
The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

It is well known that General Su Yu loved guns and could hardly leave his body in his life, and after the liberation of the whole country, General Su Yu has always kept his four favorite things: telescopes, maps, compasses and guns. Among these guns, there were captured in battle, some made by themselves, and some given by foreign military representatives, each of which had many stories, but General Su Yu's favorite gun was the five- and six-type semi-automatic rifle given to him by the army in 1960, which he said was designed and manufactured by the mainland itself, and there was a special feeling.

When Su Yu was the chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, a guard once said to him: "Our guns are not good, and the Carbines of the United States are light and flexible." After hearing this, Su Yu was immediately a little unhappy, saying: "

You know the good of the foreigners, and I tell you, our own semi-automatic rifle is also a very good gun, and the warriors must base themselves on destroying the enemy with their own weapons.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

General Su Yu

When General Su Yu first got his favorite type 56 semi-automatic rifle, he wanted to shoot too much, but because his left arm was seriously injured and disabled, he could not hold the gun like a healthy person, so he hired a repairman and installed a grip on the lower handguard, so that he could shoot in various positions.

In 1966, according to the regulations, all guns in the hands of private individuals must be handed over, although the gun is General Su Yu's most cherished treasure, he did not make an exception, after wiping the gun spotlessly, he reluctantly handed it to the staff, and repeatedly told them to keep it well. What General Su Yu did not expect was that the gun owner who gave away a gun in 1947 not only did not hand it in, but also put it at home for more than 70 years, and even when the gun ban was the strictest, the staff could not confiscate it.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

The gunman is teng Xiyuan, a native of Laiwu, Jinan, Shandong, who is 96 years old this year.

First enlisted, hand blade devil

Teng Xiyuan, born in 1925, was in the era of warlord chaos, at this time Shandong was under the control of Zhang Zongchang, the "dog meat general", and the harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes appeared in an endless stream, coupled with the rampant bandits, the people cried bitterly for days, and they could not eat a full meal for many days. On May 3, 1928, the Japanese army brazenly launched the "Jinan Massacre" in Jinan, burning and plundering in Jinan, killing 17,000 Jinan compatriots, and more than 2,000 people were injured and more than 5,000 were captured. Teng Xiyuan's parents both died in such a lifeless environment, leaving 5 children to rely on each other. In order to fill their stomachs, Teng Xiyuan and his four brothers often begged for food along the street, and the fifth elder of the Teng family starved to death on Teng Xiyuan's back on the way to ask for food.

From January to May 1938, more than a dozen areas in Shandong established anti-Japanese base areas, the eldest and second eldest of the Teng family had already joined the Communist Party, and the 13-year-old Teng Xiyuan also followed in the footsteps of his eldest brother and joined the anti-Japanese team to fight devils, becoming a member of the Laidong County Brigade. Because Teng Xiyuan was malnourished since childhood, he grew dark and thin at this time, so after entering the army, his comrades-in-arms affectionately called him "TengHezi", and this nickname was a lifetime.

At that time, the local armed forces throughout the country were basically short of guns and food, and many county brigades did not even have a gun, and people took up spears and raised kitchen knives to participate in training every day. Although the Laidong County Brigade did not have a gun, it still had to train the steps of using a gun, and Teng Xiyuan even made a wooden gun for training.

One day, under the leadership of the traitors, the devils entered the local village and captured two Communist Party members and three villagers serving the Communist Party, because Teng Xiyuan often took advantage of the time to beg for food along the street to bring intelligence to the Communists before becoming a soldier, so this time he was also one of the targets of the Devils.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

At that time, the devil had already discovered Teng Xiyuan, but he had sharp legs and feet, and he was very familiar with the terrain in the village, so he flipped over a few walls and threw off the devil.

Teng Xiyuan on the way to escape, met two comrades-in-arms, when the three of them climbed the wall to observe the movement of the devil, suddenly saw a single devil, so after consultation, the three people quickly rushed to the devil's back together, the two comrades pressed the devil's arms and legs, Teng Xiyuan took out a dagger for self-defense, and cut the devil's throat.

