
In the war movie "Cold Mountain", the protagonist who has been baptized by the fire of war has a long and difficult journey home

author:First get the month movie 0j3g

Hello everyone, today I would like to introduce you to a war movie "Cold Mountain".

In the war movie "Cold Mountain", the protagonist who has been baptized by the fire of war has a long and difficult journey home

The film is based on the best-selling novel by renowned author Charles Fraser. It depicts the long and difficult journey home of the protagonist who has been baptized by the fire of war. During the American Civil War, years of war exhausted a Southern soldier named Hadron, who was severely wounded and tortured in recent battles. Feeling that he had little left in his life, he resolutely decided to drag his sick body away from the army, hoping to rush back to his remote hometown of Lengshan, just to meet his beloved lover Junko.

In the war movie "Cold Mountain", the protagonist who has been baptized by the fire of war has a long and difficult journey home

The hadron embarked on a long and difficult journey home. At the same time, Junko, in her hometown of Lengshan, is also suffering from cruel suffering, struggling painfully at the bottom line of life. It turned out that Junko was originally the daughter of a local mountain missionary, and had a love affair with Hadron during a party and worship, and after the outbreak of the civil war, Hadron was forced to participate in the war, her father died, and the slaves fled to the north one by one because of the war. Faced with the pain of being ruthlessly abandoned by life, the weak Junko can only pin all his hopes on waiting for the end of the war and the return of the hadron to his side. However, as soon as Hadron went away for many years, Junko struggled alone in the difficult countryside, and the miserable situation made her inevitably miserable. Fortunately, at this time, Junko was introduced as her assistant to the mountain girl Zhuangzhuang, who wandered around because of the war, but had the bravery and strength characteristic of a country girl. With the help of Zhuangzhuang, Junko gradually learns to fight against the difficult environment around her, vowing to rebuild her homeland and wait for Hadron's return. Junko and Zhuangzhuang, the two women warm each other in the cold mountains of war, difficult and happy life, during which they met Strong's father Sturdrod. The haggard hadron who traveled a long way can only look at the cold mountain in his hometown, think back to his hometown and miss his wife, and look forward to the moment of reunion in a difficult environment. Finally, the hadron passed through layers of dangers and encountered Junko in a forest. Junko is catching chickens when she sees a figure in the distance, and Junko recognizes him. That night, two lonely hearts collided. But the next day, just as they were about to return to the farm, a local security team appeared. Eventually the hadron died under the gun. Junko held hadron's corpse for a long time and could not calm her sadness.

In the war movie "Cold Mountain", the protagonist who has been baptized by the fire of war has a long and difficult journey home

The Civil War was soon over. Junko takes her and Hadron's daughter and also owns her own farm. Live hopefully.

In the war movie "Cold Mountain", the protagonist who has been baptized by the fire of war has a long and difficult journey home

The film ends there. The hardships and hardships cannot shake the persistence of the hadron to return home, and the encounters on the journey back to the hometown are from the battlefield back to the cold mountain, from the broken to the complete road. I only hope that there will be less war in the world, and more green and light.

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