
Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

In the fragrant Garden of Song CiBai, a generation of pronouns dot the plants with their flying talents. A generation of female lyricist Li Qingzhao is a woman's unique delicate emotions and thoughts, pouring emotions into her favorite plum blossoms, and among her more than 40 existing lyrics, there are 9 lyrics written about plum blossoms.

Plum blossoms, known as the "High Priest in the Snow", are listed as the first of the "Four Gentlemen" and one of the "Three Friends of the Cold Year" in china's traditional culture. Throughout the ages, many literati and inkers have favored plum blossoms, and the masterpieces of Wing Mei are even more wonderful and fragrant throughout the ages.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

In the Song Dynasty, plum blossoms won the hearts of countless literati with their high and pure quality, Wang Anshi said that plum blossoms "know that it is not snow, for there is dark incense", Lin Kui said that plum blossoms "thin shadows horizontal oblique water shallow, dark incense floating moon dusk". And Li Qingzhao, a female lyricist known as the "gentle word sect", is even more fond of plum blossoms, she loves plums all her life, she fills her emotional experience and life experiences into plum blossom words, and her plum blossom words have a unique charm and attract attention.

Li Qingzhao's previous Works of Yongmei, whether it is poetry or Song Ci, which is known as "literature of a generation", only borrow the form, smell and color of plum blossoms to express their emotions and aesthetic tastes, and plum blossoms symbolize an elegant taste in this type of poetry, which is commonly referred to as "Zhiwu Yanzhi". That is to say, this kind of work only stays on the description of the form or rhyme of plum blossoms, and does not go further.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

For this, Li Qingzhao has a clear understanding. Therefore, in the preface to the word "Lone goose", she said unceremoniously: "The world makes plum words, and the next pen is vulgar." To try to write one is to know that the preface is not presumptuous. ”

As Wang Guowei said: "Although the style is high, there is no word." "The overall level of Li Qingzhao's previous Wing Mei works is not high. In addition to inheriting the tradition of the previous generations of lyricists, Li Qingzhao's Yongmei Ci also gave Meihua a deeper and broader ideological connotation, higher aesthetic value and artistic characteristics with a writer with profound thinking, keen vision and outstanding talent, showing the unique artistic personality and aesthetic taste of the lyricist.

In fact, this is not Li Qingzhao's deliberate accusation of "Yuedan Commentary" against her predecessors, nor is it her pretentious and commanding words. Li Qingzhao's Yongmei words also really break through the fixed routine of the predecessor Yongmei, she did not simply stay at the level of the general Yongmei words, but integrated the things she chanted with the lyrics, reaching the situation where people and scenery are one, and scenery and people are blended with water and milk.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Li Qingzhao was born in Jinan, Shandong Province, to a family of scholars and doctors, and has had a poetic name since childhood. When Li Qingzhao was 18 years old, she met Zhao Mingcheng, and the two fell in love at first sight. In the same year, the two entered the marriage hall, and after marriage, Li Qingzhao's life was happy and happy.

Later, Li Qingzhao and Zhao Mingcheng returned to their hometown in Qingzhou, where she spent thirteen years of comfortable time mainly on academic research and Jinshi calligraphy and painting. In the early days of Qingzhou, they were full of foam and raised eyebrows. In the late Qingzhou period, Zhao Mingcheng was tied up by his career and often had to travel to other places, and the husband and wife also gathered less and left more, and Li Qingzhao had to face life alone, so her longing for her husband was even stronger.

Although these thirteen years have been a matter of concern, a deep boudoir, and a mixture of sorrow and joy, compared with his drifting zero residence in his later years, these thirteen years are the most memorable years of Li Qingzhao's life, at least her life is relatively stable.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

After the southern crossing, her husband Zhao Mingcheng unfortunately died of illness, and in his later years, Li Qingzhao drifted around Hangzhou, Yuezhou, and Jinhua, and spent the rest of his life in loneliness.

