
China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

In 1996, in order to further maintain law and order, our country comprehensively confiscated all kinds of guns to the society, including pistols and shotguns, and some special personnel needed to hold guns.

But in Shandong, there are still two pistols hidden in the home of an old man, and he also holds a special gun license, and everyone around him knows that there are two pistols hidden in the old man's home, and they are proud of it. What is the historical merit, why there are two pistols hidden in the house, and one is more than 70 years!

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

A recent photo of the old man Teng Xiyuan

This old man was the old man Teng Xiyuan, a legendary combat hero, and these two pistols were rewarded to him by his superiors for meritorious service on the battlefield and to turn the tide. To understand the experience of the old man getting two pistols, you must start from the legendary life of the old man.

The legendary life of the old man Teng Xiyuan

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

Old man Teng Xiyuan was armed with two guns

Teng Xiyuan was born in October 1925 in a poor rural area of Laiwu, Shandong Province, his parents died shortly after birth, and he and his two older brothers depended on each other since he was a child, and the two brothers joined the revolution and the Eighth Route Army when he was more than 10 years old, so Teng Xiyuan was imperceptibly transmitted the revolutionary faith and revolutionary spirit by the two brothers from an early age. He also understood that in the battlefield behind enemy lines in Shandong, only the Eighth Route Army was truly anti-Japanese and devilish, and only the Eighth Route Army was really fighting for the poor people.

Under the influence of his two older brothers, Teng Xiyuan made up his mind at a young age to "kill the enemy for the country".

When he was 13 years old, the Japanese army strengthened the sweeping of the anti-Japanese base area, in order to avoid the capture of the Japanese army, he first hid in the cave for a while, and then crawled in the snow for a day and a night to find the Eighth Route Army and the county brigade, teng Xiyuan also passed out due to fatigue. When he woke up and opened his eyes to see his eldest brother and second brother, the first thing he said was:

I want to join the Eighth Route Army, be a Chinese soldier like you, avenge the villagers, and drive the Japanese devils out of China!

The eldest brother saw that he was so sincere in his heart and agreed to Teng Xiyuan's request to join the army, but let him go to the county brigade to exercise first, and that was it

At the age of 13, Teng Xiyuan became a member of the Laidong County Brigade and began a legendary revolutionary career.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

Teng Xiyuan was at home with his wife

At the first try, the little devil killed the Japanese soldiers with a dagger

In 1940, the Japanese army dispatched a large number of troops to encircle and suppress the base areas and county brigades, and every village where the Japanese army went implemented the "three-light policy", that is, the policy of killing, robbing and burning the light, and more importantly, as soon as the Japanese army entered the village, it arrested communists and county brigade guerrillas, declaring that it would uproot the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army! If the masses of the people help to support the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army, they will all practice the method of sitting together, and shoot and kill!

The Japanese puppet army was everywhere in the village and the surrounding areas to capture the Eighth Route Army and guerrillas, at that time Teng Xiyuan was thin, relatively agile, and familiar with the surrounding terrain, he led other guerrillas through unknown tunnels and mountain roads to escape, in the process of escaping at night they encountered the Japanese army that was disengaging, this Japanese soldier also saw them, shooting at them and chasing after them. In order to let the two comrades go first, Teng Xiyuan stayed behind to deal with the Japanese soldier.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

Various military medals on the chest of the old man

He first hid at the bend, taking advantage of the fact that the Japanese did not pay attention, kicked the Japanese to the ground with a leg sweep, and then wrestled with the Japanese. The Japanese army fixed his eyes on him to find that he was a child, so he arrogantly stabbed Teng Xiyuan with a bayonet, and he stabbed into the rock with a bayonet that dodged the Japanese army, and the bayonet picked him and then flexibly dodged, and the bayonet sparked a fierce spark in the collision with the rock.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The old man and his wife are at home

Teng Xiyuan took out the self-defense dagger given to him by his two brothers and stabbed it into the chest and ribs of the Japanese army under the cover of two comrades-in-arms. The Japanese army also dodged in time, but he did not know where the strength came, the Japanese army fell to the ground, with the help of his comrades-in-arms, he took up the dagger to assassinate such a Japanese army, captured the Japanese army's three or eight big covers, and still the old man still keeps this dagger. The 15-year-old Teng Xiyuan heroically stabbed the Japanese army to death for a while, which made the county brigade look up and down at this little soldier!

