
Listen sideways: Because of you, I want to be a better person

author:Eyes that love to chase

One sunny morning in April in the library, I met one hundred percent boys—

Listen sideways: Because of you, I want to be a better person

The boy said on the roof after the rain, "I read a lot of books in order to make my name appear on the library card as soon as possible."

Listen sideways: Because of you, I want to be a better person

About only teenage romance can have the ability to consume so much time, long expectations, do all the stupid and fruitless efforts, adapt their entire lives for the other party's casual words, only young boys and girls are entitled to say, "a lifetime", because they really have a lifetime to consume.

Listen sideways: Because of you, I want to be a better person

"Because of you, I'm willing to be a better person and don't want to be a burden to you, so I work hard just to prove that I'm good enough for you."

Listen sideways: Because of you, I want to be a better person

"Side Ear Listening" is a first love story about youth with realistic basic color and dreamy color, with a book card to find someone to tell the story, Tsukishima Wen and Tenzawa Seiji simple and love love, let people be thrilled, more clear love is the direction of two people working together,

Listen sideways: Because of you, I want to be a better person

In the face of love, we should remove all the disguises and concerns, there are many things that cannot be born perfect, but love can indeed be adhered to, and the confession of the Holy Division makes people firmly believe in the beauty of love and believe in happiness.

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