Because of such a life experience, plum blossoms naturally become the carrier of Li Qingzhao's sending emotions and life encounters, and plum blossoms have also become a symbol of Li Qingzhao's self-image, and she pins her emotions and life encounters in plum blossoms. Therefore, in Li Qingzhao's Yongmei words, Mei is a person, and Yongmei appreciates mei and loves Mei pity mei, that is, the externalization of self-praise, self-love and self-pity.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Li Qingzhao's Yongmei lyrics are not written casually at song and dance banquets like the male lyricists in the past, let the singers sing, and cheer for the song and dance; nor are they self-entertainment in front of the flower bottle, but a true record of her life feelings.

The life and emotions in Li Qingzhao's words are all her personal experience and personal experience, with the lyricist's own personality and interest, with a strong breath of life and true feelings. In his later years, Li Qingzhao wrote a poem "QingPing Le", which summarized his lifelong experience of appreciating plums. The word goes like this:

In the snow every year, plum blossoms are often planted and drunk. Exhausting plum blossoms has no good intentions. Win a full dress of tears.

This year, at the end of the cape, Xiao Xiao's two sideburns are full of life. Look at the late wind, so you should look at the plum blossoms.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The above film is the lyricist's recollection of her and Zhao Mingcheng's past plum appreciation scenes, and the lyricist grasps the two characteristic details of life of "often planting plum blossoms drunk" and "exhausting plum blossoms without good intentions" to vividly reproduce the scene and interest of the lyricist in his early years of plum appreciation, showing the joy and leisure of her early life, and can also see Li Qingzhao's love for life when she entered the marriage hall.

After Li Qingzhao got married, he and her husband Zhao Mingcheng had a very strong feeling, and they got along almost day and night, singing songs and singing rewards, writing schools, smoking books and fighting tea, and singing and enjoying according to the "Qingbo Magazine": "Pour out the words of the Yi'an people: Mingcheng on the day of health, Yi'an every day of heavy snow, that is, the top of the city to look for poetry, get a sentence will invite his husband to genghe, Mingcheng every suffering. It can be seen that this phrase "in the snow every year, plum blossoms are often inserted" is a true portrayal of the beautiful life in the past.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The next film is a review of the lyricist's long-term drifting life after the southern crossing. The lyricist uses "Therefore it should be ugly to see plum blossoms" to convey his sense of the past and present, the pain of his life, and the worry of fate, showing the melancholy mood of the writer at that time who was drifting and falling, old and lonely, and suffering from hardships. After the southern crossing, Li Qingzhao lived a life of floating living, especially the death of Zhao Mingcheng caused a great mental blow to the lyricist, and her life was once in trouble.

At this time, although the plum blossom is still the same, and the mood of the writer is very different from before, looking back on the past, the plum blossom that can still bring him infinite joy although it is scattered, but now even if it is crushed, it cannot be exchanged for a little joy, but has won a full of tears. Drunk to watch the plum blossom pieces falling, how can we not let the writers see things and think of people, and be sad? Doesn't the fate of the plum blossom symbolize the life of the lyricist himself in his later years who was wandering and living in a vacuum?

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Plum blossom is the carrier of Li Qingzhao's allegorical emotions and life encounters, which has been mentioned before, but to express this point completely, it is also necessary to use her plum blossom words as a reference to glimpse the mood and emotional process of the lyricist from her plum blossom words.

"Fisherman's Pride" is a poem written by Li Qingzhao during his life in Qingzhou:

The snow is known to be spring, and the cold plum is dotted with qiong branches. The fragrant face is half open and delicate, and when the courtroom, the jade person bathes out of the new makeup.

Creation may be intentional, so teach the bright moon exquisitely. The total reward is honored by Shen Green Ant, and mo ci is drunk, this flower is not compared with the group of flowers.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

During this period, Li Qingzhao experienced the pain of losing her father, and the environment of the times of Xining, Yuanfeng, and Yuanyou also made Li Qingzhao taste the coldness of the world and the cold and warm of human feelings, and her return to Qingzhou was also a forced thing. But at this time, Li Qingzhao was full of confidence and longing for life because of love. The time in Qingzhou can be said to be the happiest and most fulfilling day in Li Qingzhao's life.

