successively asked Jia Dabai to pay tribute to the deputy commander-in-chief.

Since the surrender of the Ming Dynasty, It can be said that the wind and water are smooth, and he is honored by the deputy commander-in-chief of Ningxia. So why did he launch a "rebellion" to prevent the end of the day? This is due to a number of reasons. After the "Longqing Peace Conference", Ming and Mongolia took peace and mutual markets as the mainstream, and the northwest region also opened up horse markets. In this way, the conflict between the Ming and the Mongols was reduced, and the worship was useless. After the worship of Zhishi, his son Dui Cheng'en inherited his throne, and Dai Cheng'en was obedient by nature, and the history books recorded: "... Zi Cheng'en, dreaming of demons into wives, born of coercion, wolf-shaped owls, sexual cruelty. ”

The father and son of the Duo clan can be described as high and powerful in Ningxia. In the nineteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1591), Dang Xin was appointed as the inspector of Ningxia, and Dang Xin "doubted that the situation was difficult to control, and every matter was suppressed." In the autumn of that year, the right-wing Mongol tribes invaded Qinghai, and Zheng Luo dispatched Ningxia soldiers and horses to the west. Dobai took the initiative to ask Miao to go out on the expedition and got Zheng Luo's permission.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

However, when allocating soldiers and horses, Inspector Dang Xin deliberately "did not get along with his (worship) horse". This incident caused the dissatisfaction of Tabai. After that, Dang Xin asked Dai Bai to plant a western tree melon, the melon was ripe, and Dai Bai sent someone to send it to Dang Xin.

Dang Xin beat the melon giver to death on the grounds that the melon was thin. He then sent his righteous son Yixiang to send a gift of gold and silver to Dang Xin. Unexpectedly, Dang Xin was furious and threw Dou Yixiang into prison. After that, Dang Xin took the people's daughter as a concubine and whipped her. Dang Xin's difficulties caused great anger among the father and son of the Duo family. And the contradictions between them constitute the main reason for the "rebellion".

On the other hand, Dang Xin was extremely harsh on soldiers. He ordered the soldiers to pay the arrears of the silver, the silver and the dirty silver, and stipulated that those who did not pay well would be deducted from the monthly ration. At the same time, he did not issue winter cloth flowers and grass to soldiers for a long time. These acts caused serious dissatisfaction among the soldiers and became the fuse of the "rebellion". Liu Dongyang, a soldier, was extremely indignant at Dang Xin's approach. He had considerable prestige in the army and had a certain degree of leadership ability, so he secretly gathered with more than eighty people, including Dai Cheng'en, to prepare for the incident. In this way, the occurrence of The Worship Rebellion (which the Ming Dynasty called rebellion) was inevitable.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The contradiction between Dang Xin and the father and son of the Dou clan and the officers and soldiers was the direct cause of the "rebellion." Behind this, however, there are more profound social reasons. The first is the increasing power of the border generals. Since the founding of taizu, the Ming Dynasty has always faced the threat of the Mongol tribes in the north, and in order to better maintain the stability and development of the frontier areas, the Ming Dynasty has taken measures to increase the power of border generals. Only by giving the generals sufficient leadership power can we effectively dispatch the army, give full play to the military talents of the generals, and improve the level of defense. To a certain extent, this was conducive to the construction of border defense in the Ming Dynasty. On the other hand, however, the increasing power of border generals has increased internal worries, and military generals like Dai Bai who are leaning on one side are extremely common in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. The second is the formation and development of the family system. Jiading already existed in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and during the Jiajing period, the state began to support the private family of military officers, and the military jiading system was formed. Private families obeyed the orders of their generals, and they gradually became an important force in the fight against the "Northern Raiders" in the northern frontier areas. However, the emergence of the Jiading army also buried hidden dangers, such as in the "rebellion" of Dabai, the Jiading army constituted the backbone of the "rebel army", creating a lot of trouble for the Ming army. In addition, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the government was financially strapped, unable to cope with a large number of military salaries in the border areas, coupled with the fact that many officials embezzled grain and wages, resulting in a serious shortage of salaries for the army, and the poor treatment of soldiers in the border areas, and many dissatisfaction, so the phenomenon of mutinies occurred more frequently during this period, and mutinies were also another social reason for the occurrence of "rebellions" in The Worship.

