
When diabetes complications come, there will be 4 abnormal signs in the body, I hope you will pay attention to it as soon as possible

author:The world of TCM Week

Diabetes is a common chronic disease that afflicts millions of people worldwide. While diabetes itself is a concern, what is even more problematic are its complications. The potential severity of diabetic complications cannot be ignored, and they are extremely dangerous, not only significantly reducing the quality of life of patients, but also directly endangering their life, health and safety. In order to help you better understand and cope with diabetes complications, this article will introduce four abnormal signs that your body may have when diabetes complications come. Knowing these signs can help us detect problems early and take appropriate action to reduce the harm of complications.

When diabetes complications come, there will be 4 abnormal signs in the body, I hope you will pay attention to it as soon as possible

1. Skin problems: abnormal dryness and itching

Diabetic patients are prone to skin problems due to long-term high blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels rise abnormally high, the body automatically activates a regulatory mechanism to eliminate excess sugar through frequent urination, and in the process, the body is susceptible to severe dehydration. Not only does dehydration make you feel extremely thirsty, but it also triggers your skin to lose moisture, causing it to become dry and inelastic. This dryness is often accompanied by an itching sensation, especially in the extremities and trunk areas.

Skin problems are one of the early signs of diabetes complications. If you notice that your skin is drier than usual, or even cracked and infected, you need to pay attention. Prompt medical attention, blood sugar testing, and skin care can effectively alleviate these symptoms and prevent further deterioration.

When diabetes complications come, there will be 4 abnormal signs in the body, I hope you will pay attention to it as soon as possible

2. Vision problems: blurred vision and eye discomfort

Diabetic patients often face blurred vision, which is a significant sign of the emergence and impact of diabetic complications. A prolonged hyperglycemic state will ruthlessly erode the retinal blood vessels, leading to persistent vascular damage, which in turn gradually triggers and aggravates diabetic retinopathy, posing a serious threat to the patient's eye health. Diabetic retinopathy can cause significant vision loss, persistent eye discomfort, and a potential risk of blindness, which can seriously affect the visual health of patients.

Vision problems often appear gradually, and may be brief at first, but over time, vision loss and blurring will become more severe until blindness may occur. If you notice sudden blurring of vision, a floating dark shadow in front of your eyes, or if your eyes feel tired and uncomfortable, you should see a doctor immediately for a detailed eye examination and blood sugar control.

When diabetes complications come, there will be 4 abnormal signs in the body, I hope you will pay attention to it as soon as possible

3. Neurological symptoms: manifested as numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and feet

Diabetes damages the nervous system, leading to diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This neuropathy usually manifests itself in the area of the hands and feet, and symptoms include numbness, tingling, burning sensation, etc. These symptoms may interfere with daily life, such as walking as if the soles of your feet are on the tip of a needle, or your fingers feeling dull and inflexible.

Neurological problems not only affect quality of life, but can also have more serious consequences. When nerves in the feet are damaged, patients may not be able to perceive wounds and infections acutely, leading to delays in treatment, which can increase the risk of ulcer formation and serious infection. Therefore, it is crucial for diabetic patients to have regular foot check-ups in order to detect and properly manage any abnormal conditions in time, so as to effectively prevent further deterioration of the condition.

When diabetes complications come, there will be 4 abnormal signs in the body, I hope you will pay attention to it as soon as possible

4. Cardiovascular problems: chest pain and dyspnea

The risk of cardiovascular disease increases significantly in people with diabetes. Long-term hyperglycemia can severely erode the walls of blood vessels, hardening them and losing their original elasticity, which in turn significantly increases the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Early signs of cardiovascular problems include chest pain, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and even irregular heartbeats.

If you experience these symptoms, especially after exercise or when you are emotional, you should seek medical attention immediately. Cardiovascular problems are one of the most serious complications of diabetes, and prompt treatment and management of blood sugar levels are crucial.

When diabetes complications come, there will be 4 abnormal signs in the body, I hope you will pay attention to it as soon as possible

How to prevent and manage diabetes complications

Blood sugar control: This is key to preventing complications. Keeping your blood sugar in the normal range through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medication can greatly reduce the risk of complications.

Diabetic patients should have regular comprehensive health check-ups, including monitoring of blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood lipid levels, as well as detailed examinations of the fundus, nerves, and feet, so that potential health problems can be detected and properly addressed.

Preventing diabetes complications requires a healthy lifestyle: quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, maintaining a proper weight, eating a balanced diet, and exercising in moderation can all help reduce the risk of complications.

Mental health: Diabetics are prone to psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression, and a good state of mind is equally important for disease management.

Diabetes is a disease that requires long-term management, and its complications can have serious consequences. By recognizing and recognising signs of abnormalities in the body, such as dry skin, blurred vision, numbness in the hands and feet, and chest pain, patients can take early action to prevent complications from developing and developing.