When they first arrived in Qingzhou, Li Qingzhao and Zhao Mingcheng raised their eyebrows, Qin Ser and Ming. The quiet life of Qingzhou made her temporarily away from the hustle and bustle of the city's cars and horses and the disturbances of the world, and they built a homecoming hall named after Tao Yuanming's "Return to the Past" in their hometown in Qingzhou. They worked together in the Hall of Return to collect, research and collate Jinshi calligraphy and paintings, and exchanged and discussed the creation of poetry and literature together.

In addition to their creative research, they came to the courtyard hand in hand to enjoy the plum blossoms blooming in the courtyard, and this full, pleasant and virtuous life was fully demonstrated in "Fisherman's Pride". The words are written about the scenery of them stepping on the snow and admiring the plums, and the plum blossom ice and jade purity may be a symbol of their loyal love.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

This is a day of flying snow, a tree in the courtyard of the red plum proudly standing, snow blooming, delicate plum blossoms dotted on the white branches of ice jade, the beautiful and moving scene outside the window deeply attracted Li Qingzhao, she could not care about the wind and snow outside, can not wait to come to the courtyard, she wants to carefully appreciate the cold plum in the snow.

The lyricist uses delicate brushwork to describe the posture of the early spring hanmei: "The fragrant face is half open and delicate, when the court, the jade person bathes out of new makeup", the plum blossom in the eyes of the lyricist is like a beautiful woman's feminine smile. The lyricist praised the beautiful appearance of the plum blossom, and at the same time enthusiastically praised the character of the cold plum cream and the pure and quiet beauty.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

In the winter when a hundred flowers are withering, plum blossoms bloom proudly against the wind and snow, it conveys the news of spring, it is the messenger of spring, and it can bring people infinite beautiful hope. People love the noble and strong character of the plum blossom, and love its spirit of not fearing the cold and striving.

The last sentence "This flower is not compared with the group of flowers", in the eyes of the lyricist, the plum blossom represents the aesthetic taste of the lyricist, and also represents the lyricist's ideal and pursuit of beauty. Li Qingzhao integrated the hanmei, which has both form and god and aesthetic connotation, with his own spiritual beauty and emotional beauty, and praised the noble character of plum blossoms.

Mei Zi is reflected in the snow and the moon, showing its high character and elegant charm, just like the charm of the noble and elegant. And this sentence of Li Qingzhao also vividly describes the personality of the lyricist who is outstanding, extravagant and super-strong, and proud and confident.

The beautiful and delicate, cold and pure plum blossom is the portrayal of the female lyricist who is at the peak of her appearance, talented and talented, and the quality of the han plum that is super dusty and not afraid of frost and snow is Li Qingzhao's pursuit and expectation of the spirit of beautiful personality.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The same As Li Qingzhao Qingzhou period Of Yongmei's work "Man Ting Fang", also reflects her this sentiment, the lyricist borrowed the thin and elegant image of plum blossoms, lyrical personal feelings, can be called a masterpiece in the poetry.

In the previous film, the lyricist has a delicate and elaborate description of the plum blossom: "The small cabinet hides the spring, the idle window locks the day, and the painting hall is infinitely deep." The incense burns out, and the curtain hooks under the shadow of the sun. Hand planting Jiangmei is getting better, why bother, the water is coming. ”

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

It was a warm and cold early spring season, and Li Qingzhao's boudoir was filled with thick melancholy. It turned out that her husband was not around, and she had no interest in going out in the good spring light, but she was deeply locked in the deep boudoir, and the loneliness and loneliness were all revealed. At this time, after seeing the plum blossoms planted by his own hands open, he lost his due interest in climbing the stairs near the water. At this time, the plum blossom becomes the only consolation for the lyricist when the emotion is unsustainable and the emotion is nowhere to be placed.

