
The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

author:Sacred deer parenting
The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

Oh, when it comes to those hilarious episodes on the road to parenting, I can't finish talking about it for three days and three nights! Today, let's talk about the story of the 5-year-old clever ghost Coke and her "magic balloon", which is guaranteed to make you laugh with tears and resonate with your heart!

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

Imagine that the little princess Coke in the city was sent to her grandparents' house in the countryside during the summer vacation, and the scene was like Monkey King arriving at Huaguo Mountain, and the whole world was her playground. Coke, the child, is as lively as a little rabbit, running around every day, grandparents are loving and having a headache, and from time to time there will be a "little whirlwind" after the messy beauty of the crossing.

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

Finally, looking forward to the weekend, my parents came, and Coke was so excited, I thought to myself: "This time, my snack library and toy box are going to be upgraded again!" "The result? My parents were empty-handed, and they sold a pass, saying that they were going to take her to the supermarket for big purchases. Hey, this little girl is quite sensible, nodding obediently, her eyes flashing with anticipation of unknown surprises.

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

At lunchtime, the adults have their own division of labor, mom and grandma are busy in the kitchen, dad and grandpa are playing on the chessboard in the yard, what about coke? A little adult, looking for fun on his own. No, driven by curiosity, the little detective Cola opened his mother's bag, hey, the scavenger hunt has begun!

You know what? Coke dug up a "treasure" - a box of "special balloons". The little guy was so happy that he thought it was a novelty snack, but he tore it open, huh? It doesn't taste right! On second thought, "It's not food, it's a super fun toy!" "Smart as she is, she really figured out how to play, but the real purpose of this "toy", we Coke is still in the dark!

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

When the climax came, the grandfather inadvertently broke into this "secret party" and witnessed the most embarrassing scene in history - his granddaughter was blowing a condom as a balloon to play! Grandpa's shyness, his face was as red as a ripe apple, and he ran out with a puff of smoke, leaving a room of embarrassing air.

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

Mom rushed to hear the sound, and the embarrassment index of that scene exploded directly! While silently chanting "calm and calm" in his heart, he gently took the "balloons" from Coke's hands and quietly disposed of them. This scene, if made into a movie, is definitely a classic of comedy!

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

At the dinner table, grandpa and mom tacitly chose silence is golden, one because of shyness, the other because it was too embarrassing, but Dad was at a loss, and he didn't know what "wonderful" clips he had missed. This meal was quite "meaningful".

In the afternoon, in order to make Coke forget about the "magic balloon", her mother took her straight to the supermarket to redefine "real balloons". Of course, along the way, my mother didn't forget to give Coke an educational lesson that "personal belongings should not be turned over at will".

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

This pile and piece of work seem to be ridiculous, but behind it is the warmth and wisdom of family education. On the road of no return to parenting, every family has its own unique scenery, and these vignettes are the indispensable seasoning for children's growth, allowing us to learn more tolerance and understanding in laughter and embarrassment.

So, dear parents, the next time your baby also stages such an "unexpected surprise" for you, you might as well have a little more humor and less blame, after all, these are the most precious memories of their growth!

The 5-year-old daughter rummaged through her mother's bag and found a toy, her grandfather blushed when she saw it, and her mother looked embarrassed

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