Teng Xiyuan bravely killed the enemy, and the troops rewarded him with a gun

In the early summer of 1940, the Eighth Route Army was expanded due to the needs of the war, Teng Xiyuan's county brigade was expanded into the main force of the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese army dispatched large-scale troops to frantically sweep the Anti-Japanese base area in Luzhong, and Teng Xiyuan's company stayed behind to cover the main force and the villagers to fight and resist.

In order to break through the position where their company was located, the Japanese first bombarded their position with 75 mm mountain artillery, and then sent cavalry to attack the Eighth Route Army, and behind the cavalry was infantry attack.

Teng Xiyuan repelled many Japanese attacks, but they also quickly ran out of ammunition.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The elderly Teng Xiyuan told the story of the battle to his reporter friends

According to the old man Teng Xiyuan recalled: Compared with the beginning of the War of Resistance, the weapons and equipment of the Eighth Route Army have been greatly improved, but each soldier can only receive more than 30 rounds of bullets, in order to save bullets, the Eighth Route Army often has to wait until the Distance of the Japanese Army is 100 meters away from the bullets, and then throw grenades at a distance of 50 meters from our position, killing a large number of Japanese troops.

As the Japanese fire became more and more fierce, and the number of people increased, Teng Xiyuan ran out of bullets, and could only fight with the Japanese army with bayonets and engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat.

Teng Xiyuan engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a strong Japanese army, and just at the beginning this strong Japanese soldier did not put him inside, and beckoned a fatal stab at him.

He turned around, the Japanese bayonet fiercely stabbed Teng Xiyuan's arm socket, he turned around and walked away from the Japanese bayonet, the bayonets of both sides fought left and right and the knife saw sparks, he forced the enemy to the corner, both sides clamped the bayonets of both sides with their arms, and suddenly Teng Xiyuan jumped out with a force and picked up the large blade behind him and slashed and killed this strong Japanese soldier!

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

Old Man Teng Xiyuan used this dagger to slash at the head of the Japanese army

At this time, the Japanese cavalry was constantly rushing towards their positions, and he saw from a high place that the Japanese cavalry commander was holding a cavalry command knife to direct the troops to attack.

He understood that the archery horse first shot the horse to capture the king first, he took advantage of the Japanese commander passing under the bridge, jumped from a high place, carried the Japanese commander and rolled down the horse together, stabbed the Japanese commander with a dagger with him, and took up the machine gun to hit the horse of the Japanese cavalry, causing heavy losses to the Japanese cavalry.

Led by him, his comrades-in-arms counterattacked the Japanese army and repelled the enemy's attack.

After this battle, he was rated as a first-class merit for his outstanding performance, and the leader of the unit rewarded Teng Xiyuan with a box gun in recognition of his battle achievements, which is the ins and outs of the first shot he treasured.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The old man and his wife are looking at old photos to reminisce about the past

He has always treasured this box gun around him, every New Year's Festival will wipe the love gun, as soon as he sees this gun, he will always think of the years when he burned with passion, think of the comrades who sacrificed, think of the peace is not easy to come by now, and can't help but shed tears of excitement and sadness!

Lone hero, with 3 people captured more than 200 nationalist troops

In 1947, during the Liberation War, Teng Xiyuan was promoted to the rank of artillery company commander for meritorious service, in order to cover Liu Deng's army to leap thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and contain the enemy, the main force of the East China Field Army launched the Nanma Campaign in the Nanma area under the leadership of Chen Yi and Su Yu, and concentrated 4 main columns to prepare to surround and annihilate the Kuomintang reorganized Eleventh Division, which called on the main force of the Kuomintang army. Teng Xiyuan participated in the encirclement and annihilation of the enemy's integrated eleventh division with his troops, but the enemy's reorganized eleventh division was not a good stubble.

