
Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

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Today we come together to understand the Han Dynasty Bo Bureau Mirror

Pairs / mirrors / stickers / flowers / yellow

See ancient "board games" from the Boju Mirror

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

In recent years, board games have become popular and are loved by young people, becoming a form of game and the best way to communicate in a variety of occasions such as family leisure, friend gatherings, and even business leisure.

Today, Xiaobian leads everyone to understand the ancient "board game" through the Boju mirror of the Han Dynasty.

Han Dynasty Bo Bureau Mirror

The Boju mirror, also known as the "rule mirror", is named after the "TLV" shaped ornament with the mirror pattern. First seen in the Western Han Dynasty, it is the longest popular and most exquisite one in the development of Hanjing, and was most popular during the period of Emperor Wu and Wang Mang.

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

Han Shangfang Four Gods Bo Bureau Mirror

This is the Han Dynasty Shangfang Four Gods Museum Mirror collected by the Baoji Bronze Museum.

Mirror shape: round

Mirror button: Round button

Button seat: Persimmon pattern button seat

Mirror rim: Wide flat edge

The outer box of the button seat reads the twelve hours: Hai, Zi, Ugly, Yin, 卯, 辰, 巳, Noon, 未, 申, 酉, 戌.

The main area is decorated with slender ornaments, divided into four groups, each group has two protruding small and TLV patterns, and the green dragon, white tiger, suzaku and Xuanwu are placed in it.

The outer area is an inscription belt, and the 43-character book on the book reads" Shangfang Jia mirror is really good, there are immortals who do not know old age, thirst for jade springs, hungry for dates, floating in the world Ao four seas, wandering the famous mountains to collect immortal grass, shou ru golden stone heaven Baoxi."

From "Rules" to "Blog"

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

In the past, the Boju mirror was called the "rule mirror", and the Chinese painting appeared on the Fuxi Nuwa holding a rule in her hand, which was the law followed by the hundred workers at that time.

We can see the four corners of the mirror back box, facing the "V" shape, which was called "gauge" in the past, and the rule is a tool used to draw circles, which is called a compass today.

In the mirror back ornament with the four "T" shape symbols directly opposite the "L" symbol, known as the "moment", the moment is the angle ruler, is the carpentry planing square wood used to draw lines or measurement tools, until today, modern carpentry, fitters, planers and so on are indispensable to apply this tool.

The Han Dynasty paid attention to "rules", using "rules" and "moments" as drawing tools, the so-called "not according to the rules can not be a square circle".

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

Six Botu on the Portrait Stone of Xihukou in Tengxian County, Shandong Province

With the deepening of archaeological work, in 1973, a full set of tools were excavated from the Western Han Tomb of No. 8 Fenghuangshan in Jiangling, Hubei Province. In Hubei Yunmeng Sleeping Tiger Land No. 11 and No. 13 Qin Tombs, two sets of bo tools were excavated respectively. In addition, there are some ancient portrait stones engraved with Bo opera pictures and so on.

It can be seen that the game plate is exactly the same as the regular pattern. Therefore, in recent years, some scholars have continuously proposed that the "rule mirror" should be the "Bo bureau mirror".

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

Six Botu on the Han Dynasty portrait stone in Pei County, Jiangsu Province

The first "board game" in ancient times - the Six Games

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

Six-game board

The "Bo Bureau" in the back pattern of the bronze mirror is the chessboard of the ancient "Six Bo Plays". The invention of Liubo is very early, and during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it has become a very popular entertainment activity.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, the Six Bo Opera became more popular, and the supreme rulers at that time, such as Emperor Wen, Emperor Jing, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, loved Bo Opera.

During the Western Han Dynasty, there were Bo attendants in the imperial court, and the people who were good at Bo enjoyed a high status in society and were respected by people. The Han Dynasty also produced people and works specializing in the study of boshu. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liubo chess began to decline, and the gameplay was gradually lost.

Although liubo chess has been lost, its shadow can still be seen today, and the "bo" in the word "game" refers to liubo chess, and "game" refers to Go.

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

Liubo Opera is now in the collection of Luoyang Longmen Museum

Liubo Opera is an indispensable entertainment activity in the daily life of the Han Dynasty. Since its inception, from the literati to the people of Li, they have used the six chess pieces to entertain and entertain themselves.

The pottery sculpture of liubo opera, now in luoyang longmen museum, vividly shows the scene of the ancient bo opera: the chess player sits on the ground, looks focused, and the expression of the two people is vivid; the spectator sits casually and is full of interest; the chessboard is simple and clear. The whole picture is vivid and realistic, as if the scene is reproduced.

Whether it is a large number of Boju mirrors in the Han Dynasty, or the excavated Bo tools and the six Bo opera ceramic sculptures, they all truly reproduce the wisdom and rich entertainment life of the ancients to us.

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

That's it for today's sharing

Whether it is the ancient "Six Plays"

Or a modern board game of all kinds

It is a manifestation of people's positive face of life

Although now the epidemic is coming

Believe in a positive mindset and never give up

can help us overcome the sniper war against the epidemic

I wish you all peace and health

Bronze Mirror Expo No. 5 - Watching Ancient "Board Games" from the BoJu Mirror

Editor of this issue: Ruixue Liu

Editor-in-Charge: Zhai Huiping

Review: Kang Junjian

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