
The strangeness of boyhood

author:Smile long wind

My teenager was unbelievable

In 1987, I had just graduated from the Health School, I learned to write and play swords, reading books and magazines was a daily compulsory course, just like modern low-headed people can't do without mobile phones, I also can't leave books. Once, by chance, I saw a set of sword techniques in a magazine, which was danced with the soundtrack, and the music was Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong" short score. After I had integrated the sword moves one by one, I looked at the paper full of sheet music: Stupid, I can't open the score. In the eighties, it was good to have a radio to hear the radio broadcast, not to mention the opening score and singing, and music teachers in primary and secondary schools were rare, even if there were, they were not from the class, and they could only simply sing two sentences. The opening score is really difficult for me, the sword has learned, can not dance with the music, the heart is not willing.

Later, I inquired and learned that there was a music teacher in the normal school near my home. One noon, after lunch, I took the magazine and went to the teacher. I don't know if the teacher is male or female, whose last name is, and I don't know if people are willing to teach me? Today, decades later, when I think about it, I feel strange about my behavior, and I don't know where the courage came from at that time, regardless of it, it is very abrupt, and I directly found the school.

The strangeness of boyhood

The Road I Walked to Teachers College (photographed in 2010)

When I entered the school gate, I asked when I saw someone, and a student told me that there was a music teacher in the school, surnamed Wang, and the room facing the school gate was Teacher Wang's office. There was a knock at the door, the door opened, and a tall, thin man of about thirty years old appeared in front of him, with a high nose and two eyelids, big eyes, those eyes, not only big, but also sparkling, he asked me kindly, is there anything wrong? I quickly took out the magazine and explained my intentions. He looked at the score, hummed it casually, and sat down in front of an organ, playing with ten fingers, singing as he played: Angry hair rushing to the crown, leaning against the railing, Xiao Xiao rain rest. Look up at the eyes, look up at the sky and scream, and be fierce. Thirty meritorious deeds of dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. Mo waited idle, the white head of the teenager, empty and sad. Thick baritone, deep and exciting piano sound, I was suddenly attracted, Yue Fei's lofty ambition, breaking through the air, loyal to the country, fierce ambition, cover the mountains and rivers! I improvised and danced, if only I could play.

"It's good to play, I'll tell you how to play it"

"But I can't open the score."

"This is easy to say, I'll learn it in a moment."

Then Teacher Wang told me about the knowledge of simple notation, bass treble, beat notes, etc., and sure enough, I quickly understood. Then he asked me to practice playing on the organ, and as soon as I reached out, he said, your fingers are long, you can put eight notes, you can practice the octave accompaniment first. He also talked about the practice of key fingering, the accompaniment of the three chords, etc. I listened to it and understood, but the right hand put on the key, the stiff finger, half a day can not find the position; the left hand to the key of the piano, the octave accompaniment into a seven-degree space, chaotic set. Then, Teacher Wang asked me to try to play while singing, I was already five tone incomplete, my fingers played, my mouth did not know what to sing, what is the matter? The heart cannot be used twice! Moreover, when playing the piano with both hands, the palms of the hands and the brain are used at the same time, and they cannot control themselves at all.

The strangeness of boyhood

The Streets of the Year (taken in 2010)

Not ashamed to ask is good, my adventurous study, not only did not receive a cold reception, but also learned so much knowledge, reading the score, playing the piano, singing and pronunciation, enlightenment! Teacher Wang opened my interest in music, and later, after asking him to practice the piano two or three times, Teacher Wang also gave me a fingering practice manual. Later, Teacher Wang was transferred away. I bought an electronic keyboard, practiced myself against the manual, and when I practiced, I heard birdsong, laughter, noise, scolding, etc., and every bit of life was a string of notes, and the same tune could be played randomly on the piano. At that time, in my world, there was music flowing, music notes beating, singing worlds, bright worlds. In the music, what I saw was the sun shining, the birds singing, and the flat.

Through playing the piano and practicing singing, I remembered some ancient poems, such as "Man Jiang Hong" and "Raining Bells", although they could not be recited throughout, but they would be sung in full. A few years later, the computer was booming, I played the piano, typing and typing on the keyboard, it was free and agile, faster than the young people in the department, they were surprised that my speed did not match my age, I proudly told them, I have a music initiation teacher, do you have it?

More than thirty years have passed, I have never seen Teacher Wang again, the ends of the world are unknown, whenever I read Man Jiang Hong, whenever I see any musical instruments, whenever the reunion festival comes, I will think of the adventurous study when I was young, and I will think of Teacher Wang's tireless teaching. And all I can do is silently wish him happiness and well-being.

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