For a time, the two sides fell into a state of confrontation and tug-of-war.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.


In the gap between battles, teng Xiyuan took advantage of the night to take a few staff officers of the artillery regiment to reconnoiter the terrain, to find the enemy's artillery positions, and when passing through a small ravine,

He vaguely felt that there were enemies in the ravine, and he saw through the faint moonlight that the ravine black pressed down on a steel helmet, and there were more than 200 enemies, while there were only 3 people around him, a shell gun, a rifle, and four grenades. Teng Xiyuan thought that it was impossible to rely on hard fighting, and could only outwit.

Near the early hours of the morning, Teng Xiyuan ordered the other two fighters to take grenades and throw them at the enemy from two different directions at an agreed time, and the Nationalist army was blown up.

Teng Xiyuan shouted loudly: "Brothers of the Nationalist Army, you are surrounded, and the People's Liberation Army gives preferential treatment to prisoners, and does not kill them with guns." ”

The officers of the Nationalist army fired a shot in the direction of Teng Xiyuan, and the bullet flew above his head:

"Brothers, don't listen to him blindly, Commander Hu Lian (commander of the Eleventh Division of the Reorganized Eleventh Division of the Nationalist Army) is leading a large army to surround the communist army from the periphery, we have a center to blossom here, the opportunity to make contributions to the party and the country has arrived, and the brothers will rush me and eliminate them."

Teng Xiyuan saw that he could not catch the thief first, and shot the official of the national army and shouted:

Brothers of the Nationalist Army, we are all from a bitter background, and we have been oppressed and oppressed by the landlords for generations, and now you all have land under your name, you have land, and you will not change the gold mountains and silver mountains, so why should you give him Chiang Kai-shek's life?

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

Old Man Teng Xiyuan was wiping down the double gun

Just when the Nationalist army hesitated. Teng Xiyuan's gun attracted the surrounding artillery companies, guard companies, and the first and second battalions, and the troops surrounded the Nationalist troops in the ravine.

When the nationalist military found that Teng Xiyuan was only 3 people at that time, they expressed their disbelief.

Afterwards, the troops all called Teng Xiyuan a brave and resourceful lonely hero, and after the battle, at the celebration meeting, Teng Xiyuan was commended and awarded first-class merit for his battle merits, and at the scene, Su Yu, then deputy commander of the East China Field Army, personally rewarded Teng Xiyuan with a brand-new barge pistol and called him a lonely hero. This pistol has also been cherished by the elderly Teng Xiyuan as a beloved object.

This is the origin of the two pistols collected by the old man Teng Xiyuan.

Teng Xiyuan blew up US tanks during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, becoming a famous blasting hero

On October 25, 1950, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out, in response to the so-called "War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and Defend the Homeland",

In December 1950, Teng Xiyuan took a train from Fujian with his troops and went north, crossing the Yalu River into the Korean War.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

In 1953, fighting in the Mapingli area of Korea, the volunteer army lured the enemy deeper and discarded a large amount of military supplies along the way, and the US army really thought that the volunteer army was defeated and fled, catching up, teng Xiyuan and the volunteer army once again used the tactic of large detours and large encirclement to surround the US army.

In order to better eliminate the AMERICAN troops in the encirclement, Teng Xiyuan led the fighters of the whole company to block the American troops in the encirclement to escape to the south, and in order to escape, the US troops dispatched tanks to cover the infantry breakthrough.

Because the volunteers had no anti-tank weapons, they had to rely on young soldiers with explosives packs to blow up enemy tanks with their flesh and blood.

One by one, young soldiers rushed to the Tanks of the American Army with the spirit of seeing death as a homecoming, and for every tank that blew up the enemy, the Volunteers had to pay for the casualties of many soldiers.