Under the combined effect of the above many reasons, Dai Bai and others launched a "rebellion" in the 20th year of the Wanli Calendar (1592), and the first battle of the "Three Great Marches of the Wanli Calendar" was launched for the Ming government.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

In February of the twentieth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1592), soldiers gathered to ask for the money they owed, but the Ningxia authorities refused, and angry soldiers flocked to the streets, they "called along the streets, each one should wear armor and follow the crowd, and those who did not obey were killed." The situation has begun to move in a direction that is difficult to control. At this time, Zhang Weizhong, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia, did not know what to do, and still fantasized about using rhetoric to resolve the soldiers' grievances, so he missed the opportunity to eliminate the "rebellion". The soldiers took Zhang Weizhong under control, and they rushed to inspector Dang Xin's residence, counted Dang Xin's "crimes", and beheaded him, dismembered his body, and fed the dog meat. After killing Dang Xin, the troublemakers "began to collect the seals of each gate, closed the six doors, indulged in prison prisoners, burned cases, plundered public and private deposits, marketed currency, burned the houses of officials and people, and the fire was all over the sky."

The city of Ningxia was in chaos. Subsequently, Liu Dongyang was officially elected as the leader, and the "rebellion" has been formed since then. In addition to Liu Dongyang, Xu Chao, Tu Wenxiu, and Dai Cheng'en became other leaders and key figures in the "rebellion".

As for Tabai, he was initially wary of "rebellion." The history books record that "Dai Bai was threatened by his son, and he was still confused", but after seeing the huge momentum of the "rebel army", He Bai developed the psychology of going with the flow, so he gradually stepped into the forefront and became the most important planner among the "rebels".

The news of such a big change in Ningxia soon reached Wei Xuezeng, who was then the governor of the three sides. In view of the limited information known at that time, Wei Xue first sent a commissioner to Ningxia to understand the situation, and issued an order for the mutinous soldiers to stop moving, and after listening to them, they were punished in an attempt to stabilize the situation first, and at the same time, they dispatched troops to actively prepare for war.

However, Duo Bai and others did not heed Wei Xuezeng's orders, and on the one hand, they put forward conditions to Wei Xuezeng, demanding that the imperial court be exonerated and granted official positions, and on the other hand, they actively organized the army they controlled and prepared to march around Ningxia. Soon after the "rebels" took control of Ningxia, Dai Cheng'en and Tu Wenxiu each led an army and marched in the direction of Yuquan and Pingyu respectively. The "rebels" attacked very smoothly at the beginning, and the Ming army strongholds either had battalions of soldiers in civil strife in response to the "rebels", or they were overwhelmed and vulnerable. Soon after, the "rebels" successively captured the forty-seven forts from Hexi to Yuquan, and the important towns of Lingzhou and Huamachi in Hedong were in a hurry, and the whole of Shaanxi was shaken.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

In March of the twentieth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1592), the news of the "rebellion" in Ningxia reached Beijing, and the Ming court issued an order to Wei Xuezeng: "MingXue once rushed to the town of Ning, captured the culprit, pardoned the Remaining Party, listened to the cheap disposal, and ensured that the imperial court was en-wei, and there was no need to delay the military aircraft." ”

Wei Xuezeng was in Guyuan at the time, more than 700 miles away from Ningxia Town, and he did not know the specifics of the "rebellion" very well. The problem is very tricky because of the lack of money and food. In this case, Wei Xue had first made some meticulous preparations. He first urgently dispatched soldiers from all sides to help, and then borrowed tea horse officials and silver to supplement military salaries to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army. Secondly, he moved his books to the various border forts to stabilize the morale of the army and strengthen his defenses. At the same time, because the town of Ningxia was located on the border between Ming and Mongolia, Wei Xue was worried that the "rebels" would collude with the Mongols, that is, to send troops to strengthen the guarding of various passes on the border. After the arrangement was properly arranged, Wei Xuezeng divided his troops into three routes, one led by deputy commander-in-chief Li Xun to Lingzhou, and the other led by guerrilla Zhao Wu to Mingsha Prefecture, and at the same time arranged heavy troops along the river to prevent the "rebels" from crossing the river. And he personally led a troop stationed in huamachi, a military stronghold, as a countermeasure. The three places form a corner. Wei Xuezeng's deployment suppressed the trend of the "rebels" continuing to expand southeast, blocking the "rebels" in the Hexi region. The "rebels" tried to break through this line of defense, but failed.

