
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!

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Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!

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Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!
Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!

#长文创作激励计划#在中国漫长的历史长河中, the Song Dynasty was like a bright star, but it was divided into two phases: the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. What kind of thrilling historical situation and profound changes of the times are hidden behind this division?

Let's go back in time to the years of the Northern Song Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Northern Song Dynasty, the world was initially decided, and all kinds of wastes were waiting to be revived. Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao mutinied, and the yellow robe was added to establish the Song Dynasty. After that, he released military power with a glass of wine, strengthened the centralization of power, and laid the foundation for the stability of the Song Dynasty.

In Bianjing, the bustling capital, the streets are bustling, the shops are lined up, and commerce is thriving. Citizens shuttled through the streets and alleys, enjoying the comfortable life brought by the peaceful and prosperous times.

However, the border troubles in the north were always the confidants of the Northern Song Dynasty. The iron cavalry of the Liao Dynasty often invaded southward, bringing heavy disasters to the people on the border.

During the reign of Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, the signing of the alliance of the Yuanyuan brought temporary peace, but it also burdened the Northern Song Dynasty with a heavy burden of New Year's coins.

In the period of Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, the politics were corrupt and the people were struggling to make a living.

At this moment, the Jin Kingdom in the north rose rapidly, and its powerful military power swept in like a storm.

In the second year of Jingkang, the Jin soldiers broke through Bianjing, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were taken captive, and a large number of clans, harem concubines, courtiers and countless treasures were plundered by the Jin soldiers and went north, which was called "the shame of Jingkang" in history.

This tragic event was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly breaking the tranquility and prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The people fled in all directions in the war, and the once prosperous city of Bianjing was reduced to ruins, with cries, shouts, and horses' hooves resounding in the sky.

An ordinary person named Lao Zhao originally ran a small shop in Bianjing and lived a peaceful life. However, the invasion of the Jin soldiers made him lose everything, and he had to take his wife and children with him and join the fleeing party. Along the way, they slept roughly, suffering from hunger and disease.

At the critical moment when the country was ruined, King Kang Zhao Gou ascended the throne in Yingtianfu and rebuilt the Song Dynasty, known as the Southern Song Dynasty in history.

The establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty gave a glimmer of hope to those who were struggling in the dark.

However, the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty has been greatly reduced, and it is located in a corner of the south of the Yangtze River.

Zhao made the capital Lin'an, which is today's Hangzhou. Although the scenery here is beautiful and the products are abundant, it is no longer the same as Bianjing in the past.

In the early days of the Southern Song Dynasty, the monarchs and ministers faced a grim situation of internal and external troubles. Outside, there was the constant attack of the Jin soldiers, and inside there were the struggles of various forces and the dissatisfaction of the people.

However, under the leadership of Yue Fei and a group of patriotic generals, the Southern Song Dynasty army won many victories against the Jin soldiers.

Yue Fei led the Yuejia army, bravely killed the enemy, recovered a large area of lost territory, and let people see the hope of restoring the Central Plains.

However, Song Gaozong Zhao Gou was bent on seeking peace, killed Yue Fei on trumped-up charges, and signed the Shaoxing Peace Agreement with the Jin State.

Since then, the economy of the Southern Song Dynasty has gradually recovered and developed in a relatively stable environment.

Agriculture, handicrafts, and commerce flourished in the Gangnam region, and maritime trade flourished.

Lin'an became one of the most prosperous cities in the world at the time, and people continued their lives here, although they still cherished the nostalgia for their northern homeland.

So, what is the basis for the division between the Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties?

From a political point of view, the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty marked the collapse of the political system centered on Bianjing.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were exiled, and the imperial family and central power of the Northern Song Dynasty suffered a devastating blow.

The establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty was the formation of a new political center with Zhao Gou as the core in the south, and the political pattern underwent major changes.

From a geographical point of view, during the Northern Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty ruled over a large area of land in the Yellow River Valley, including today's Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other places.

The Southern Song Dynasty, on the other hand, lost a large part of its territory in the north and retreated to the south of the Huai River in the Qinling Mountains, with the Jiangnan region as the core.

From an economic point of view, during the Northern Song Dynasty, the economy of the north still occupied an important position, and Bianjing was the economic center of the country.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the southward shift of the economic center of gravity was basically completed, and the Jiangnan region became the economic pillar of the country.

