
"Spring and Autumn of the Eastern Zhou Dynasties" Appreciation | The monarch sent troops to arrest the prince, but the prince hesitated

author:Tang Zhaoxing
"Spring and Autumn of the Eastern Zhou Dynasties" Appreciation | The monarch sent troops to arrest the prince, but the prince hesitated

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Li Ji's plan finally worked, and she poisoned the hounds of Jin Xiangong by poisoning the sacrificial meat Yin And Yang, and Jin Xiangong listened to Li Ji's rumors and sent troops to arrest Prince Shensheng. How did Prince Shensheng react at this time?

When the attendant panicked, Zhang came in and reported, "No, the sacrificial flesh offered by the prince to the monarch is poisonous!" Shen Sheng immediately asked, "Did The Emperor eat it?" The attendant said, "The hounds of the monarch were poisoned, and the monarch was furious and had sent men to arrest the prince." Minister Du Yuanqian said: "What a poisonous woman, prince, you should run away, and the old decay will state the situation to the monarch on your behalf." At this life-threatening moment, Prince Shensheng hesitated, and he did not immediately follow Du Yuanqian's advice to let him escape. At this time, the attendant came in again and reported: "The monarch has led the army to kill." Du Yuanqian once again urged the prince to flee. But the prince said, "To run away is to fear sin, that is to say, I have an attempt to kill my father, I cannot go, and I will die at the feet of my father." ”

Judging from Shen Sheng's thoughts, he had hope for the monarch, he still childishly hoped to see the monarch clarify the truth, he still believed that he should be loyal to the monarch regardless of life or death, even if he was killed by the monarch without complaint. Judging from this verbal description, Shen Sheng has the characteristics of cowardice, childishness and foolishness, he does not even care about his own life, and Li Ji's poisonous schemes do not sober the prince, but increase the weight of his foolishness, which is the reason why the prince hesitates.