After stabilizing the situation, Wei Xuezeng began to counterattack, he ordered the Ming army on the hedong front to march west from different strongholds, the Large-scale counterattack of the Ming Army made the "rebels" difficult to overwhelm, the Ming army won successive great victories, the forty-seven forts in Hexi that had previously been captured by the "rebels" were recovered, and the sphere of influence of the "rebels" returned to Ningxia Town and some surrounding areas. Under the dispatch of Wei Xuezeng, the Ming army's attack was very smooth, and the "rebellion" seemed to be just around the corner.

Just as the victory of the Ming army was in sight, the thing that Wei Xue had feared the most happened. Knowing that the strength of the "rebels" alone would be difficult to deal with the Ming army, he sent emissaries to the Mongol tribes in the Hetao area for help. Dai Bai Xu added a lot of money to the city and won the support of the Mongol Tubu and others. Zhuli Rabbit directly sent the army to participate in the "rebellion". Mongol intervention further complicated the Dabai "rebellion." Wei Xue had since confronted not only the "rebels", but also the Mongol tribes in the Hetao region.

After the arrival of the Mongol reinforcements, they prayed to the "Great Sokin Tokim to trick his desires" and made the captives very happy. Dobai tried to take advantage of the arrival of the Mongol army and counterattack the Ming army. He sent yizi Duyun and other Mongol troops led by Litu to attack Pingyu, and he himself led an army and Tu Wenxiu to attack the Yuquan side. In the Battle of Pingyu, the general Xiao Ruxuan fought and set up an ambush to shoot and kill Duyun to protect the city; on the Yuquan side, the guerrilla Zhao Wu insisted on defending the city, and the deputy general Li Xun then led reinforcements to arrive, and the "rebels" had to retreat. Both battles also shattered Dobai's plans to counterattack. After the "rebels" failed their counterattack, they retreated to ningxia town. The Ming army took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the two sides fought hard, and there were casualties on each other.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

At this time, the Ming army was short of food and pay, and it was difficult to continue to make a difference, and the battle entered a stalemate stage. Based on this situation, Wei Xuezeng once again came up with the method of temporarily postponing the siege and adopting a divisive strategy to cause civil unrest among the "rebels". He sent people to see Liu Dongyang, reported that the imperial court would promote him to a counselor general, and secretly sent people to see Dabai and Tu Wenxiu, informing them that if they killed Liu Dongyang and Xu Chao, they could wear the crime and make meritorious deeds. Wei Xuezeng's strategy was feasible under the specific circumstances of the time. However, due to the relative unity of the "rebels" at that time, this plan was discovered by The Worship and failed to be realized.

After that, the "rebels" held the city while continuing to collude with the Mongol tribes. Wei Xuezeng, on the other hand, had to wait for the arrival of food and reinforcements. In mid-April, Ye Mengxiong, the governor of Gansu, sent more than 1,000 Miao soldiers led by Ma Gui and Niu Bingzhong to reinforce. Soon after, the Ming army launched another attack on Ningxia, the "rebels" were defeated and retreated into the city to hold on, the city of Ningxia was indestructible, and the history books recorded: "The city of Ningxia was built by Helian Bobo, known as Tongwan, the highest and strongest. Zhao Yuanhao rejected the Song division accordingly, and 700,000 people could not be overcome, so the thieves ("rebels") relied on the officers and soldiers. Therefore, the Ming army repeatedly attacked the city without success. When the two sides were engaged in battle in Ningxia, the "rebels" "Ji Yansui and Yulin soldiers came out of the inner void, hooked HuangTaiji's wife, and ordered his son Sheda Da, Congzi to fall from the fire, and Tuyi Iron Thunder to plunder the old Anbian and Brick Well Fort to lead our troops." At the same time, Dai Cheng'en attacked at the same time, set up an ambush at Hanyan Canal, attacked the Ming army's grain transport troops, and intercepted 200 trucks of grain. The looting of grain and wages was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Ming army.

