
Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

On the banks of the Chishui River in early winter, the river is sparkling, and the two banks are stacked with green and flowing gold. More than 80 years ago, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army crossed the Red River four times and achieved a glorious example in the history of the Red Army's Long March in which less victories were won more, and the passive was turned into the initiative. Chishui River, also known as the "Hero River".

In order to show the splendid scenery and humanistic history along the Chishui River, in March 2021, 15 outstanding painters from Luzhou joined hands to read a large number of ancient books, traveled thousands of miles to collect wind and sketch, outlined the majestic momentum of the Chishui River with a stroke, and condensed the painter's praise for the great rivers and mountains of the motherland in a single stroke.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

After 9 months of arduous creation, 15 painters completed a long scroll of Chinese paintings with a length of 166 meters and a height of 1 meter - "Heroic Chishui River 100 Meters Picture Scroll".


Concentrate the essence

A 100-meter-long scroll writes the hero Chishui River

"I saw the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge", "Here is the wine valley", "The Red Army Bridge of the Chishui River can be seen", "The soy sauce brewing base in the first city is good atmosphere"... Recently, in the middle of the narrow street of Hejiang Yaobayi, a 166-meter-long picture scroll was divided into four sections and slowly unfolded, and the sides of the street were crowded with onlookers, everyone moved their steps with the long scroll, looking for a familiar place.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

In the form of art, "Heroic Chishui River 100-Meter Picture Scroll" recreates the magnificent scene of the Chishui River rushing from the town of Yunnan upstream and passing through the lofty mountains of the Wumeng Mountains. The overall conception of the picture scroll interprets the indomitable fighting spirit of the Red Army.

The painting is 166 meters long, making it the longest successful Chinese painting in Luzhou. With its unique composition, new vision, and vigorous and sophisticated, fresh and chinese pen and ink, the scroll conveys the gratitude and longing of the children of the Chishui River to the Mother River, and the passion and praise for the Wine River.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

Starting from the three provinces of Jiming in the upper reaches of the Chishui River, the scroll condenses the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Chishui River Basin, the important ferry ports of The Four Crossings of Chishui, the prosperous cities along the Chishui River, the famous soy sauce and soy sauce, and the customs and regional features of Hejiang specialties such as lychee and true dragon grapefruit.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

According to Xie Yuerong, the main creative painter of "Hero Chishui River 100-meter Picture Scroll", the 100-meter picture scroll was launched in March 2021, and after formulating the tone and style of creation, more than 10 Luzhou painters and photographers have gone to the birthplace of the Xiongchishui River in Zhenxiong, Yunnan Province, 8 times, and then collected wind sketches and collected materials along the Chishui River.

The painting is divided into 14 sections, which are created by the painters who undertake relevant tasks in their respective studios, and the key nodes are concentrated in the Hejiang Painting Academy. From on-site wind collection to sketching, to many times to read the manuscript and consult, it took 9 months to complete.


100-meter picture scroll

Reproduce the beautiful scenery of the Chishui River Basin

As the main creative painter of "Hero Chishui River 100-meter Picture Scroll", Dou Guangming is responsible for the creation of the three provincial sections of Jiming, the source of the Chishui River, and his works are mainly based on highlighting humanistic scenery and changes in the times.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

Yinchang Village, Chishuiyuan Town, Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province, where the Chishui River originates and then flows through the Grand Canyon of Jiming Province, rushing all the way to the east. Dou Guangming said that this section of the river occupies 12 meters on the long scroll, and mainly presents three bright spots, one is the bridge connecting Sichuan and Yunnan, the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge, the second is the Guoha Gorge, the source of the Chishui River in Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province, and the third is the Yibi Expressway.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

From the perspective of tourism and economic development, Chishui River is a wine river and ecological river. Yang Jianjun, the main creative painter, said that he was mainly responsible for the creation of the wine section. "In the process of collecting style and sketching, my works mainly highlight the beauty of the mountains and waters in the Chishui River Basin, and also show some tourism scenes, such as the stone carvings of Wugongyan's 'Meijiu River' and the scenery along the coast, and then through the depiction of production bases such as Lang Distillery and Xi Distillery, the important role of 'Meijiu River' in the development of the wine industry is reflected."

Yin Xianzheng, the main creative painter of the 100-meter-long scroll, was responsible for the creation of the Chishui River in the Bing'an section of Guizhou. In his opinion, the Bing'an section lacks big attractions, but the ancient town here can be presented as a finishing touch. "I am familiar with the ancient town of Bing'an, and the scenery on both sides of the Chishui River is also very beautiful, and in my previous creations, I have been deeply moved by this place. Therefore, the choice of Bing'an Ancient Town as the focus to highlight can better show the beauty of the natural scenery of the Chishui River Basin. ”


Industry convergence

The development of the Chishui River Basin jumped on paper

The story of the heroic Chishui River originates from the historical feat of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army crossing the Chishui River in four directions, and the red mark is the finishing touch of the "Hero Chishui River 100-meter Picture Scroll". As the main creator of the 100-meter-long scroll painting, Shi Yang is deeply touched by this.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

"Through the creation of the "Hero Chishui River 100-meter Picture Scroll", we deeply realized that today's good days are the true meaning of the blood of revolutionary martyrs." Shi Yang said that through the collection of historical materials and the collection of wind on the spot, it seems to make people return to that era of war and truly understand the heroic feats of the ancestors who swerved around on the Chishui River. "Therefore, when dealing with the chishui river channel, it was not so wide, so I deliberately widened the river channel in the composition, using two colors of cinnabar and ochre, and allegorically painted the Chishui River as a red river."

It is worth mentioning that in Guizhou Tucheng, Yuanhou and other areas with unique red history, the painters have retained the basic characteristics of revolutionary sites in composition by reading a large number of ancient books and field sketches, and in the form of expression, they have highlighted the waves and clouds of the mountain shape, and showed the hardships of the Red Army crossing the Red Army in four directions with artistic techniques.

Not only the red culture, but also the industrial development along the Chishui River is also vibrant.

Painting the scenery and humanistic | along the Chishui River lasted 9 months, and the Luzhou painter completed a 166-meter-long scroll

It is known as the "Red Water River, Eternal Flow." In the painter's brush, wine and soy sauce are naturally indispensable, and elements such as lychee, true dragon grapefruit, and dendrobium of Hejiang are indispensable.

In the Hejiang section of the 100-meter painting scroll, the main creative painter Xie Yuerong's pen, the soy sauce on the Chishui River in The Xianshi Town of Hejiang County, the Zhangwan Industrial Park distributed along the coast, and the lychee and true dragon grapefruit bases have all jumped on the paper.

Xie Yuerong said that the 100-meter painting not only shows the majestic beauty of mountains and rivers, the beauty of the prosperity of the city's carriages and horses, but also in the subtleties of the work, the painters have also been carefully carved, and the small beauty found in the field sketching is integrated into the work, adding a fine texture to the 100-meter picture scroll.

Feng Zhizhi, chairman of the Hejiang County Artists Association and the main creative painter of the Erlang Section of the 100-meter Painting Scroll, said that the long-form masterpiece "Hero Chishui River 100-meter Picture Scroll" is of great significance, which is not only the result of the sincere cooperation and collective creation of many painters in Luzhou, but also a successful practice of inheriting and carrying forward the "China Chishuihe Painting School".

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