
After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

In October 1947, in order to strengthen the garrison of the strongholds south of Shenyang, Lao Jiang transferred 6 divisions from North China to help everywhere. Among them, the Provisional Fifty-sixth Division attempted to cross into Changchun by bailongju mountain.

On November 2, the 3rd Division of the 1st Column of the Northeast People's Liberation Army was ordered to intercept the enemy north of Fanjiatun. The Ninth Regiment of the Division set out from Jingjiatai and Fanjiagou, and when the eight companies of the avant-garde advanced advanced to the area around Taojiatun, they met a narrow road with a heavy machine gun platoon of the enemy.

Bian Xianrong, commander of the Eighth Company, immediately made a decision and led the whole company to charge and attack the enemy, immediately killing and wounding more than ten people, capturing 27 enemy soldiers, and capturing two heavy machine guns.

Bian Xianrong ordered the prisoners to be sent to the regiment, and the whole company launched digging fortifications on the spot to block the enemy behind.

The main force of the Ninth Regiment heard the gunshots and quickly spread along the road to seize the White Dragon Juju Mountain with the enemy.

After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

After interrogating the prisoners, it was learned that this enemy was the First Regiment of the Temporary Fifty-sixth Division of the New First Army, also known as the "Iron Stone Force", and had occupied the main peak of the White Dragon Colt.

The regimental commander Wang Qianyuan, the political commissar Wang Anzhi, and the deputy regimental commander Sun Hongdao studied together how to fight this battle, and Wang Qianyuan said: "Strange, how did the three divisions of the New First Army drill out of the temporary fifty-sixth division, which is still called the 'Iron and Stone Unit'?" ”

Sun Hongdao said, "Whatever division or unit he has, he can just fight." ”

Wang Qianyuan said: "In the winter of 1945, we also fought iron and stone troops in Huadian, Yitong, Siping, and the Eighth Regiment in Jingjiatai. If it is the new First Army, it will be difficult for us to fight the enemy one regiment at a time. ”

Wang Anzhi said: "If there is difficulty, we must fight, we still have seven regiments and eight regiments behind us, and we can't ask them to run back to Changchun anyway." ”

After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

Sun Hongdao said: "The third battalion has been deployed on the spot, and I will take the second battalion to divide the enemy, but the problem is to quickly tell the first battalion to rush forward and not let the enemy run." ”

Wang Anzhi said: "When I go to a battalion, the enemy cannot run. ”

When the division commander Peng Jingwen received the report of the Ninth Regiment, he immediately ordered the Seventh Regiment to attack Datun and Shuangshanzi to assist the Ninth Regiment in its operations; the Eighth Regiment searched and advanced toward Fanjiatun to ensure the safety of the main flank of the division and prepare to block the enemy who came to Changchun's aid.

Bailongju Mountain is not a big mountain, there are 4 small mountain bags, the altitude is only more than 100 meters, but the east and west sides are swamps, which seems to stand out from the crowd. On the southeast side of the mountainside, there is also a large temple, the White Dragon Colt Temple.

Deputy Regiment Commander Sun Hongdao, Second Battalion Commander Ren Fuli, and Instructor Jiang Yansheng led five companies to guard the stone field, repelled the enemy, and then controlled the mountain in the southeast second only to the main peak in the northwest, and divided the enemy in half between the White Dragon Ju Temple and the Three Peaks, like a steel knife inserted in the enemy's heart.

After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

After dawn, the enemy wanted to pull out the steel knife inserted in their midst, and from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock, with the strength of two companies, they attacked again and again, and were repelled by five companies.

Jiang Yansheng, the instructor of the second battalion, and the fifth company were sacrificed one after another. Deputy Regiment Commander Sun Hongdao was also wounded several times, and the new soldier Wu Chunsheng automatically acted as a platoon leader, and the only dozen or so people in the organization always held the position.

The enemy was besieged at Bailongju Mountain, and the Changchun defenders and the Provisional Fifty-sixth Division did not dare to come to the rescue, so the Ninth Regiment let go and destroyed the enemy.

At 9:30, the first battalion, with the cooperation of the sixth company, broke through the position from the west side in one fell swoop, relieving the threat of the left side of the fifth company, and the third battalion, with the cooperation of the fourth company, attacked the White Dragon Colt Temple.

The White Dragon Colt Temple was the enemy's regimental command post, with about 400 people, concentrating light and heavy machine guns to suppress the three battalions.

After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

Song Ziyan, the leader of the Eighth Squad of the Seventh Company, chose favorable terrain, led the whole class to approach the Great Temple, threw grenades at the temple, took advantage of the enemy's confusion, blew open the temple gate, and rushed into the courtyard to engage in a white-knife battle with the enemy.

Song Ziyan entered the temple and forced the enemy regimental commander Guan Ruixi to hand over his gun. Most of the enemy at the White Dragon Colt Temple were annihilated, and a few fled from the west gate to the northwest highlands, encountering five companies, five companies condescending, a grenade, and the enemy had to raise his hand and surrender.

At this time, the seven regiments and one battalion captured a small hill in the far north, and effectively cooperated with the ninth regiment; the enemy surrendered under the heavy blows of the siege on all sides.

At 10:30 the battle ended, and all the regiments of the Fifty-sixth Division of the New First Army were annihilated. Captured 1,456 enemy regimental commanders or less, 11 heavy machine guns, 11 guns, and more than 1,000 guns of various kinds.

After the battle, Wang Qianyuan, the commander of the Ninth Regiment, came to the White Dragon Ju Temple from the position of the Fifth Company, and when he saw the captured regimental commander Guan Ruixi, he couldn't help but be stunned, Guan Ruixi was also stunned when he saw Wang Qianyuan, and the two of them invariably blurted out: "It was you!" ”

After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

The two were old acquaintances, they were both former subordinates of Zhang Shaoshuai of the Northeast Army, and when they studied in the Northeast Lecture Martial Arts Hall, the two were friends in the same window.

After graduation, Wang Qianyuan entered the customs with the Northeast Army, joined the PLA camp in 1942, and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he was the leader of the advancing column.

Guan Ruixi's troops remained in the northeast after "9.18" and surrendered to the Japanese Kou, becoming officers of the pseudo-Manchu army's "Iron and Stone Troops", and after the "8.15" army, they went to Changchun to accept the reorganization and became the commander of the first regiment of the Provisional Fifty-sixth Division.

Friends from the same window met on the battlefield, one was the victor representing the people, and the other was the loser who opposed the people. Two paths, two destinies, two lives lead to two endings. In the hearts of the two, each has a taste.

After the battle, the regimental commanders of the two sides were stunned as soon as they met: it turned out to be friends of the same window

Still Wang Qianyuan was generous, stretched out his hand, pulled up Guan Ruixi, who was in a daze, and said: "Lay down our weapons, we are still friends, welcome to the People's Liberation Army to have a look, better than which world is better than one, I hope you will abandon the dark and cast the light from now on!" ”

Guan Ruixi murmured, "Yes, yes, I will definitely become a man again..."

Wang Qianyuan pointed to the squad leader Song Ziyan and said, "He may not be polite to you, you should understand." ”

Guan Ruixi snorted, "Where, where, this one saved me, at that time he only needed to snap the bolt, I was dead." ”

Not long after, another good news came, and the second battalion of the Eighth Regiment, which was preparing to block the enemy in Changchun, also completely annihilated more than 200 enemy troops stationed in Fanjiatun.

In the Battle of Bailongju Mountain, one regiment of the Ninth Regiment annihilated the whole regiment of the New First Army and one regiment, which was the most battle that annihilated the enemy alone since the establishment of the First Column and the Third Division.

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