Then the three of them cut off the devil's head and returned to the team together, and reported the details of the incident to the captain, who praised the bravery of Teng Xiyuan's three people, and since then the deeds of "Teng Heizi Hand Blade Devil" have spread throughout the county brigade, and 13-year-old Teng Xiyuan has also become a small hero in the eyes of his comrades-in-arms. The dagger that held the blade of the devil became the treasure of Teng Xiyuan's life, and it was still preserved until now.

The War of Resistance Against Japan killed the Devil Flag Bearer

In the early summer of 1940, the devils sped up the speed of encroaching on the anti-Japanese base areas in Luzhong and frantically implemented the "Three Lights Policy." The soldiers and civilians in the base areas were not intimidated by the devils' minions, and the main forces, local armed forces, and militia were all tempered in many large and small battles.

Yang Jiaheng was the liaison center between the Yimeng Mountains and the Taishan and Laiwu regions, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it became an important safe passage for the Eighth Route Army to send various combat readiness resources to Yan'an, so Yang Jiaheng's victory or defeat in the First World War was crucial.

Teng Xiyuan also participated in this vicious battle with the team, remembering the scene on the battlefield, he said: "At that time, I happened to hide behind the mound behind the devil's flag bearer, and saw that he was waving the flag in an orderly manner, I understood that this was directing their troops to move forward or stop, and the soldiers knew the importance of the flag bearer in a team, so I shot him from the back of the devil's flag bearer." ”

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

When the devils saw their flags fall, they were suddenly confused and frantically began to attack. Our army engaged in an extremely fierce exchange of fire with the enemy, and after about 1 and a half hours, the bullets on both sides were basically exhausted, so the white-knife battle began. Although the casualties of our army were very large, the remaining soldiers and instructors were still like fierce tigers, some stabbed with bayonets, some smashed with rifle butts, and almost every yard could see our soldiers fighting with the devils, and some of the devils who were frightened hid in the house and did not come out, and everyone dug holes in the back of the house and used bombs and grenades to blow up the devils' flesh and blood.

Teng Xiyuan was injured in the arm socket area when he was fighting with the enemy's bayonet, but he still relied on his tenacious perseverance to endure the severe pain and stabbed the enemy in front of him to death. At the post-war military summary meeting, Teng Xiyuan was praised for his bravery in killing the enemy, recorded once for his first-class merits, and also received his first prize since he became a soldier: a box gun.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

81 years later, the old man Teng Xiyuan still keeps this gun, and often takes it out to wipe it, because this gun not only records his former glory, but also the old man Teng Xiyuan can think of those comrades who died in the battle of Yang Jiaheng when he sees it.

Liberation war, outwitting enemy reinforcement battalions

In June 1947, the Nationalist army concentrated 11 integrated divisions to launch a third attack on the Yimeng Mountains, in a vain attempt to trap the main force of the East China Field Army in the Luzhong area. Chairman Mao instructed that 4 columns should be left to fight the enemy head-on, and 5 columns should be drawn to attack from the enemy's west flank, and the effect was extremely good, and the outer troops won successive battles. Subsequently, the Nationalist army changed its troop deployment, and only the reorganized 11th, 25th, 64th, and 9th Divisions remained on the front of Luzhong, sticking to the key points occupied and waiting for the opportunity to repeat the attack.

Chen Yi and Su Yu led Huaye's headquarters to Sanchadian between Nanma and Linqu, and observing that the nationalist reorganized 11th Division was relatively isolated in Nanma, ordered the 2nd, 6th, and 9th columns to surround Nanma, and the 7th column to be responsible for blocking reinforcements in the south.

The reorganized 11th Division was one of the five main forces of the Nationalist army, and the division commander, Hu Lian, was deeply impressed by Chiang Kai-shek and had many tricks, and spent more than 20 days building a number of fortifications in Nanma. However, under the command of Su Yu, after 4 days, the enemy was dealt a heavy blow.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

Teng Xiyuan (center) poses with his comrades-in-arms

In the vicious battle of Nanma, Teng Xiyuan served as the commander of the artillery company, and in the process of checking the sentry, he found two reinforcement battalions of the enemy, which were very well equipped, with a total of about 200 people. Teng Xiyuan and his comrades-in-arms around them wanted to rush back to report the news, but visually measuring the forward speed of these more than 200 enemies, even if the fastest speed to run back is not only too late, but also will be discovered by the enemy, the total number of two people on the body is only 3 grenades, a rifle, a pistol, it is completely impossible to confront the enemy head-on, what to do?