From a cultural point of view, the Northern Song Dynasty prospered culturally, and great achievements were made in the fields of poetry, calligraphy and painting, and science.

On the basis of inheriting the culture of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty has made new developments, such as the creation of words that pay more attention to the expression of personal emotions.

When we think deeply about this historical division, we will find that it is not only a political, geographical and economic change, but also a profound transformation of the national spirit and social mentality.

The demise of the Northern Song Dynasty made people feel the pain and helplessness of the country's ruin, while the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty was the tenacity and efforts to survive and develop in the midst of difficulties.

As we continue to delve deeper into this historical phenomenon, we can further expand our understanding from the following new perspectives.

From the perspective of military strategy and defense system, the Northern Song Dynasty adopted the strategy of "guarding the inside and the outside", focusing on internal stability, and the defense of the border defense was relatively weak.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, due to the shrinking of the territory, more attention was paid to the defense along the rivers and coasts, and a series of naval armies and fortifications were established.

Thinking from the perspective of social class and people's mentality, during the Northern Song Dynasty, society was relatively stable, and the people were full of confidence in the future of the country.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, due to the long-term threat of war, the people's mentality became more complicated, with both the desire to restore their homeland and the helplessness and compromise of reality.

From the perspective of foreign policy and international relations, during the Northern Song Dynasty, it coexisted with the Liao and Western Xia regimes, and its diplomatic relations were relatively complex.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, it mainly faced the pressure of the Jin State, and its diplomatic strategy paid more attention to seeking peace and self-preservation.

In short, the division between the Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties is a complex and multidimensional historical phenomenon.

When we analyze this phenomenon in more depth, we can also explore it more comprehensively from the following aspects.

From the perspective of the evolution of the political system, the political system of the Northern Song Dynasty was adjusted and changed to a certain extent during the Southern Song Dynasty to adapt to the new political situation.

For example, the control of military generals has been strengthened, and the imperial examination system has been further improved.

From the perspective of ethnic integration and cultural exchanges, during the Southern Song Dynasty, exchanges and integration with neighboring ethnic minority regimes became more frequent, which promoted the diversified development of culture.

From the perspective of scientific and technological development and innovation, during the Southern Song Dynasty, scientific and technological progress in agriculture, handicrafts and other fields provided strong support for economic development.

To sum up, the division between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty is an important node in Chinese history, which reflects the changes of the times and the development of society.

An in-depth study of the basis and historical significance behind this division will help us better understand the evolution of Chinese history and the development of the nation.

As we continue to delve into the historical phenomenon of the division between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, we can also dig out more layers of profound connotations and complex influences.

From the perspective of economic structure and industrial development, during the Northern Song Dynasty, agricultural production in the north dominated the country, and at the same time, commerce and handicrafts also developed significantly.

The vast Central Plains, with its farmland and wheat waves, provides the country with abundant food resources.

In the city, handicraft workshops are dotted around, producing fine porcelain, silk and other goods, which are sold throughout the country through a thriving trade network.

However, with the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty and the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, the economic center of gravity shifted further south.

Paddy field agriculture in the Jiangnan region has been more fully developed, rice cultivation technology has been continuously improved, and the output has increased substantially.

At the same time, the handicraft industry of the Southern Song Dynasty also showed a unique development trend.

For example, cotton textile technology in the textile industry has gradually emerged as a new economic growth point.

In the coastal areas, overseas trade is booming, and ports such as Quanzhou and Guangzhou have become important windows for exchanges with countries around the world.

Merchant ships laden with fine silk, porcelain, tea and other goods sailed away, bringing back huge profits and exotic cultures.

From the perspective of the transformation of cultural and artistic styles and aesthetic orientations, the culture and art of the Northern Song Dynasty pursued a majestic atmosphere and lofty artistic conception.

The paintings of the Northern Song Dynasty, such as Fan Kuan's "Journey to the Mountains and Streams", show the majesty and mystery of nature with its magnificent landscapes.

In terms of poetry, the works of Su Shi, Ouyang Xiu and others are heroic and unrestrained, full of thinking about life and concern for society.

However, the culture and art of the Southern Song Dynasty presented a more delicate and graceful style.

