
Movie: Cold Mountain

author:Movies bad oranges

During the American Civil War, years of war exhausted a Southern soldier named Inman. Inman was seriously wounded and tortured in recent fighting. He felt that he had little left in his life, so he resolutely decided to flee the army with his sick body, and wanted to return to his distant hometown of Cold Mountain, just to meet his beloved lover Ada.

The man embarked on a long and arduous journey home. At the same time, Ada in his hometown of Lengshan is also suffering from cruel frying and cooking, and struggling painfully on the bottom line of life. It turned out that Ada was the daughter of a local mountain missionary. She fell in love with Inman at a party and in church. After the outbreak of the Civil War, Inman was forced to fight, his father died, and the slaves fled to the north one by one because of the war. Faced with the pain of being ruthlessly abandoned by life, the weak Ida can only pin all her hopes on waiting for the end of the war so that Inman can return to her side. However, after Inman's long journey home, Ida struggles alone in a difficult country, and the tragic situation makes her feel helpless. Luckily, Sally introduced Ada to Ruby, a mountain girl who was her assistant. Ruby wanders around because of the war, but she is brave and strong as a country girl. With Ruby's help, Ada gradually learns to fight off the difficult circumstances around him, vowing to rebuild his home and wait for Inman's return. Ada and Ruby, two women who warm each other in the cold mountains of war and live a hard and happy life, during which time they meet Ruby's father, Sturrod. Exhausted after a long journey, Inman can only look at the cold mountains of his hometown, recall his hometown and miss his wife, and look forward to the moment of reunion in a difficult environment. Finally, Inman crosses the barriers and meets Ida in the forest. Ada is catching chickens. When she saw a figure in the distance, Ada recognized him. That night, two lonely hearts collided. But the next day, just as they were about to return to the farm, a local security team appeared. Inman eventually died under the gun. Ida held Inman's body for a long time and could not calm her heart. The civil war was soon over. Ada, along with her and Inman's daughter, also owns her own farm. Live with hope. All kinds of tribulations could not shake Inman's insistence on returning home. The various encounters on the way home are the only way to return from the battlefield to the cold mountain and from the damage. May the world be less wary and more green and bright.

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