The comrade-in-arms asked Teng Xiyuan:

What to do, do not risk death to rush out to block


Teng Xiyuan thought about it for a while and then said, "

Of course, it is necessary to block the attack, but it does not necessarily have to lose your life, you must use a strategy! Rest assured, I have a way.

Teng Xiyuan then commanded his comrades to retreat to a slightly farther away place, and as soon as he heard the explosion, he shot in the direction of the enemy.

After a while, I saw Teng Xiyuan throw a grenade first, fire a gun at the rear team, and shouted:

You are surrounded, do not move, surrender your guns and do not kill!

When the comrades-in-arms heard this, they immediately fired their guns, and the enemy, who could not understand the situation, mistakenly thought that he had really entered the encirclement of our army, and did not dare to act rashly, and it was not long before the rear troops who received the report quickly arrived and wiped out the enemy's two reinforcement battalions.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

At the post-war celebration meeting, Teng Xiyuan was awarded a first-class merit once for this action, and as a reward, Su Yu personally gave Teng Xiyuan a box and hung it around his neck, and praised him as a "lonely hero" and an example for all the soldiers to learn.

Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and bravely bomb US tanks

On October 1, 1949, the founding of New China, only 24 years old Teng Xiyuan was already an 11-year veteran, he thought that he had ushered in an era of peace, he could enjoy a new life, marry a daughter-in-law, have several children, and live a prosperous life, but in 1950, with the "outbreak of the Korean War", "Truman officially approved and ordered the US Seventh Fleet to sail into the Taiwan Strait", "US military aircraft invaded the mainland airspace" and other news came one after another, Teng Xiyuan changed his idea of going home and enjoying life.

After Truman threw out the remark that "the Yalu River is not an insurmountable obstacle," the people of the whole country were indignant, and the wolf ambitions of the United States were clearly revealed, so when the Chinese Volunteer Army led by Peng Dehuai went to the Korean battlefield, Teng Xiyuan thought that he must also contribute to the defense of his family and the country, so he applied to join the Korean War.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

In December 1950, after Teng Xiyuan followed the troops from Fujian and crossed the Yalu River to the Korean battlefield, he found that the conditions of the soldiers here were far more difficult than those in the country legends, because the enemy's continuous bombardment day and night destroyed the rear supply line of our army, resulting in the difficulty of ensuring rations, even if there is rations, they can not live and cook during the day, because the enemy aircraft may find floating cooking smoke when searching for targets at any time, coupled with the tension of the war, the soldiers often need to move at any time, and it is too late to cook. Therefore, fried noodles became the main field ration for the soldiers.

Teng Xiyuan recalled that at that time, everyone carried a fried noodle pocket with them, and when they were hungry, they grabbed a mouthful of scenes, and they could still fight bloody battles and fight many victorious battles, and some of the soldiers even shouted the slogan of "making meritorious contributions to fried noodles". When eating fried noodles for a long time, the consequence is that the soldiers' physical strength and health are affected by the lack of necessary nutrition, some mouth sores, some stomach swelling, but everyone never thought to retreat.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

In March 1953, during the operation of Teng Xiyuan's troops in Mapingli, once found an enemy tank blocking the way on the way forward, because the terrain is very special, it is impossible to hide or bypass, if there is a frontal firefight, with the power of the tank, it will definitely cause serious damage to the volunteer troops.

As the commander of the artillery company, Teng Xiyuan volunteered to complete the task of blowing up the tank, and the field of view inside the turret on the tank was relatively wide, as long as someone approached, he could find it, not to mention carrying the explosive package. Therefore, to go alone to bomb the tank means to die, so when Teng Xiyuan proposed that he was going to blow up the tank, everyone did not agree with him to take this risk and persuaded him to find another way.

