
"Fire dragon soul, 10,000 economy was overturned", Ou Cheng's first defeat in the spring match, Lu Zian could not move 10-2

Foreword: The S12 season of the game has officially begun, I believe that the vast majority of players have paid attention to the recent period of spring matches, lpl division and LCK division of the confrontation is in an orderly manner, may be a lot of players for the European and American division of the game, the division of the game, but this period of time has been the First European Division of europe and the United States the game is not very good. At present, his first game in the secondary league has also ended, in the whole process of confrontation, Ou Cheng's play is very good, using LuZian to get a 10-2 record, the most embarrassing thing is that they have the fire dragon soul and the advantage of nearly ten thousand economy, they were overturned by a wave of regiments, and sure enough, the players in the secondary league are all immortal level.

Ou Cheng lost for the first time in the new season

"Fire dragon soul, 10,000 economy was overturned", Ou Cheng's first defeat in the spring match, Lu Zian could not move 10-2

I believe that the vast majority of players for the AD player Ou Cheng is not unfamiliar, as the strongest AD player in the North American division, its overall popularity and popularity is very high, before the fnc team, every year's results are very good, basically can get the world championship quota, and in the previous confrontation also got the world championship runner-up, because of its handsome appearance, a lot of lpl division, players are very fond of him. And he is also a loyal dog blowing player, and the relationship with Uzi is very good. S11 season, Ou Cheng chose to join the g2 team, when the vast majority of players felt that it was a strong combination, but did not expect that the results had dropped sharply.

"Fire dragon soul, 10,000 economy was overturned", Ou Cheng's first defeat in the spring match, Lu Zian could not move 10-2

In the first round of the spring playoffs, he fell into the losers group and did not make it to the finals, and the summer tournament did not even get a place in the world. After the end of the game, the G2 team also carried out a large-scale personnel reorganization, around the caps to introduce multi-star players, coupled with some contract reasons, resulting in OuCheng can not play in other teams in the European division, can only join the secondary league, in order to continue their career. This made many players very dissatisfied, and Ou Cheng himself could only join the French league. As the entire spring season gradually begins, the spring race of the French League has also been carried out.

"Fire dragon soul, 10,000 economy was overturned", Ou Cheng's first defeat in the spring match, Lu Zian could not move 10-2

In the second matchday of the first week, Rekkles' Karmine Corp team lost to Mirage Elyandra for the first defeat of the new season. This makes many players very surprised, after all, Ou Cheng can be regarded as a world-class AD player, why is there a succession of overturns in the secondary league? Looking at the video of this game, the overall play of European City in the early stage was very stable, and the use of Lu Zian led his teammates to get a great advantage, and also obtained the Dragon Dragon Soul. Logically speaking, the team battle after getting the Fire Dragon Soul will be very relaxed, coupled with the economic advantage of nearly ten thousand, the team battle has no comparison at all.

"Fire dragon soul, 10,000 economy was overturned", Ou Cheng's first defeat in the spring match, Lu Zian could not move 10-2

As a result, in this state, Ou Cheng they played a wave of very anti-heavenly operations, consumed by the opponent's skills to the blood, resulting in a huge advantage, no one dared to stand up and open the group, and the other party also rushed in, except for Ou Cheng, other players were chaotic. In the end, under a precise q skill of the blind monk, he successfully defeated the group. With the remaining few people completing a wave of reversals. When the game is lost, The European City is a 10-2 record, and it can only be said that the teammates in the secondary league really have too many problems, and such a big advantage can be overturned.

"Fire dragon soul, 10,000 economy was overturned", Ou Cheng's first defeat in the spring match, Lu Zian could not move 10-2

Goodbye think

Unexpectedly, Ou Cheng's debut in the spring of the sub-league failed like this, as a world-class AD player, his current state has been worrying, if it continues like this, there is almost no possibility of returning to the LEC division. I have to admit that the G2 team does have a hand in the operation of the transfer period, before limiting the perk z, this time it restricted Ou Cheng, worthy of the rng in the European division. There are not many top players in europe and the United States, and there are problems one after another, and it seems that it is almost impossible to keep up with LPL and LCK.

What do you guys think of this?

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