
What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

As a good general of a generation, Yue Fei was framed to death by others, which was a very regrettable thing. On the surface, it was Qin Ju and others who provoked the relationship between Yue Fei and Emperor Gaozong of Song and Zhao Zhao, which led to the disaster of killing.

But in fact, Zhao Zhuo had already killed Yue Fei. Not only because Yue Feigong was a high lord, but also because Yue Fei had heavy troops in his hands, hundreds of thousands of Yue family troops all listened to his orders, if one day Yue Fei rebelled with evil intentions, then the Great Song Dynasty's Jiangshan would definitely change hands, so Yue Fei was a person who would undoubtedly die for Zhao Zhao.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

If Zhao Zhuo had not recalled Yue Fei with twelve gold medals, but fully supported Yue Fei's Northern Expedition, would the Jin Congress have vanished under the iron horse of the Southern Song Dynasty?

In fact, this is not an possible thing. Even if Yue Fei had the full support of Zhao Shuo, he would not be able to recover the lost land, and it was very likely that even the Southern Song Dynasty would perish, because there were many problems that could not be overcome.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

The imperial court, which had no intention of confronting the Jin people

First of all, from the imperial court, analyze why the Southern Song Dynasty had the problem of being unable to extinguish gold. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, it has always emphasized literature and suppressed martial arts, and military attaches have never been allowed to face in the court, and only civilian officials have been deeply favored by the emperor. This phenomenon was particularly serious during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Song, so much so that Zhao Zhuo was very fond of Qin Ju, making him the only one who was in power and opposition.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

At the beginning, Zhao Shuo used twelve gold medals to recall Yue Fei from the front line of the Northern Expedition to the imperial court, among which Qin Ju had been blowing the wind in Zhao Shuo's ears and instigating Zhao Shuo to make peace with the Jin people.

If Zhao Zhuo had not listened to the rumors at that time, the matter of continuing to let Yue Fei's Northern Expedition might not have succeeded, because Qin Ju had played a crucial role in this matter.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Qin Juniper was a civilian official, and most of the civilian officials in the dynasty were headed by Qin Juniper, who obeyed his instructions and arrangements. Qin Juniper had never supported Yue Fei's Northern Expedition, he had colluded with the Jin people for many years, and the gold lord behind him was the Jin people, and Qin Juniper hated Yue Fei, largely because Yue Fei blocked him from seeking benefits.

At that time, after Yue Fei's class returned to the dynasty, the Jin people wrote that they had killed Yue Fei and agreed to the secret purpose of peace, which was handed by Qin Ju to Zhao Shuo, causing Yue Fei to die unjustly in prison.

It can be seen from this that Qin Juniper wanted the Southern Song Dynasty to make peace with the Jin people, and the courtiers all knew Qin Juniper's thoughts, who dared to oppose him. So they told Zhao That peaceful coexistence between the two countries was the best choice.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Even if Zhao Zhuo insisted on Yue Fei's Northern Expedition, he would not get the support of the courtiers, and the courtiers would all stand against Zhao Shuo. A war is not easy without the support of the imperial court. Zhao Zhuo couldn't open all aspects, how could he support Yue Fei.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

The strength of the Golden State is not weak

Judging from Yue Fei's record, most of the Southern Song Dynasty's achievements in the process of cutting gold were victories. Many people believe that Yue Fei attacked the Jin people's lair with a single blow and could definitely destroy the Jin kingdom. But the reality is not so simple.

The Jin people, known as a nation on horseback, are brave and good at war, and whenever they harass the frontier lands, they give the imperial court a lot of headaches, and their strength cannot be underestimated at all.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Moreover, the Jin Dynasty was ready to go to war with the Southern Song Dynasty for a long time, with complete grain and grass materials, sufficient troops, repeated defeats, and more and more courageous. At that time, Yue Fei also led his troops deep into the key areas of the Jin Kingdom, but due to the limitations of the terrain, the Yue family's army was difficult to fight, and in the face of the Layers of Jin people, Yue Fei had to order a retreat.

In addition, the Jin Dynasty made overtures with its neighbors, The Western Xia, intending to develop the Western Xia into an ally, which was a very tricky matter for the Southern Song Dynasty. If the two countries really joined forces to attack the Southern Song Dynasty, the odds of winning the Southern Song Dynasty were not necessarily very large.