The lyricist is good at getting rid of the routine of the general chant word glue and perfunctory allusion, but the pen is full of rich emotions, connecting personal life, and expressing deep sympathy for the fate of the residual plum.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

At the beginning of the next film, "Never know the rhyme to win", it is the lyricist's praise for the plum blossom as a whole. Rhyme is the charm and charm of plum blossoms, and it is a combination of plum blossom form beauty and character beauty. The plum blossom is worthy of rhyme, and after the lyricist affirms this, he does not say more, turns the pen to write about its misfortune, and finds that it has a different style after zero.

At the end, "Difficult to say, good night and light moon, sparse shadow is still flowing", to the effect that she wants to have a good night, the faint moonlight casts a beautiful figure of plum branches, and from this delicate plum shadow, she can also show the handsome flow of plum blossoms.

The lyricist uses rich emotions, borrows things to chant, and the scenes blend, alluding to the sense of life, and the subjective lyrical color is very strong. She wrote that Mei was "embarrassed by the rain and impatient with the wind", expressing deep sympathy for the fate of the residual plum. The fate of Luo Mei also caused the sentimental emotions of the lyricist, and the sentimentality of the lyricist was knotted in the heart and difficult to dispel.

In this poem, Li Qingzhao highlights the characteristics of the plum blossom style, elegance, and loftiness, and praises the noble spiritual character of the plum blossom that has endured the wind and snow but is still lonely and proud, and has confidence in people's survival.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Another of Li Qingzhao's yongmei poems, "Yulou Chun", was praised by the Qing Dynasty lexicographer and literary scholar Zhu Yi as a masterpiece of "the god of this flower". The original words are as follows:

The red crisp is allowed to crush the buds. Probe the south branch and open all over the place. I don't know how much incense I have, but I see that there is no limit to the meaning of the package.

The Taoist is haggard at the bottom of the spring window. Suffocation is dry and sad. If you want to come to a drink and take a break, it may not be that the Ming Dynasty can't afford it.

In this poem, Li Qingzhao is ingenious, not only writing the color and spirit of plum blossoms, but also integrating its deep feminine feelings into it, and the whole plum word is naturally blended and composed.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

In Li Qingzhao's eyes, the red plum petals that have just opened are delicate, like red gelatin, and the fresh and tender plum is as warm as jade, and it is precisely like this that the plum blossoms that are warm as jade and delicate like gel bloom in front of the eyes of the writer.

The lyricist can't help but gently ask the plum blossom: Lucky plum blossom, have your flowers bloomed all over? The writer does not know how much fragrance it contains, but only feels that it contains infinite affection. In the spring, there are people under the window who are sad and haggard, so depressed that they don't even bother to lean on them. If you want to drink and admire the plums, come and wait until tomorrow when the wind is about to blow.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The film "Yulou Spring" is from the outside to the inside, from the form to the god, and the beauty of plum blossoms is deeply portrayed layer by layer, exploring the flowers, appreciating the flowers, and is full of interest. "I don't know how many fragrances are contained, but I see the infinite meaning of the hidden", praising the refreshing fragrance of the plum blossom and the infinite affection that is not revealed, showing that the plum blossom not only attracts the attention of the world in its external delicacy, but also wins people's praise and attention with its inherent high quality and profound connotation.

The next film is composed of flowers and people, she was once like a red plum blooming, young and delicate, but now after experiencing the storms of life, she has become haggard. The years do not live, the seasons are like a stream; Shaohua is easy to pass, and the years are fleeting. Plum blossoms are like this, why shouldn't people be like this?

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The last sentence, "If you want to have a drink, you may not be able to afford the Wind in the Ming Dynasty", you get rid of the sorrow of hurting spring, invite Mei to drink, and persuade yourself to cherish the beauty and youth in front of you. Li Qingzhao, who is depressed, appreciates and cherishes each other, but what he longs for in his heart is that his lover can come in time to have a drink with her and enjoy the plum blossoms.