In May, the weather in the northwest region was hot and dry, many of the Ming soldiers were dispatched from other places and could not adapt, the disease began to spread in the barracks, and the "rebels" and the Mongol army controlled the Ming army's grain delivery channels, and the situation developed towards a situation unfavorable to the Ming army.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

In the nearly three months since the "rebellion" began, Wei Xue had not been pacified for a long time, and there was a lot of discussion between the DPRK and China, and some people even said that Wei Xue had no strategy and misunderstood state affairs, and demanded that he be deposed. At this time, when Japan invaded Korea on a large scale and endangered the Eastern Liaoning region, the situation became even more tense. The Wanli Emperor then ordered Wei Xue to be stripped of his post and ordered him to make meritorious contributions. At the same time, he sent Zhu Zhengse, Ye Mengxiong, Li Rusong and other leading troops to assist in the suppression, and ordered Mei Guozhen to go to Ningxia to supervise the army as the imperial history supervisor. On the "rebel" side, they did their best to please the Mongols, not only donating a large amount of gold and silver treasures, but also conniving at the mongol army to plunder the cities and cities they had captured and raping women. Dai Bai was the camp of the Li Rabbit, and xu dynasty was married to the Mongol chieftain. With the help of the Mongol army, the "rebels" were able to stalemate with the Ming army.

In dealing with the Mongols, at the beginning of the campaign, in order to prevent its alliance with the "rebels" and avoid complicating the situation, Wei Xue had changed his previous tough attitude toward Mongolia and adopted a gentle strategy, and the history books recorded: "(Wei Xuezeng) sent people to the imperial court and the old covenant of the city, so as not to help the rebellion...". However, under the temptation of the "rebels" to promise a lot of profits, the Mongol tribes still sent troops to help.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The Ming court increased its investment in quelling the "rebellion", and also achieved certain results, after Ye Mengxiong's army arrived, the Ming army immediately launched an attack, and the battle almost broke the city, almost capturing The worship. The escaped tubai sent envoys with a large amount of gold and silver treasure to the Mongolian rabbit to ask for help. Bu Lost Rabbit promised to attack Lingzhou and rob the Ming army of grain and grass. Soon, Mei Guozhen, the superintendent of the Imperial Household, together with the governor Li Rusong, also led a large army to Ningxia. The Ming army then launched three more attacks, and the "rebels" fought to the death, and the battle process was very tragic. In the end, the Ming army still failed to capture the city of Ningxia. Although it failed to achieve victory, the advantage of the Ming army was already very obvious at this time. The morale of the "rebels" in the city was low, and there was a rift between the leaders of the "rebels", who had no power to fight back, so they had to hold the city and wait for the help of the Mongol army again.

The arrival of Yushi Meiguozhen increased the ming army's chances of victory, but at the same time, there was also a greater contradiction between him and Wei Xuezeng. Mei Guozhen (1542-1605), also spelled Kesheng and Hengxiang, was a native of Macheng, Hubei (present-day Macheng, Hubei). Although Mei Guozhen was born as a civilian official, he did have certain military talents. Before he took office, he put forward his own six suggestions for the situation in Ningxia: "One is to exhort the ministers to be righteous in a hurry; the second is to reward the guards with drums and be loyal; the third is to divide the rebellion and obey the party; the fourth is to make a special decision to control the Kou disease; the fifth is to punish the people with ji shima; and the sixth is to forbid the killing of people to reassure the people." ”

Mei Guozhen's attitude toward the Ningxia Campaign was more radical, advocating a force battle. When he did not go to office, he had an opinion on Wei Xue's long-term failure, and his appointment as the imperial historian also reflected the Wanli Emperor's eagerness to quell the "rebellion". However, without being on the battlefield in person, it is impossible to accurately understand the specific circumstances of the "rebellion."

After the arrival of Mei Guozhen and his army, he launched three siege campaigns, all of which were unsuccessful due to the stubborn resistance of the "rebels", and it turned out that a strong attack was not feasible. Wei Xue was already a seventy-year-old marshal, experienced in hundreds of battles, experienced in battle, as the governor of the three sides, he knew more about the "rebellion" in Ningxia, but Mei Guozhen came as the imperial historian and rushed to break the city. The two disagree, and contradictions will inevitably arise.

