
Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

author:Xingchen loves to watch the entertainment industry

"The quality of teaching is the sacrosanct bottom line, and no factor should be allowed to shake it" from the Medical University

Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

Professor Yu, a doctor at a small Southern Medical University, was forced to resign under the deterrence of the leadership team!

Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

The reason was that Teacher Yu was involved in saving a Chinese child who was about to lose his life during the teaching time. As a result, there was a 30-minute delay in teaching international students.

Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!
Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

In the eyes of Southern Medical University, it is to challenge their bottom line and their official authority, Professor Yu stepped on their "unspoken rules" and was killed as an example!

The hospital imposed a severe punishment on Professor Yu↓↓

Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!
Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

What's the point of opening a class? When lives are threatened, a doctor can't save lives, but has to go back to the classroom to teach foreign students?

Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!
Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!
Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

Is this a question worth pondering?

Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!
Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

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Life is as thin as paper! Professor Yu Li was forced to resign! The official authority of the leadership team of the Medical University cannot be shaken!

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