Moreover, the Western Xia Kingdom had already taken a fancy to the Southern Song Dynasty, because the Western Xia was also afraid that the Southern Song Dynasty would point the spearhead at itself after destroying the Jin, so it was not impossible for the Western Xia and the Jin State to unite and then use the strength of the Jin State to divide the Southern Song Dynasty.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Foreign enemies are strong and weak. At that time, because of the long years of conquest in the Southern Song Dynasty, the consumption of troops, financial resources, and people's strength was huge, and Zhao Shuo, as the king of a country, must have known his family background, and if he wanted to be tough with the Jin Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty would inevitably suffer a catastrophe.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Lost ground cannot be recovered

The main purpose of Yue Fei's Northern Expedition was to destroy the Jin Dynasty and recover the lost territory.

The lost land includes the three northern towns that were divided to the Jin Dynasty during the Northern Song Dynasty, in addition to the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures that were lost on the side of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

The three northern towns include Taiyuan Province, Zhongshan Province, and Hejian Province. Judging from the good news that Yue Fei repeatedly sent back, the three northern towns near the border of the Southern Song Dynasty were more conducive to the Southern Song soldiers fighting.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Not only because the terrain is close to the Southern Song Dynasty, the imperial court supplies the army with grain and grass quickly, and the troops are mobilized quickly, but the deeper reason is that most of the three towns in the north are residents left over from the Northern Song Dynasty, and their hearts must hate the Jin people and support the Southern Song army.

In addition, there are also Southern Song people in the three northern towns, and the Southern Song army is like a fish in the water, and with the blessing of the advantages in all aspects, it is expected that the Southern Song army will achieve many victories.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

But the farther north the army went, the harder the battle became. In addition to the untimely supply of the army, the local ethnic minorities did not support the Southern Song army. Without the advantages of heaven, place, and people, the Southern Song Dynasty army would have much more difficulty in combat. However, the Jin also seized on this weakness of the Southern Song army and took advantage of the victory to pursue, giving the Southern Song army a painful blow.

The Southern Song Dynasty not only had difficulties in recovering the three northern towns, but also in recovering the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun. As a line of defense against the invasion of nomads, Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures are a place where soldiers must fight.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

During the Liao Dynasty, Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures were ruled for a hundred years. Beginning during the Northern Song Dynasty, Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures began to be occupied by ethnic minorities, and most of the people in the state were northern nomads.

According to this situation, after the Southern Song Army entered Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, it was certain that they would not have the support of the local people, and it was even possible that the common people supported the Jin Dynasty. Compared with the Jin Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty had no advantage in this regard, which was equivalent to fighting alone.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

And the Jin Dynasty, which has been guarded for a long time in the state, will not easily be retaken by the Southern Song Dynasty. Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures are located at the key, easy to defend and difficult to attack, for the JinGuo, is an indispensable barrier, if the loss of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, equivalent to the Opening of the Golden State Portal, the Southern Song Dynasty Iron Horse can step into the JinGuo at any time, the Jinguo defense line no longer exists, the Jinguo can only fall into a passive situation.

For the sake of these factors, the Jin State placed its main forces in Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures. In these solid defenses, it was even more difficult for the Southern Song army to recover the lost territory.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

Judging from the above reasons, there is some hope for the Southern Song Dynasty to recover the three northern towns, but the proportion of these hopes is too small, unless the Southern Song Dynasty has made up its mind to spend a lot of time and troops.

However, the recovery of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures is an unlikely thing, because countless famous generals before the Southern Song Dynasty could not recover Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, not to mention the Southern Song Dynasty, which was weak in national strength and seriously regressed, which was not allowed in terms of strength.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish


Therefore, if Yue Fei had not been wrongfully killed at the beginning, and Zhao Zhuo had fully supported Yue Fei's Northern Expedition, he would not have been able to overthrow the Jin Dynasty, let alone recover the lost land, and even the price paid would bring ruin to the Southern Song Dynasty.

Moreover, for the Southern Song Dynasty, the Northern Expedition could only control the intrusion of the Jin Dynasty and could not fundamentally solve the problem. For the sake of these problems, it is also reasonable for Zhao Shuo to choose to make peace, because Zhao Shuo, who is on the throne, only cares about the Southern Song Dynasty's Jiangshan Sheji, and can solve the problem at the lowest cost, and he must be very happy to do so.

What if Zhao Zhuo supported Yue Fei in resisting Jin? Not only will it not be able to recover the Central Plains, but the Southern Song Dynasty will also perish

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