Mei Guozhen believed that Wei Xuezeng's army was not strict, and there were many mistakes in the process of handling the "rebellion", and played the imperial court to say that Wei Xuezeng had been wrong: "The affairs were from the government, and the thieves ordered four people to take it, and our army did not dare to move forward." Tens of thousands of prisoners in the north cut off our grain routes, killing without counting, (Wei Xuezeng) hiding and not playing", demanding that Wei Xuezeng be deposed. Wei Xuezeng, on the other hand, demanded that Mei Guozhen obey his arrangement. Both have stubborn personalities, and the contradictions gradually escalate. The Wanli Emperor was already impatient with the Ningxia Campaign, and he sent Mei Guozhen to supervise the army, naturally favoring Mei, and at this time some people in the court also accused Wei Xuezeng of leading the Ningxia Campaign unfavorably, which foreshadowed the arrival of Wei Xuezeng's bad luck.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

On the other hand, after Ye Mengxiong, Mei Guozhen, Li Rusong and other troops arrived one after another, they carried out a series of attacks on Ningxia City, but they failed to conquer the city, and the battle was deadlocked. The "rebels" in Ningxia city did not have a good life, with heavy losses in successive battles, serious shortages of food and salaries in the city, low morale of the "rebels", and growing differences between the leaders of the "rebels", and Xu Chao was ready to surrender to the Ming army. Mei Guozhen also decided to adopt a strategy of appeasement. Just when the situation turned around, the Mongol Bu Lost Rabbit led an army of 20,000, and Zhuang Baldlai and Caritas led an army of 30,000 to help the "rebels", which gave the recalcitrant Duobai, Liu Dongyang and others a glimmer of hope. Daibai then sent Jia Ding to lead the Mongol army from Hexi to Hedong. The Mongol iron horse was fierce, and the Ming army fought fiercely along the river, and finally the Ming army repelled the Mongol army under the strong battle of Li Rusong, Ma Gui and others.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The Ming army and the "rebels" are again in a stalemate. Under pressure, Wei Xue had come up with a plan that could solve the problem in a short period of time, that is, to flood the city with water. The low-lying terrain in the northeast of Ningxia City, where the construction of dikes, the opening of the Mouth of the Yellow River, and the introduction of water to irrigate the city can quell the chaos without a fight. This method was a shortcut to victory in the Battle of Ningxia. Wei Xue had previously ordered the Ming army to build a dam here and introduce water from the Yellow River, but he refused to flood the city for a long time. The reason for this is recorded in the "Jing XianWen Cun Wai Compilation": "The (Ningxia) city is not to be lifted, (Wei Xuezeng) calculates that the water can be irrigated, and for fear of hurting the good people, he builds an embankment and blocks the city..." Wei Xue had worried about hurting the innocent in the city, and did not make up his mind to flood the city. Thus prolonging the time to quell the "rebellion".

With the intensification of the contradiction between Wei Xuezeng and Mei Guozhen, coupled with the fact that the "rebellion" had not been quelled for a long time, and some people in the DPRK and China slandered it, the Wanli Emperor really could not wait. In July, the Wanli Emperor ordered that "The study of Zeng be arrested and sent to Beijing" on the grounds that the division had been ineffective for a long time and the salaries of the soldiers were lost. In this way, Wei Xue was deposed and sent back to the capital. After Wei Xue was arrested, Ye Mengxiong promoted him to be a waiter and became the governor of the prefecture to beg for thieves. The later stages of the Ningxia Campaign were mainly led by Ye Mengxiong and Mei Guozhen. And they adopted Wei Xuezeng's strategy to flood the city with water. Soon after Wei Xuezeng was captured, the Ming army decided to open a dam to release water, and the water surrounded the city of Ningxia and overflowed into the city. At this time, the city of Ningxia was in a state of chaos, the city was seriously short of food, the "rebels" were panicked, and the people in the city were even more miserable. In the Records of the Two Dynasties, it is recorded that "there is no valley in the city, the soldiers eat horses, the horses are ridden, the people eat bark, the boots are defeated, and the dead belong to each other", "the people starve to death and hang the dead and heel each other". Dubai and others discussed that the water outside the city was increasing day by day, and sooner or later the dead code would be broken, and only by asking Mongolia for help again would there be a glimmer of life.