This is the happiness that the writer used to have, but now it has become difficult to grasp. Once the Ming Dynasty rises, the flowers are difficult to appreciate, and people will be more haggard and frustrated, such as Mei Hanxiang, although she has unlimited affection, but I don't know if her husband can still appreciate and pity again.

Savor Li Qingzhao's "Yulou Chun", the words and sentences are filled with a faint sentimental sentiment of pity for Mei Xichun, like flowing water, flowing from the tip of the writer's pen. However, after reading the lyrics, it will not bring some depression to the reader, and some are just admiration and envy for the beauty of Li Qingzhao's words, emotional beauty, and artistic beauty.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

"Little Heavy Mountain" is a poem of cherishing spring and nostalgia, the lyricist takes plum blossoms as lyrical clues, alludes to the scene, borrows the scenery lyrically, and creates a heroine image with rich feelings and concentration:

Spring to Nagato spring grass green, Jiang mei some broken, not evenly opened. The blue cloud cage crushed the jade into dust, leaving Xiao Dream and breaking a Ou Chun.

Flower shadow presses the door, the curtain is laid lightly, and the dusk is good. Three times in two years, he lost Dongjun, returned, and focused on this spring.

The beginning of the lyrics depicts the beautiful scene of early spring: spring has arrived at Nagato Palace, the spring grass is green, the plum blossoms are beginning to bloom, some have bloomed petals to meet the bright spring light, and some are still budding. The buds of the river plums are interspersed with the flowers, and the flower buds and plum branches are lined with each other. In just a few strokes, the lyricist sketches a delicate, vibrant new spring scene.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Through such a description, the lyricist's joyful mood of loving spring and returning to his relatives is expressed, and the lyricist's vision of a new life that is about to start again is expressed.

The writer took out the best Biyun tea, the crushed tea leaves were as crystal clear as white jade, she wanted to keep the good dream of the spring light in the morning, just when she gently picked up the tea cup and wanted to take a sip, a cup of turquoise spring scenery would be broken in an instant.

Layers of flower shadows cover the heavy doors, and the sparse curtains penetrate into the faint moon shadow, what a good dusk. But such a beautiful spring light was let down three times by the writer in two years. At this moment, she said that she could not live up to this beautiful spring light anymore, and said that she should also taste the warmth of this spring. Here, the lyricist expresses the desire to live up to the beautiful spring light, so it can be said that plum blossoms are the sustenance and hope of her new life.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Why? It turned out that during Li Qingzhao's stay in Qingzhou, she and her husband had had many brief separations, and the separation had made her live up to the good times of Spring many times, so when looking forward to reuniting with her husband, the joy of the lyricist was overflowing.

It is also the spring of the first bloom of plum blossoms, and the words sweep away the gray and dark tones of the past lovesickness and resentment, and there is no longer the lovesickness and sorrow of "only frowning, but on the heart". In this poem, the female lyricist Li Qingzhao's attachment to her husband, the affection of the money and the infinite joy of looking forward to her husband's return are reflected.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

"Haiyan future people fight grass, Jiang Mei has passed the willow and sponge, dusk rain wet swing", this is the first few sentences of Li Qingzhao's 17-year-old lyric "Huanxi Sha". At this time, she was still in the middle of the word, and she had not yet met her Prince Charming, Zhao Mingcheng. The words describe a game in which she "fights grass" with her girlfriends in the early spring.

Although the swallows have not yet flown back and Jiang Mei has withered, it has not affected their state of mind in the slightest, they are looking for them in the fields where the grass is just beginning, and they are free to chase in the bright spring light. This picture shows the character characteristics of the lyricist who is naïve, loves life, and loves nature.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

On the way to the south, the lyricist rushed around, and the golden stone antiques collected by the husband and wife in their lives were also lost on the way to the transfer, and the poet had no fixed place to live, and lived a life of floating zero for a long time. Even in such a life situation, she is not elegant, and she calmly faces life.