Painting focuses on the depiction of details and the expression of emotions, while poetry pays more attention to the inner world and emotional entanglements of individuals.

Li Qingzhao's lyrics, with their fresh and graceful, affectionate and resentful style, reflect the complex emotions of people in the turbulent situation during the Southern Song Dynasty.

When we dig deeper into this historical evolution, we can also find the following key factors.

From the perspective of changes in social customs and lifestyles, during the Northern Song Dynasty, the social atmosphere was relatively open, and the life of citizens was rich and colorful.

In the Washe Golan in the capital, various performances are splendid, and people enjoy entertainment activities in their leisure time.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, due to the quiet corner, the social atmosphere was slightly depressing, but at the same time, it also prompted people to pay more attention to the quality of life and cultural cultivation.

In Lin'an City, there are many teahouses and restaurants, and literati and artists gather together to taste tea and discuss poetry, forming a unique cultural atmosphere.

From the perspective of the development and inheritance of ideology and scholarship, during the Northern Song Dynasty, Confucianism was revived and science was on the rise, and thinkers tried to construct a new moral and ethical system through the reinterpretation of Confucian classics.

The theories of thinkers such as Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao, and Cheng Yi have had a profound impact on society.

By the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi further developed the system of science, making it the official orthodoxy.

At the same time, Lu Jiuyuan's psychology also began to emerge, injecting new vitality into the field of thought.

The development of these ideas and scholarship not only influenced the values and codes of conduct of the people at that time, but also played an important role in the cultural inheritance of later generations.

To sum up, the division between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty brought about significant changes in many aspects such as economy, culture, and society.

As we continue to delve deeper into this phenomenon, we can further expand our understanding from the following new perspectives.

From the perspective of population migration and ethnic integration, the wars in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty led to large-scale population migration.

People from the north moved south, bringing with them an abundant labor force and advanced production technology.

They integrated with the indigenous people of the south and jointly promoted the development and development of the southern region.

In the process of ethnic integration, the cultures and customs of different regions have exchanged and influenced each other, which has promoted the formation of a pluralistic and integrated pattern of the Chinese nation.

From the perspective of the operation of the political system and the checks and balances of power, the Northern Song Dynasty established a relatively perfect bureaucratic system and a mechanism of checks and balances of power.

However, during the Southern Song Dynasty, due to external pressure and changes in the internal situation, the political system underwent certain adjustments and changes.

For example, in order to meet the needs of the war, the concentration of military command has been strengthened, but at the same time, it has also raised concerns about the excessive power of military generals.

From the perspective of the dissemination of scientific and technological application and innovation, the scientific and technological achievements such as movable type printing and compass invented in the Northern Song Dynasty have been more widely used and disseminated in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Movable type printing facilitated the popularization and dissemination of cultural knowledge, and the use of the compass in navigation promoted the development of overseas trade.

The dissemination of these scientific and technological achievements not only played an important role in the economic and cultural development of the Southern Song Dynasty, but also had a positive impact on the process of world civilization.

In short, by discussing these new perspectives, we can understand more comprehensively and deeply the historical changes brought about by the division of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty.

When we analyze this phenomenon in more depth, we can also explore it more comprehensively from the following aspects.

From the perspective of urban planning and architectural style, the layout of Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty was regular and the palace was magnificent, reflecting the majesty of the royal family and the prosperity of the capital.

Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty was limited by the geographical environment and historical conditions, the urban layout was more flexible, and the architectural style paid more attention to the combination of practicality and aesthetics.

Thinking from the perspective of literary genres and creative themes, in the Southern Song Dynasty, in addition to the development of poetry, popular literary forms such as scripts and operas gradually emerged.

These literary forms are closer to people's lives, reflect the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of the lower strata of society, and enrich the expression and content of literature.

From the perspective of religious belief and folk worship, Buddhism, Taoism and other religions had a wide influence in society during the Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties.

However, there are also certain differences and changes in the specific forms of belief and religious activities.

To sum up, the division between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty is a historical event that involves many fields and has far-reaching influence.

An in-depth study of the various changes and developments brought about by this division will help us to grasp the development of Chinese history more comprehensively and draw wisdom and enlightenment from it.

Why was the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty? What is the basis for the division? The truth in the comment area!

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