
Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

author:Zhoushan Daily
Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

Opening remarks

On the new journey of realizing common prosperity, Zhoushan is bravely standing at the head of the tide, striving to be the first, and striving to be the first city in the construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone for high-quality development.

Gongfu Road, the scenery is just right.

Looking at the fishing countryside of the island, new practices, new changes and new scenery of common prosperity can be seen everywhere. Recently, this newspaper launched the "common prosperity to see the countryside" media interview action, deep ploughing the grass-roots frontline, looking for rural models, showing changes, showing the new achievements of common prosperity with the beautiful picture of the model countryside, and adding color to the city's construction of a common prosperity demonstration area.

Blue sky and blue waves, green grass leisurely,

The archipelago is mountainous and the villages are beautiful


Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

Along the "most beautiful highway" Luotang line, the originally silent island landscape can be seen from afar, which makes people suddenly cheerful.

Here, it is the Tangtou Village of Donggang Street in Putuo District mentioned in the Zhoushan dialect "east to Tangtou, west to Wuqiu". At the other end of the Luotang line is the Zhan Mao Luo Gate, and the driving time at both ends is about 10 minutes.

Once, the label here was "remote cold mountain", no one cared about it; now, it has become a popular punch card for tourists. From cold to hot, awakening the coastal landscape of Tangtou Village, the head work is the "most beautiful highway".

Because of the construction of the Luotang Line, the rural attractions of Zhanmao and Donggang are connected into a line, and the rural self-driving tour is wider and more attractive; because of the Luotang Line, the local trend is in line with the development of tourism economy, and merchants from all walks of life come to the scene, and inefficient land is revitalized.

Recently, our reporter walked into Tangtou Village, looked at the village, visitors, listened to the voices of the people, and explored how Tangtou Village can rely on the "most beautiful highway" to make the green water and green mountains become golden mountains and silver mountains, let more ecological value-added, and explore a new path of common prosperity.

01 Because of the "most beautiful highway"

"Cold Mountain" gradually resurrected

Aborigines returned to open homestays

Tangtou and Donggang are just a mountain away. With the development of reclamation, the people of Tangtou have seen that Donggang is becoming more and more prosperous every day. And the pond where he has lived for generations is becoming increasingly lonely.

In order to make a living, the villagers have chosen to go outside. Today, the long and short sand and bluestone areas of Tangtou, which have been uninhabited, have witnessed the vicissitudes of that migration.

The bustling Donggang, full of infinite vitality, became the first choice for Tangtou villagers to "jump out" for the first time. Gao Chunliang is one of the "intruders".

20 years ago, Gao Chunliang left Tangtou to make a living in Donggang. Relying on its own efforts and excellent craftsmanship, many years later, Gao Chunliang's "Chunliang Seafood Stalls" became famous in Donggang.

In those days when Gao Chunliang went far away and flew high, Tangtou was not static.

In those years, Tangtou took the lead in putuo to raise farm tourism, and Qilin Mountain also had a sports tourism expansion site; relying on Buddha tea, Tangtou became the place where the Putuo Buddha Tea Cultural Festival was held. But along the way, Tangtou development has been tepid.

Weng Zhoubo, secretary of the party committee of Tangtou Village, sighed that the main restriction on the development of Tangtou is the inconvenience of travel, and most ordinary people are eager to go out of the mountain village and integrate into Donggang New City. Since April 2008, the relocation of the entire village of the local teapot natural village has been officially launched, and the demolition and relocation of the whole village has been basically completed at the end of 2013.

Until 2017, the news of the start of construction of the Luotang Line came, and the people of Tangtou had a new hope: the tomorrow of the hometown will definitely get better and better.

In 2019, Gao Chunliang returned and opened his first homestay in Tangtou - "Chunliang Mountain Residence". In October 2019, the Luotang Line was opened to traffic, and the net red punch points "Dream Hillside" and "Shizitan Camp" echoed with "Chunliang Mountain Residence".

"Looking down from here, the reefs, fishing boats, and beaches can be seen from the bottom; looking up, Putuo Mountain is only separated by water, and the beautiful natural environment has attracted many tourists from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai." Gao Chunliang stood in the "Chunliang Mountain Residence" looking at a landscape in the distance and told reporters that the effect brought by the Luotang line is obvious, especially in the flow of tourists, in the first half of the year, the occupancy rate of 9 rooms of the "Chunliang Mountain Residence" was almost full, and the revenue in July was more than 100,000 yuan.

Imagining the future, Gao Chunliang is full of confidence: "In the first half of the year, the Shanghai tourist team came with more than 50 people. If the villagers can hold the group to operate and retain these guests together, the Gongfu Road will become wider and wider. ”

This year, next door to the "Chunliang Mountain Residence", another 2 homestays have opened for business.

02 Because of the "most beautiful highway"

The island landscape is recognized by outsiders

Investors flock here

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

When Gao Chunliang "went home", because the "most beautiful highway" Luotang Line was opened to traffic, the beautiful island scenery attracted many tourists and merchants to visit, and the once unloved Tangtou Village became a fragrant feast.