This "Bodhisattva Man" vividly records the scene of the lyricist admiring, folding, and wearing plum blossoms on a cold plum day:

The wind is soft and the spring is still early, and the jacket is in a good mood. Sleep is slightly cold, plum blossom sideburns are crippled.

Where is the hometown, forget unless drunk, burn when lying in the water, incense and wine have not disappeared.

When the fragrant and lovely plum blossoms bloom, Li Qingzhao, who is obsessed with plum blossoms, still can't help but pick a plum blossom and put it on his hair, which also shows the unswerving love of plum character of the lyricist.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

For the mentality of appreciating plums, Li Qingzhao has a wonderful description in the word "The Cruel Man":

Jade is thin and fragrant, and sandalwood is deep and snowy. This year hate, plum and late. Jianglou Chu Pavilion, clouds idle water far away. Clear day forever, with a low roll of curtains.

Sit in and be full of wine. The song is together, and the water is broken. The south branch can be inserted, and it must be cut frequently. Mo waited for the West Building and several Qiang pipes.

The last piece is straight to the point, chanting plum blossoms and regretting that this time the plum appreciation is one step too late. Turning the page, the lyricist described such a picture:

The jade-colored white plum blossoms are thin and ethereal, and the pale red plums appear to be rich in color, and they emit an aggressive aroma; the snow is melting, and the beauty of the snow-pressed plum branches is gone; it is really regrettable that I did not expect that the plum viewing was late again.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

On the banks of the river, there are countless pavilions and pavilions arranged in a staggered manner, where plum blossoms are in full bloom, and it is a good place to enjoy plums; the poets either look up at the white clouds floating in the sky, and occasionally look down on the river flowing in the east; the cool day is so long, and the plum hunters who are intoxicated by the plum fragrance are leaning on the carving railing to look at the distance, and they roll up the emerald green curtains that hang low.

In the pavilions of Jiangbin, there is an endless stream of plum admirers, and when good friends gather, they raise a glass, drink freely, sing lyrically, and the literati and scholars full of poetry and pride sing songs about wine, facing the elegant and pleasant plum blossoms. So, the crowd was excited and sang indulgently. The song was loud and melodious, resounding through the clouds and resounding through the flowing water.

By this point, the joy had reached its climax, the agitated emotions had calmed down as the song stopped, and another state of mind had taken its place. The lyricist's pen turned sharply, returning to the scene of the plum viewing, and then the lyrics were precisely in the lyricist's exclamation, in the footsteps of the solo climb to the West Building, and in the sound of the complaining Qiang flute.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The flowers on the south side of the sunny branch are very cute, you can climb and fold for insertion, you need to take advantage of its opening and not broken, quickly pick more, or hairpin on the sideburns, or insert the table, and leave the plum blossom's sparse shadow and the cold fragrance of the plum blossom as much as possible. The lyricist even appealed: Don't wait until the moment when the petals are broken and the mud melts with the wind.

This song seems to be full of joyful atmosphere, in fact, Li Qingzhao uses the technique of "writing mourning with pleasure". The lyricist's extra-string sound is lyrical, sentimentality passing, flowers blossoming, appearance is easy to grow old, gathering less and leaving more, life is proud and when they get together, they need to enjoy it, and when the tune of "Plum Blossom Fall" has been played, when the Qiang flute cries and complains about parting, the parting of sorrow will overwhelm the earth.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao used a plum blossom poem "Lonely Goose" to start the precedent of Yongmei's mourning:

The rattan bed paper tent rises towards sleep, and there is no end to the good thoughts. Agarwood intermittent jade stove cold, accompanied by my feelings like water. The flute sounded three lanes, Mei's heart was broken, how much spring affection.