At this time, the Ming army had already strengthened the garrison of various border defenses to prevent the rescue of the Mongol army. Subsequently, Li Tu did indeed lead the army to come, but was defeated by Li Rusong, Ma Gui and others who had been on the defensive. It was a campaign, "the captives were defeated, Tengshan fled, and since then it has disintegrated, and it does not dare to re-enter the country." Without the assistance of the Mongol tribes, Dabai and the others had to sit still. It is only a matter of time before the city of Ningxia is destroyed. In early September, Mei Guozhen and Ye Mengxiong successively led their armies into the Southern Pass of Ningxia City, where they "rewarded the soldiers, comforted the people, and did not kill a single person." The inhabitants of the big city smell it, and everyone thinks of giving the city."

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The Ming army then attacked the main city of Ningxia, and the "rebels" continued to struggle to the death, and the officers and soldiers did not capture it for several days. At this time, the leader of the "rebels" in the city became more and more centrifugal, first Tu Wenxiu wanted to surrender the city, and was killed by Liu Dongyang and Xu Chao. Subsequently, Mei Guozhen decided to adopt a divisive strategy, pretending to allow Cheng'en to surrender, he could not blame and grant official positions in the past, and also bribed the "rebel" general Zhou Guozhu to promote infighting among the "rebels". The plan worked, and the leaders of the "rebels" in the city began to fight. Duo Cheng'en killed Xu Chao, and Zhou Guozhu killed Liu Dongyang. The Ming army immediately entered the main city of Ningxia, and when they heard the news that the general situation had gone, they set themselves on fire, and Dai Cheng'en was captured and then escorted to the capital to be executed. Since then, the "rebellion" of More than six months has finally been put down.

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

The occurrence of the Dai Bai Rebellion, Mei Guozhen once made an objective analysis of this. He said: "Hongwu and even Jiajing, Kou has no age and no offense, I have no age and no preparation, although the various armies have the labor of war and defense, there is no suffering of restraint." Jiajing and even Longqing, the peace talks were completed, and there was no war defense. Although the armies suffer from restraint, they have no labor to practice. Nowadays, it is different, and the external practice is harmonious and the inner desire is at the same time. Xiu He inevitably still thinks that he is a resource of flattery, and concurrent warfare is in vain to practice without the hope of first achievement. Do not add mercy and cut the smell, so that it does not give life, and there is no order. It has been known that it has the disadvantages of today. That is, the chief soldier Zhang Weizhongshu listed, as far as the minister knew, was included in the accounting record... All are based on saving, and the light is on the care of the shirt. When there is nothing to do, it is still difficult to win his heart, and it is still the day of the use of force, so why should he avoid resentment? ”

The best of the three major expeditions of the Wanli Calendar: from the Battle of Ningxia, look at the root causes of the Ming Dynasty's border defense

It can be seen from Mei Guozhen's performance that the change of Dai Bai was related to the basic policy of the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty after the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. Since the Ming Dynasty negotiated peace, it was the policy of the Ming Dynasty to cut down the border army and save money. Because the main financial resources of the border towns were used in the Mongolian tribute city, the grain and salaries of the officers and soldiers in the border towns were reduced again and again, resulting in the difficulties in the lives of the border generals, "not giving birth to the people", and because they were not prepared for war, the generals had no opportunity to make meritorious contributions, and it was difficult to be promoted, which was the root cause of the mutiny, and the administration of inspector Dang Xin became the direct trigger for the rebellion of the Worship, which brought heavy disasters to the Ming Dynasty.

References: "History of Ming", "Chronicle of Ningxia Province", "Records of the Two Dynasties", "Mei Guozhen Collection", "Records of Wanli Martial Arts", "The End of the Chronicle of Ming History"

This article is the original manuscript of the Cold Weapons Research Institute, the original outline of the editor-in-chief, the author Wending, any media or public account without written authorization shall not be reproduced, violators will be investigated for legal responsibility. Some of the image sources are online, if you have copyright questions, please contact us.

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