It was really a torrent of steel to deal with the enemy with flesh and blood, in order to defend the family and defend the country, the young soldiers did not have a fear of sacrifice but rushed forward, this scene made the old man of Teng Xiyuan unforgettable, whenever he talked about this, the old man always cried tears, saying that this battle sacrificed many young good comrades-in-arms!

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

Old Man Teng Xiyuan kept two pistols and daggers

In order to break through, the US military dispatched tanks to frantically break through in the direction of Teng Xiyuan's company, and at this time, the road surface had long been blocked by the wreckage of the US tanks blown up by the volunteer army, leaving only one lane to pass, and the US army sent a heavy tank to force a breakthrough, watching comrades die one after another in order to blow up this tank.

Teng Xiyuan took the explosive package and rushed to the enemy's tank, with a forward roll to the dead corner of the tank machine gun shooting, suddenly jumped on the tank, hung the ammunition package on the tank, blew up the US tank, Teng Xiyuan also became the unit's demolition hero, and was once again commended by the unit.

After joining the army, the elderly Teng Xiyuan successively participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

In his many years of war career, the old man has successively made first-class merit three times, second-class merit twice and third-class merit three times, and has also suffered countless injuries.

To this day, the old man's forehead still retains the scars left by the explosion of the enemy's shells, in the old man's own words:

This scar is a medal that will never fade, and it is the best testimony of his participation in countless battles.

After the old hero retired from the army, what happened to him?

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The elderly Teng Xiyuan saluted the Monument to the People's Heroes

After the elderly Teng Xiyuan retired from the army in the 1960s, Teng Xiyuan has been working in the Laiwu Urban Construction Bureau in Shandong Province, responsible for the greening of the urban area, and for many years Teng Xiyuan has been hiding his identity as a combat hero to his colleagues.

Never pretend to be a hero, and hide his merit and fame!

Even the children did not know the identity of the old man and the story of the two pistols hidden.

The old man took the initiative to donate a gun

After the national ban on guns in 1996, the elderly Teng Xiyuan specifically found the Laiwu City Armed Forces Department to express his willingness to obey the overall situation and was willing to hand over two long-cherished pistols to the state.

To this end, a "special gun license" was specially issued to the elderly to allow the elderly to continue to keep the guns.

Because the local armed forces department understands that these two pistols are not only a special military merit badge for the old man, but also the old man's thoughts about the past.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The old man's barge pistol and bullets

The story of the old man's donation of guns was reported by the local media, and for a time the glorious story of the old man was exposed, and the local people came to visit the old man and read the story of the old man, and the local people were proud to visit the old hero!

After entering the new century, when the old man learned that Laiwu City wanted to establish a revolutionary history museum, the old man took the initiative to donate two long-cherished pistols to the museum and said to the staff: Although I love these two pistols, I put this pistol in the museum, let the modern young people take a good look at it, and let the young people know that peace is not easy to come by now.

The old man usually likes to read the newspaper, read the news, so old still on the hill behind the house to open up a vegetable field, usually the old man and his wife in the vegetable field to plant vegetables, diligently and frugally water a variety of vegetables and fruits, the old man has always maintained a hard and simple style. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, and the elderly, as a veteran party member, are proud of the great achievements made by the country, and said that if the heroes and martyrs saw today's prosperity, they would feel extremely proud and relieved.

China strictly prohibits gun ownership, but the 96-year-old man in Shandong has been holding a double gun for more than 70 years.

The old man was very spiritual

At the end of 2020, although the old man is more than 90 years old, his spirit is still strong, his body is still healthy and tough, according to the old man's wife, the old man is preparing to write a memoir about the Battle of Huaihai.

Now that the motherland is getting stronger and stronger, please do not forget the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the liberation of the country and the old heroes who are alive, who stood up the backbone of the republic with their young lives and blood!

With this article, I would like to pay tribute to the heroic martyrs who sacrificed for the country and the old heroes who are still alive!

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