The light wind and rain were soothing, and a thousand lines of tears were shed. The whistle-blower went to the jade building empty, and the intestines were broken with whom to lean on. A branch is broken, and there is no one to send in heaven on earth.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

"Lonely Goose" mourns the death of Wing Mei. The whole word does not directly depict the color, fragrance, and posture of mei, nor does it praise mei's character, but regards mei as a witness to personal sorrow and joy. The lyricist focuses on describing his own cold and lonely life and desolate and sad mood after the death of her husband.

At the beginning of the word, the writer's gaze is cast from the inside to the outside: the rattan bed paper tent, the agarwood jade stove, such as the feeling of water, the scenery is pure and elegant, and the mood is lonely and sad. In the opening few sentences, the lyricist combines scenery and emotion to create a poignant mood.

The writer's heart is like stopping water, and just when she is lonely and sad, suddenly there is the mournful and tear-inducing "plum blossom three alleys". The sound of the flute caused the writer to look out of the window, the small wind and rain, the plum heart suddenly opened, the thing is not human, but also makes people sad, tears like rain. Chunmei, who is eager to let go, seems to be able to understand the desolate and sad mood of the lyricist, and when she is moved by the flute and grief-stricken, Meihua can't help but be shocked and broken.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

Meihua is a witness to Li Qingzhao's life experience, and at the same time, it is also a living body that communicates with the soul of the writer. The cold rain outside the window was pouring down non-stop. The female lyricist looked at the raindrops outside the window, she thought about it, she didn't say a word, only to see that she was already in tears. The plum blossoms in the environment of wind and rain and the tearful eyes and the lyricists who have no dependence on each other contrast, and the breeze and drizzle conceal the actual situation of the lyricists, and the plum blossoms and the lyricists further integrate.

Zhao Mingcheng has passed away, people go to the empty building, see things and think of people, even if there are plum blossoms, who will join hands with them to appreciate it? The lyricist misses her husband and is devastated, and she wants to imitate the story of Lu Kai of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who folded plums to give friends, folding branches and sending plums so that she and the missed people can get some comfort. However, at this moment, this branch of plum blossoms that was folded down searched all over the heavens on earth, and there was no one to send.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

The plum blossom that no one in the heavens could send on earth had merged with Li Qingzhao's life feelings, and it was difficult to decompose. This is the lament of the life of the weathered female lyricist in her later years, and it is her true confession from the bottom of her heart.

The loneliness and sorrow of the writer seems to be understood only by the plum blossom in his hand. How similar is the fate of the untouchable lone branch and the female lyricist who lives in the drifting house, the plum and the image of the lyricist are completely integrated, the plum blossom transcends its plant image and becomes the carrier of the lyricist's emotional catharsis, and the plum blossom carries the author's rich and profound emotional spirit.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

From the above Li Qingzhao's Yongmei words, we can see that she is such a lyricist, she combines her personal experience with literary tradition, and can break the vulgar and elegant, innovate the old, and send her life and emotions in the plum blossom with the delicate emotions and extraordinary ingenuity unique to women, and give Mei a fresh vitality.

Li Qingzhao compares Mei's life course with her own life experience and life path, writing Mei is also writing about herself, and caring for Mei is also caring for herself. Li Qingzhao Yongmei is not only praising Meihua's character, but also writing his own life and expressing his feelings.

Li Qingzhao has loved Mei all her life, and she fills in her life experiences and emotions into plum blossom words, and the words are flowing through the ages

In terms of artistic techniques, Li Qingzhao gave plum blossoms higher aesthetic value and artistic characteristics, highlighting the beauty of plum blossoms. Under Li Qingzhao's pen, each mood of the plum blossom is infused with its own strong emotions, and the lyricist gives mei a human life and spirituality, so that it will have the same emotions as people.

Li Qingzhao's Yongmei Words have indeed achieved a perfect blend of love and scenery, and it is precisely because of this that her one Songmei words still have the vitality of amazing years and warm years after a thousand years.

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