On the foothills of the coastal mountain leading to Tangtou in Donggang, commercial houses have risen one after another; the long-uninhabited natural village of Bluestone has turned gorgeously and will be turned into a resort by Ningbo merchants.

Backed by mountains, facing the harbor, between green mountains and green waters, 4 tree houses are particularly chic, infinity pools, light luxury tents are under construction, making people infinite reverie...

"At present, we have invested 30 million yuan here, planning to build a unique Zhoushan homestay group, and will also renovate the original villagers' houses to eventually become a high-end resort in Tangtou." Xia Zhengwen, head of the qingshizi resort manor, told reporters that after the resort opens, it can provide some jobs for local villagers.

The "most beautiful highway" has not only attracted investors from outside the city, but also attracted the attention of local state-owned enterprises.

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

In October last year, Putuo Jiaotong Investment Group signed a land lease contract with Tangtou Village, planning to develop the Tangtou Shizitan leisure resort project. According to the plan, in the future, Shizitan will become a tourist and leisure destination integrating vacation, entertainment, catering, accommodation and sports and leisure, with the characteristics of township (fishing) village.

"Along the Luotang Line, it aggregates many original ecological resources such as green mountains, green waters, blue seas and golden sands, and has humanistic resources such as fishermen's villages and meditation dojos, which have the potential to build a high-quality fishing and sea ecological resort." The relevant person in charge of Putuo Jiaotong Investment Group believes that excavating the commercial development of the industrial chain along the highway and expanding the connotation of the highway in multiple formats supports the global tourism cycle of Putuo District, which is in line with the current strategic environment and economic construction innovation-driven needs of Putuo Regional.

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land
Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

Promising prospects, just recently, a homestay owner who has settled in Tangtou Village found the Putuo Jiaotong Group, rented a 6,000-square-meter lawn near the Luotang Line, and tried to camp.

However, due to various reasons such as forest fire prevention, the lawn is now undergoing infrastructure construction, and after it is improved, it may be developed into a caravan base. "There's traffic, there's no need to worry about customers, and I'm still thinking about camping in other areas." The owner of the homestay said.

03 Because of the "most beautiful highway"

"Bonsai" becomes "landscape"

The pond head becomes a hot soil

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

"Ruilin Lying Wave, Shanhai Fu Dao", this is the connotation of this "most beautiful highway".

The "Luotang Line" from Putuo Donggang to Zhanmao, with a total length of 12.7 kilometers, was opened to traffic in October 2019. At the beginning of the project, it adhered to the construction of "ecological transportation", made full use of the superior conditions of local natural landscapes, created core scenic spots along the route, and supported and improved the facilities of vehicular and bicycle stations. After completion, the broken head road was opened, and the Traffic Ring Line of Zhanmao-Donggang was formed with the Yadong Line, Luotang Line and Dongtang Line.

How can a spiral pond line lead the whole body and bring such a convergence effect?

Weng Zhoubo gave the answer: Huangyangjian Village, Zhanmao Pastoral Complex, Lotus Island... The Luotang line strings together a "bonsai", turning the "bonsai" into a landscape, converging into a boutique tourism route, and also stimulating its strong tourism potential; top-level design, industrial layout... Aiming at high-end customers of self-driving tours and planning in advance has become another magnetic field to enhance the hard power of tourism, attracting many merchants to come.

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

"With the advent of the era of self-driving tourism, highways have become an important basic guarantee for personalized travel and tourism consumption upgrading, and 'tourist highways' have become a new outlet." A tourism industry insider believes that at present, due to the impact of the epidemic, leisure and entertainment products for families and relatives and friends based on self-driving and self-help methods are becoming hot spots in the tourism market demand. The rural tourism industry model created by Tangtou Village is moving forward along this trajectory.

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

Embarking on a new journey, Tangtou Village is exploring a new path of common prosperity. Imagine the future, the village will rely on the natural ecological genes along the route and cultural genes such as villages and meditation to create coastal mountain tourism spots that integrate functions such as sightseeing, accommodation, catering, leisure, and meditation, and form an industrial chain of "Belt and Road" landscape corridors.

"At present, the determined industrial layout includes the Shizitan Barbecue Camp and the Bluestone Caravan Camp, and the next step is to plan to build a boardwalk along the coastline on the slope of the Niutou Mountain Block, and build a cliff pit hotel with the theme of health and wellness..." Facing the sea, for the tomorrow of Tangtou Village, Weng Zhoubo seems to have become a bamboo in his chest." During this time, more and more merchants came to contact land leases, which will bring great benefits to the village collective economy. ”

"You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people who watch the scenery look at you upstairs..." Driving, facing the wind, through the Luotang line "this window", Tangtou Village is making a dream come true, driving on a Kangzhuang Avenue leading to common prosperity.

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

Reporter: Liu Yile Liu Hao Correspondent: Liu Jinshuang Weng Panyuan

Reporter: Yao Kaile / Photo

Once "Cold Mountain", because of a road, is becoming a hot land

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