
Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

Mention Cao Cao, will think of treachery, mercenary is the intention, blackmail the son of heaven to order the princes and a series of negative words, do not know that at that time the decline of Han unification, the weapons of the princes, there is no absolute right and wrong, Cao Cao and Liu Bei are only one of the members of the tyrants, he once invented an idiom to describe death, the elderly are not only not afraid, but also often hang on their lips.

The ancients' taboo against death

For the ancients, the more high authority, the older the more taboo death and other words, although people inherently a death, or heavier than Taishan, or lighter than The Hong Mao, but life is seventy years old, the ancient situation is different from modern times, there is no good nutrition and living environment, the probability of cure after getting seriously ill is far less than now.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

Coupled with the countless deaths and injuries in the war at every turn, the plague disease after the war is not any countermeasure, so the average life expectancy of ancient people is relatively low, and it is already very long to live for sixty or seventy years old.

The princes and nobles are even more reluctant to see the words in this regard, so "each has its own way of death" When they die at an early age, adults call them Xie Shi, the emperor calls them dead, the princes and ministers call them Xue, the doctors call them pawns, and the soldiers call them bulu, so it can be said that they have tried every means to avoid the word death. Some titles are even used to this day, including those created by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's new vocabulary

Cao Cao once called death a hundred years, which can be said to have been created by Cao Cao, because the Romance of the Three Kingdoms magnified Cao Cao's treacherous side infinitely, so when we mention Cao Cao, we all show a deep hatred, and we do not know that Cao Cao is a true hero.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

In fact, looking at Cao Cao with colored glasses aside, you know that in addition to being a great politician, he is actually a poet, how to relieve his worries, only Du Kang, Cao Cao, who fought everywhere in yokozuna, will also have a time to borrow wine to dispel his sorrows. Improvised into poetry, which shows the high level of its achievements.

The "Battle of Guandu" is still talked about as a classic battle in which less wins and more victories, and the term "hundred years" was also proposed by Cao Cao after the great destruction of Yuan Shao's army.

At that time, Cao Cao's power was inferior to Yuan Shao's, so he did not dare to rush to attack, Yuan Shao had long realized this in the early days, so he took it step by step, played with Cao Cao, and the two armies formed a confrontation, under this confrontation, Cao Cao, who was originally weaker, was inferior to Yuan Shao, and it would not take long to be dragged down by himself.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

At that time, Cao Cao was already retired, but under the persuasion of his subordinates, he was still in a stalemate, which was originally a war without suspense, but there was a problem on Yuan Shao's side, and the strategist Xu You persuaded Yuan Shao to increase his troops to garrison the land of grain, but Yuan Shao, who felt that the victory was in his hands, did not pay attention to him, and Xu You was not satisfied, directly backhanded the enemy, and told Cao Cao of this defect.

Cao Cao also seized the opportunity to burn down Yuan Shao's granary, and yuan Shao's army, which had lost its supplies, collapsed, and Cao Cao's side suddenly launched an attack, locking in a victory in the first battle. In 202 AD, Cao Cao won a complete victory at the Battle of Guandu and was stationed in Peiguo County. Seeing that the people of his hometown had suffered from the war, Cao Cao felt inspired and issued the "Military Commandment".

The general meaning is that I rebelled against the enemy, and the people of my hometown suffered from the fires of war, which made me feel very sad, and those who died in battle and had no descendants gave preferential treatment to their relatives and friends, and granted land to cultivate cattle, so that they would have a place to worship their ancestors after death. In this way, I will die without regrets.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

The last sentence of this command is why should I hate it a hundred years later? Cao Cao skillfully expresses the word death here with a hundred years, a hundred years later, referring to many years later, after Cao Cao used to indicate his death, it can be said that at this time Cao Cao was still concerned about the subjects of the state.

Cao Cao's view of life and death

In fact, the early Cao Cao was also a young man with lofty ideals, who also thought about reporting to the state, under the Limin, but he was not born at the right time, the Emperor of the Great Han Dynasty at that time was so powerless, after the Ten Constant Attendants, Dong Zhuo established a new emperor to dominate the government and cholera harem. The civil and military officials dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and they covered their faces and wept but were helpless.

At this time, Cao Cao stood up, willing to rely on his own strength, behead dong Zhuo's head, hanging at the East Gate, in order to repay the country, at this time Cao Cao had long put life and death aside, and strived to hand blade the country thief, with his life to repay the country, honestly can be described as a big husband, in the face of Yuan Shao's indecisiveness and missed the opportunity, he left the table in anger.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

After learning the importance of holding military power, he decided to recruit soldiers and buy horses, repay the Han Dynasty, Guandu First World War, Cao Cao won, in addition to the heartfelt military orders, Cao Cao also wrote down the bold words "Although the turtle is long," he still has the time, at this time Cao Cao is fifty-three years old but still has the ambition to think about his hundred years later.

However, since several battles were successful, his status rose, and Cao Cao, who became the king of Wei, was finally afraid of the arrival of a hundred years later, in order to avoid harm from others, he set up a suspicious person for himself, and only then did he tell his subordinates that I was good at killing people in my dreams, afraid that others would take advantage of their sleep to assassinate himself, and even served his own attendants for many years with a blade, from here, Cao Cao had begun to fear "a hundred years".

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

In addition, Cao Cao, who knew that he could not escape death, forced Emperor Xian of Han to order that his throne be allowed to be hereditary, and after a hundred years, he could also be regarded as leaving something for his descendants, and the merits were similar to those in the contemporary era, and The benefits were similar in qianqiu, and finally after Cao Cao a hundred years later, Cao Pi succeeded him in his position, and even replaced Emperor Xiandi of Han as emperor.

After a hundred years, this saying is somewhat inherited in it, in fact, later Zhuge Cheng Xiang also had such a word when he passed away, and when Liu Chan sent Li Fu to ask An, he said, "After a hundred years of Xiang Xiang, who can follow him?" That is to say, a hundred years later, this word has actually been used again after Cao Cao.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

It has survived to this day

Then the passage of time, because of the euphemism of this word, is still hanging on the lips of the elderly, often mentioning that people who have passed away will say "a hundred years" and do not know what the situation is after a hundred years.

In some areas in the north, such as Shaanxi, Gansu, etc., if there is an elderly person who has passed away, he will directly call it an old hundred years, so that it does not sound so sad and depressed, in fact, the death of the elderly with high life is not a bad thing, and some even suffer from illness and get rid of the sea of suffering, so the word "old hundred years" is mostly an annunciation of good fortune and mourning.

Cao Cao invented a word and told death so literaryly that now the old man is not afraid to hang on to his lips

Among the many words that represent death now, there are not many words that can be euphemistically and naturally expressed, and the word "hundred years" can be said to be just right. It not only shows a beautiful vision for the future, but also Cao Cao's deep love for the people at that time.

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