
Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Liu Yifei's live broadcast hotly discussed the actor's mentality after becoming popular

On the colorful stage of the entertainment industry, every actor aspires to become famous overnight and become the center of attention. However, when the light really shines on themselves, how many people can maintain their original intentions and continue to forge ahead? Recently, Liu Yifei shared her views on this phenomenon in the live broadcast, she said: "Some actors may really become popular too quickly, and they have not experienced some accumulation and tribulations in art, and then they floated." This sentence is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

Liu Yifei's words are undoubtedly a deep insight into the current situation of the entertainment industry. In the entertainment industry, we can indeed see that some actors suddenly became popular because of a work, and then began to appear frequently on various occasions, but their acting skills did not improve with the increase in popularity. These actors seem to have forgotten that true art takes time and experience to shine brightly. Liu Yifei's words are like a mirror, allowing these actors to see their own shortcomings, and also allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

Netizens' humorous interpretations and heated discussions

Liu Yifei's words quickly caused heated discussions on social media. Some netizens joked: "Is this the legendary 'Gone with the Wind'?" I thought it was hip-hop! Some netizens said: "Is Liu Yifei talking about 'little fresh meat'?" Haha, but to be honest, the acting skills of some 'little fresh meat' really need to be improved. Some netizens directly shouted to the named actors: "Don't float, come down and practice!" ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

Of course, some netizens expressed support for Liu Yifei's remarks. They believe that Liu Yifei, as an actor who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, has rich experience and deep insights. Her words are not only a reminder to those actors who have an unbalanced mentality after becoming popular, but also a spur to the entire entertainment industry. Only by constantly improving their professional skills and moral cultivation can they gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

The entertainment industry needs more "domestic entertainment people"

Liu Yifei's live broadcast made many people sigh: The entertainment industry needs more "domestic entertainment people" like her. The "internal entertainment people" here not only refer to those actors who dare to speak the truth and dare to express their own opinions, but also to those actors who truly love, respect, and pursue art. They don't get carried away by momentary success, and they don't give up easily because of setbacks. They always stick to their original intentions and dreams, and use their efforts and talents to influence and infect more people.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

In the highly competitive arena of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to keep a clear head and firm beliefs. But it is the existence of these "domestic entertainment people" that makes the entire entertainment industry full of vitality and hope. They have proved with their actions that only actors who truly love, respect, and pursue art can gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry and win the love and respect of the audience.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

Liu Yifei's sincere sharing and concern

Liu Yifei not only shared her views on the actor's mentality after becoming popular in the live broadcast, but also expressed her worries. She worries that her sincere sharing and speaking will be over-interpreted, magnified, and even unjustified. This kind of concern is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, because many times, truth is often more likely to cause controversy and conflict than falsehood. But Liu Yifei did not back down because of this, she still insisted on speaking her thoughts and opinions, and used her actions to influence and infect more people.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

This kind of sincerity and courage is touching and admirable. In this entertainment industry full of hypocrisy and impetuousness, Liu Yifei is like a clear stream, using her sincerity and courage to fight against those unhealthy trends. Her spirit is not only worthy of our learning and reference, but also deserves the support and protection of more people.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

Controversial summary: Liu Yifei's remarks caused the industry to think deeply

Liu Yifei's live broadcast undoubtedly sparked a discussion about the actor's mentality and professional ethics in the entertainment industry. Her remarks not only made those actors who had an unbalanced mentality after becoming popular see their own shortcomings, but also made the entire entertainment industry begin to reflect: Should we pay more attention to the professional skills and moral cultivation of actors? Should we provide our audience with more quality works and actors?

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor is "floating"? Netizen: Please don't float, practice first!

Of course, Liu Yifei's remarks have also caused some controversy and questions. Some people think that she is too direct and sharp and may offend some people; Some people think that she is just hyping herself up and gaining attention. But in any case, we should admit that Liu Yifei's live broadcast is a meaningful attempt and discussion. It allows us to see the efforts and dedication of those actors in the entertainment industry who truly love, respect, and pursue art; It also allows us to see the problems and deficiencies in the entire entertainment industry. I hope that in the future, there will be more "domestic entertainment people" like Liu Yifei to inject more positive energy and hope into the entertainment industry.

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