
Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Hanmei praise

Text/Tong Fengqi

Hanging in the night sky,

Light up,

New hope emerges in winter.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

In the waxing moon,

Plum blossoms,

The spring overture has been played.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Branches dry,

Ye Wuwan,

Red and yellow.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

High quality,

Intoxicating fragrance,

There is no fear of the cold and fragrance.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Flowers like people,

Smiling Face,

Dress up the world.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Frequency focus,

Beauty Collection,

The world of photography is at your disposal.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Ingeniously conceived,

Deep meaning,

Zhijian is as strong as steel proud of snow frost.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)


Pen farming busy,

Write a chapter in life.

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Courage as,

Climb up,

Grand plan to unfold at sunset.


(Photo: Zhang Yixia)

About the Author:

Qingwei | Hanmei Praise (poetry)

Tong Fengqi, a native of Harbin, Heilongjiang, is a member of the Heilongjiang Financial Writers Association and a contracted poet of Meilan Literature. In recent years, he has published more than 100 essays, poems and other works (the first) in qilu evening newspapers such as Qilu One Point, Jinan Toutiao, Heilongjiang Financial Literature, Shandong Financial Literature, Yanhuang Literature, Meilan Literature, Zhen Orange Garden, and Conveying Gratitude.

One point number Wenyuan strange

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