A minute and a second passed, and everyone still did not come up with a more secure way, so Teng Xiyuan said: "

I can't take care of so much, or let me carry out the task of bombing tanks, and everyone is responsible for cover.

Only to see Teng Xiyuan take advantage of the night, carrying the explosive package, creeping along the low-lying place to the vicinity of the enemy tank, and finally successfully hung the explosive package above the tank tracks, and then lit the lead and then quietly retreated to the small ditch next to it to hide, and soon with a loud noise, the tank was blown off, and the enemy troops inside were also blown to pieces, as a result, Teng Xiyuan also became an explosive hero in the army, and was also awarded a first-class merit.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

This is the third time in Teng Xiyuan's 15-year combat career to be awarded the first class merit, in addition to two second class merit, three third class merit, so far there are still a number of shrapnel in the body, Teng Xiyuan said, these shrapnel are the military merit badges left to him in those years in the army, although sometimes it will still be painful, but remembering that many of the comrades who fought side by side were sacrificed on the battlefield, Teng Xiyuan himself was lucky, and now he can live such a good life, thanks to these soldiers.

Take off your uniform and remain on standby

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Teng Xiyuan went to Henan, Beijing and other places to take up posts, and after changing careers in 1963, Teng Xiyuan returned to his hometown of Laiwu, and his superiors once asked him to pick a post he liked to work. In the subsequent work, Teng Xiyuan also did a lot of hard work, successively in the bus company, garden management, waterworks, municipal and other departments, each post Teng Xiyuan is diligent and sincere, personally watching Laiwu step by step become one of the outstanding cities in the country.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

When Teng Xiyuan was 57 years old, his family reminded him:

The country is already prosperous and prosperous, there will be no more wars, even General Su Yu, who loves guns like his life, handed over his guns more than ten years ago, should our family also hand over these two to the state?

Teng Xiyuan actually thought more than once that personal possession of firearms will bring hidden dangers to social security, and just last year, the state just issued and implemented the "People's Republic of China Gun Management Measures", these two guns are indeed inappropriate to stay around, but these two "old friends" have followed themselves for decades, not only are they witnesses along the way, but also have deep feelings, just changed careers in those years and even every night before going to bed, they have to take it out to see, really reluctant to hand it over.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

So Teng Xiyuan came to the 6202 unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, asked the chief for instructions, and went through the formalities of legal gun possession, the chief read Teng Xiyuan's military merit badge, and carefully listened to his experience, and finally after careful consideration, finally agreed to Teng Xiyuan's application for gun ownership, and issued a gun certificate.

On October 1, 1996, the "Gun Control Law of the People's Republic of China" was officially implemented, and before the "Gun Law" came into effect, all localities began to comprehensively clean up, register and confiscate firearms. Public security officers in laiwu received news at the time that someone had seen a retired veteran cadre in his 70s with two guns in his home.

When the public security personnel found the old man Teng Xiyuan mentioning the gun, Teng Xiyuan did not shy away from it in the slightest, but took the initiative to show it to the public security personnel, and the public security personnel conducted a careful inspection of the two-word gun to confirm that it was a real gun, and then asked the old man about the origin of the two guns, and the old man told them the story of how he killed the devils and how to outwit the two reinforcement battalions of the national army.

After listening, the public security personnel admired the old hero in front of them, but then they told the old man that according to the regulations, the two guns needed to be handed over, and asked the old man for forgiveness. The old man did not speak after listening, only to see him slowly take out a neatly folded piece of paper from the cabinet, gently unfold it and show it to the public security personnel, and the public security personnel carefully read it to understand that the old man did not illegally possess a gun, but had a regular certificate of gun ownership, so he left.

The 96-year-old man in Shandong province was armed with a double gun, and the police refused to confiscate it

Although the old man Teng Xiyuan is 96 years old, when others ask about the story of these two guns, the old hero is still telling it as energetically as he did on the battlefield, and he often says that as long as the country needs it, he can still hold these two guns and stand by at all times...

(Welcome to follow.)

@Pigtail says history

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