
In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

"Eliminate the 127th (division) and capture Zhang Wannian alive."

This is the slogan that Vietnam once played during the war of self-defense against Vietnam, when Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, coupled with the various industrial facilities that China had built, which made Vietnam's comprehensive national strength grow rapidly, and Vietnam was also called

"Little Bully of Southeast Asia"

It was also during this period that China disagreed with the Soviet Union's development demands, and at that time, the United States was on the defensive in terms of foreign power because of the Vietnam War.

The Soviet Union saw that the United States was not afraid, and also targeted China's territory and resources.

As a supporter of the Soviet Union, Vietnam's relations with China have gradually become cold.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

However, at that time, Vietnam still had some concerns, so the country did not do anything intolerable to China, but with the recovery of Sino-US diplomatic relations,

Vietnam completely fell to the Soviet Union.

While the Soviet Union was stockpiling heavy troops near China's northern border, Vietnam also began to encroach on China's border territories and began to harm Chinese border officers and soldiers and border people.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

Our country saw that it intended to settle the dispute between the two countries through peaceful negotiations, but unfortunately Vietnam always refused to cooperate, and seeing that Vietnam was becoming more and more excessive, china decided to launch a series of battles of a self-defensive counterattack nature against Vietnam, so as to give Vietnam one

"Unforgettable lessons"

。 With an order from the Central Committee on February 14, 1979, our army launched a thunderous attack on the Vietnamese army from two directions.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

Don't panic, the Soviets will come to "support"?

At the beginning of the war, Vietnam, with its rapid development and the support of the Soviet Union, did not seem to take our army seriously.

In addition, at that time, Vietnam also installed a lot of eyeliner on the Border between China and Vietnam.

At the same time, the "dark pile" that was previously hidden in the Border Area between China and Vietnam was also activated.

This allowed Vietnam to get some information about the movements of our army.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

However, at that time, Vietnam did not get much intelligence, because our army quickly discovered these "hidden piles" and dealt with them. For this Vietnam has not been very concerned,

They believe that the strength of the Chinese army is not enough

Otherwise, how could those intelligences be sent back to Vietnam without the eyes of the PLA. Before the war was about to start, Vietnam was also very confident in mobilizing soldiers - hoping that everyone would perform well in the war, and this time it would definitely cause a "fatal blow" to the PLA.

In order to make the soldiers more confident and bold to participate in the battle, the Vietnamese side even said to the Vietnamese soldiers:

"30 minutes after the start, the Soviets will send troops to help Vietnam."

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

When I heard this, the morale of the Vietnamese army rose to a new height. At that time, when our army first fought, we also felt that the spirit of the Vietnamese army was very good, and many people even thought that it would be a fierce battle after this.


Over time, the Vietnamese army gradually lost its combat vitality like a leather ball that kept leaking air.

Under these circumstances, our army naturally chose to take advantage of the victory to pursue and fight the Vietnamese army back.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

Increasingly passive Vietnamese army

Because there was no wait for the Soviet army for a long time, this made the Vietnamese army more and more passive, and there were many soldiers in the People's Liberation Army when facing the momentum

The Vietnamese soldiers were bent on retreating

Therefore, in the subsequent operations, our army has been proceeding very smoothly.

And, this time

The dishonesty of the soldiers led to a great change in the mentality of the soldiers

。 A Vietnamese army platoon leader surnamed Lee said:

In the past, when the superiors had instructions and documents, the soldiers were able to obey them one by one, and rarely expressed dissatisfaction with the instructions and documents conveyed by the superiors. However, after the Soviets did not rush to Vietnam as their superiors said, the soldiers were always skeptical of the instructions and documents conveyed by their superiors.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

Even in the post-war summary, people will continue to mention this matter, and they will become sluggish and procrastinating in daily training and other aspects. Some bold, emotionally irritated soldiers, when faced with orders they disagree with or doubt,

It will also show a perfunctory and unwilling to cooperate look.

I have to say that Vietnam's false mobilization can be described as

"Stealing chicken doesn't make it into rotten rice"

Originally intended to use this to deter the Chinese army and boost the morale of the soldiers, it did not think that the Soviet Union was only symbolically coming

Military Adviser

。 If Vietnam had known that would have been the case, it probably wouldn't have engaged in false propaganda from the start.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

After the end of the counterattack against Vietnamese self-defense

After the end of the war, the Vietnamese authorities organized the Vietnamese people early

"National Mobilization"

In this regard, international public opinion believes that the Vietnamese authorities hope to divert the attention of the people as soon as possible and strengthen the control of the authorities in Vietnam.

In fact, in addition to these two points, the Vietnamese authorities probably also hoped that they could stabilize the people's hearts and minds as much as possible, so as to avoid the displeasure of the domestic people by the false mobilization at that time. Of course

The war of self-defense against Vietnam would end in just a month or so, something that Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and even other countries in the world had not expected.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

Before the war began, many countries in the world expressed their support for Vietnam, but when the war officially began, none of the countries that had asked China to withdraw its troops stood up.

And Vietnam will fall into the current isolation and helplessness,

In fact, it is also because the country trusts the Soviet Union too much and is too confident in its own strength.

Don't look at the fact that the country later launched a ten-year round of war with our country, but this is nothing more than an impulsive act that makes its domestic losses more serious.

All in all, in the end Vietnam had to accept the outcome of the defeat, and in the years that followed,

The comprehensive national strength has never been able to return to the past.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnamese pre-war mobilization said that in just half an hour, the Soviet army would send troops to help

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