
"Writer Shinkansen Poetry" Li Zhenfeng | Hanmei (foreign one)

"Writer Shinkansen Poetry" Li Zhenfeng | Hanmei (foreign one)




HanMei (outer one)

"Writer Shinkansen Poetry" Li Zhenfeng | Hanmei (foreign one)

Stand in the corner

On the scarred branches

Apply some snow that can cure coughing

Can't resist the cold blows

Our cat was in a house on fire

Read books, write poems, guess riddles left by the snow

Listen to the magpie on its dried branches

Talk about feelings and make cautionary remarks

This morning, suddenly found

The plum branches glowed rust-colored red

It burst out the plum blossom that gave birth to a winter

Meadow hugged one

I don't know the spring of teeth and teeth yet


Get together

It was a great silence

Silence itself

Another story that can't be told

Winter sunshine is so meaningful

Young people have gone out to work to earn money

Left behind in the snow, by the children

The footprints of the crazy run are chaotic

Accuse the child of being unreasonable

It's like breaking their laughter floating in the snow

It is equivalent to blowing out the marquee of yinghong village

It's the night when you can't see your fingers

Talking alone with your eyes open

A few old men sitting in front of the door

Bring the sun red again this afternoon

Sunburn became a dumb man who wanted to talk and stopped

"Writer Shinkansen Poetry" Li Zhenfeng | Hanmei (foreign one)

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