
The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

In mid-November 1950, the 3rd Company of the 342nd Regiment of the 114th Division of the 38th Army of the Volunteer Army was ordered to hold the position of Yuefeng Mountain.

The enemy began to attack on November 16, first with aircraft bombing in turn, and then the smoke and dust behind the mountain before and after the artillery hit, and the earth and stones splashed, so that the birds could not fly before and after the blockade position. This also led to the commanders and fighters of the three companies of the Volunteer Army eating only one meal for two whole days.

On the 18th, the fighting became more intense, and the three companies received orders to withdraw from their positions after repelling the enemy's last charge before dark.

Kang Qinglu, the leader of the third-shift cooking class who was nearly half a hundred years old, took two cooks to carry rice and water, and it was difficult to send them to the position, but he did not see a single figure.

This made Kang Qinglu feel very strange: "The people of the three companies have been beaten up? Wrong! If you are exhausted, you will also leave the body behind. ”

The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

He thought about it and resolutely made a decision: "No matter what happens, the position must not be lost!" ”

He then asked the two cooks to pick up the food and report to his superiors that he had stayed in his position.

Kang Qinglu was a veteran, but he did not have a gun in his hand, so he used the moonlight to touch the direction of the enemy, retrieved more than a dozen carbines, rifles, and many grenades, and all moved back to the position.

He was not satisfied, and thought it would be good to have a machine gun, so he returned to the enemy position. Unexpectedly, there was a water-pressure heavy machine gun, which was good to check, and two boxes of bullets.

This whole night Kang Qinglu was not idle, he repaired the fortifications, pointed the heavy machine gun at the open ground of the enemy up the mountain, aimed and fixed it, tied the plate machine with a rope, and fired two test shots, which were quite accurate.

He placed the carbine he had picked up again at the edge of the scattered pit in the trench, and calculated for himself: the enemy was far away, and he hit it with a rifle; when he got closer, he used grenades and pulled heavy machine guns with ropes to project them at a large group of enemies.

The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

Kang Qinglu himself felt good: "I have been a soldier for five years, and I have not personally killed an enemy, and this time I have a chance to enjoy it!" ”

Kang Qinglu, who joined the army in Fushun in the winter of 1945, was a coal miner who survived the Pingdingshan massacre, where his wife and children were killed by the Japanese.

When Japan surrendered, he was in his 40s and asked to join the army, so he was assigned to work as a cook in the third company. He worked actively, studied hard, carried the marching pot on his back, and followed the troops across the Yangtze River.

When the troops detoured to western Hunan Province, Kang Qinglu contracted malaria and was so weak that he could not stand up, and was admitted to the hospital with a battalion commander, Cao Yuhai (a first-class combat hero and special hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea).

Later, Kang Qinglu was assigned to work in Wuhan Prison together with Cao Yuhai. After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, when he heard that Cao Yuhai wanted to return to his old troops, Kang Qinglu had to follow suit.

The leader asked him, "You are almost fifty years old, what can you do when you are so old that you can return to the army?" ”

The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

Kang Qinglu said: "I returned to the army and carried my marching pot to ensure that the march would not be left behind!" ”

A female comrade in the union said, "Uncle Kang, you stay, I am responsible for making you a family." ”

Kang Qinglu smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, but I already have a home, what kind of home?" How good is my triple company, I will die in the triad! ”

Today, Kang Qinglu is far away in a foreign battlefield and is fulfilling his oath.

At 8:30 a.m. on the 19th, the enemy began to attack, first by aircraft bombing, strafing, and then by artillery bombardment. Kang Qinglu hid behind a large rock, unscathed.

At 9 o'clock, the enemy began to charge in groups. Kang Qinglu entered the position and fired a shot at this end and another shot at that end.

The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

The enemy was still rushing upwards, Kang Qinglu pulled a heavy machine gun, and the "da da" was sweeping into the enemy group.

Seeing the enemy running back, he wrapped the rope of the machine gun around his legs and pulled it fiercely, aiming his rifle at the enemy's back with both hands, one shot at a time.

The enemy retreated, and a box of machine gun bullets ran out. Kang Qinglu quickly changed into another box of bullets and returned to the back of the big stone to defend the air and artillery.

An hour passed, and the enemy followed the offensive procedure, again with air raids, shelling, and then group charge. Kang Qinglu still insisted on his own way of playing, shooting with a rifle while pulling a heavy machine gun with his legs.

Suddenly, a 60-60 shell exploded next to Kang Qinglu, and he died heroically on the position.

The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

The enemy rushed to the position again, and suddenly the heavy machine guns sounded again, and the enemy fell down again.

It turned out that there was an enemy soldier who rushed in front, killed by a stray bullet, and fell on the rope of the heavy machine gun pulled by the old Kangtou, and the heavy machine gun kept sounding until the box of bullets was finished.

Zhai Zhongyu (founding colonel), commander of the 114th Division, was surprised to hear the fierce gunfire on the Yuefeng Mountain position at the command post, and quickly called and asked Sun Hongdao, commander of the 342nd Regiment (1956 Colonel): "Didn't Yuefeng Mountain withdraw last night, why is it still fighting?" ”

Sun Hongdao also felt inexplicable: "The three companies have obviously withdrawn, and the gunfire on the position is indeed very strange." He immediately called the first battalion and asked the battalion commander what was going on with Cao Yuhai.

Cao Yuhai also said that he didn't know, everyone was confused, where did they know that an unexpected person was fighting alone!

The troops had withdrawn, so why were gunshots ringing out on the positions? An unexpected person is fighting alone

Just then, the cooker who had returned from the position to report the situation found the battalion headquarters. Cao Yuhai only learned that Kang Qinglu was on the position, and he immediately called Sun Hong: "I will send someone to get Old Kangtou back!" ”

Sun Hongdao said: "We cannot go, our task is to lure the enemy to go deeper, and it is not okay to send fewer troops, and it is not possible to send more troops in violation of the entire operational intention." Now that Yuefeng Mountain is occupied by the enemy, if Old Kangtou is alive, he will definitely be able to come back by himself, and if he sacrifices, it will also be Lao Kangtou's final responsibility..."

After the battle, Cao Yuhai sent a reconnaissance squad to Yuefeng Mountain to look for it, and Kang Qinglu lay peacefully in the trench, covered with white snow. Green pine branches were scattered around him, and his legs were still tied to the rope that pulled the heavy machine gun.

Based on various traces at the scene, the reconnaissance squad deduced step by step the course of Kang Qinglu's battle before his death. When the battalion commander Cao Yuhai, the regimental commander Sun Hongdao, and the division commander Zhai Zhongyu learned the truth of the matter, they all shed tears and reported to the military department to posthumously record the first-class merit for Kang Qinglu.

After the end of the Fourth Campaign, the 114th Division printed a pamphlet called "The Immortal People", which detailed Kang Qinglu's last battle, entitled "The Gunshots of martyrs".

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