
General Jiang Yonghui recalls: The Thirty-eighth Army in Korea (10)

General Jiang Yonghui, the founding major general, former deputy commander of the 38th Army, and acting general, recalled in the book "The Thirty-eighth Army in Korea" that the 114th Rear Guard Division of our army only entered Xichuan on November 1.

General Jiang Yonghui recalls: The Thirty-eighth Army in Korea (10)

The city has not yet been completely destroyed, but it is a dead empty city, there are no lights, no pedestrians, the buildings and houses stand in the hazy night, the streets are full of telephone lines that the enemy has not withdrawn, and the prosperity of the past is gone, making people feel terrible, and maybe tomorrow it will become a ruined city.

The 114th Division crossed the dead and silent Xi River and marched south of Tanfeng, where the dark clouds were so dark that the earth was dark, and it was difficult to distinguish five fingers, and the team followed one by one and listened to the footsteps.

At this time, the 19th Regiment of the Pseudo-6th Division, which had sneaked to Chushan, was also driving south of Tanfeng, and the camps of the enemy and our two units were selected in the same place, and Tanfeng was bounded between Xichuan and the stadium.

At dawn on the 2nd, the 342nd Regiment headquarters took up residence in a house in a ravine, they did not expect that the rear guard could still meet the enemy, the guards took horses and spread out the beds, and the regimental commander Sun Hongdao and the political commissar Wang Pili prepared to sleep.

After Sun Hongdao lay down, he heard noisy footsteps outside, and he was very confused, somehow? Suddenly, there was a sound of a trumpet.

Sun Hongdao and Wang Pili jumped up and said, "Where to blow the trumpet?" "There were already gunshots in the middle of the conversation, and it turned out that the enemy had come here and stayed with them.

The artillery company battalion personnel who lived at the mouth of the ditch had just finished their meals and were expecting the company to arrive soon, when a group of people ran in and opened the pot to serve food.

General Jiang Yonghui recalls: The Thirty-eighth Army in Korea (10)

The cooker was anxious and said, "The troops have not yet arrived, what a meal!" "The gang ignored it and just grabbed food to eat."

The cooker was in a hurry, grabbed a guy and took a closer look, oh, it was Li Pseudo-Jun.

When he saw that something was wrong, he immediately found the commander and asked the troops to hurry up, and soon the artillery company caught up, and the enemy also came up, and the mountains were full of enemies, and fierce fighting began.

The enemy occupied the favorable terrain on the hill and surrounded our 342nd Regiment, and the terrain of the regimental headquarters was very unfavorable, and it was separated from the 1st battalion of the regiment by a mountain beam, and the 1st battalion lived in another ravine.

The situation at the regimental headquarters was extremely tense, and regimental commander Sun Hongdao led the regimental commander and the guard company to resist the enemy.

Wang Pili grabbed staff officer Lu Dikui and said, "Run to find 1 battalion!" ”

Lu Wasque was a witty and brave staff officer who bravely plunged straight into the ravine where The 1st Battalion lived in order to buy time.

When he found the 1st Battalion, instructor Fang Xin had just entered the house, and the troops had not yet eaten, and they were quickly assembled.

Lu Dikui considered that there was a regimental commander in front of him, so he led 1 battalion to cut the enemy's rear road, forming a front and rear attack on the enemy.

Instructor Fang Xin grabbed the submachine gun from the messenger's hand and ran to the front, the soldiers followed closely into the enemy group, the enemy was hit from end to end, and Fought with me for a morning, and finally broke away.

The 342nd Regiment entered The First Battle of Korea and fought a beautiful encounter. The 1st Battalion annihilated about one battalion of the enemy's strength, the 4th Company and the 1st Company eliminated an enemy machine gun company, the whole regiment captured hundreds of prisoners, captured a large number of guns and ammunition, and captured 5 American advisers alive.

This was the first time our army captured an American officer and rescued five female Korean People's Army fighters from the enemy.

After the battle, the soldiers saw that the cooked rice had frozen into ice lumps, but they still could not eat because they missed their fallen comrades.

The commander of the 3rd Company was killed, and the 1st Battalion sacrificed a total of 23 comrades, and some soldiers secretly shed tears.

Comrade Fang Xin was an excellent political worker, he observed the mood of the comrades, felt that it was necessary to educate them to treat sacrifice correctly, and after eating, he gathered the whole camp and held a memorial service for the martyrs.

Comrades greeted the cold wind of the shouting sign and took off their hats in front of the martyr's body to mourn, and after introducing the martyr's resume and deeds before his death, Instructor Fang said:

"Today, 23 martyrs have sacrificed their lives for the safety of the motherland and the liberation of the Korean people, and their deaths are heavier than Taishan's. As long as we can exchange our blood and lives for human peace and happiness, we have nothing to regret. We want to repay this new blood debt from US imperialism! ”

General Jiang Yonghui recalls: The Thirty-eighth Army in Korea (10)

An earth-shaking roar sounded in the mountains and forests: "Avenge your comrades-in-arms!" "Avenge the Korean people!"

It was dark, the 342nd Regiment troops continued to advance, and Wang Pili left the pro-democracy officer to deal with the captured guns, ammunition and supplies.

On this day of camping, the 342nd Regiment accepted yesterday's lesson and ordered the troops not to enter the ravine before dawn, not to disband, and to be ready for battle at any time.

Sure enough, after dawn, they saw that the ravine was full of enemies and immediately threw themselves into battle, this time with more prisoners.

After the troops had finished cleaning up the battlefield and had just entered the rest, the division called to say that the mountain artillery battalion had broken the enemy into two pieces, and asked them to immediately send people to break the siege!

After consultation, the regimental commander and the political commissar ordered the 3rd Battalion to run forward and untie the siege of the Mountain Artillery Battalion.

The 340th Regiment and the 341st Regiment also encountered the enemy and were captured during the battle, and the 342nd Regiment captured more than 400 enemy soldiers, which was the largest group in the early days of entering the DPRK.

What is worth worrying about is that our field medical facilities are also often surrounded by enemy stragglers.

On December 3, after the first field hospital was settled in Luxia Cave, north of Huaping Station, medical rescue work was launched.

It was just after dawn, the comrades in the operating room were exhausted, and they were packing up their equipment to go up the mountain to defend themselves, when the 114th Division transferred a comrade who was wounded in the abdomen and needed to be dealt with in time, at which time the lightly wounded and other staff members went air raids, and the comrades in the operating room, in order to treat the wounded in time, they risked the bombing of enemy aircraft and made an exception to operate during the day.

After opening the abdominal cavity of the wounded, Comrade Wang Jun, deputy chief of the medical and political section and military doctor, found that there were several gunshot wounds in the intestinal tube, and after the intestinal tube was repaired, the abdominal wall was to be sutured.

Just at this moment, there was a dull sound of pistols and grenades exploding outside, followed by the knocking sound of "puffing and puffing", and Deputy Director Zhang shouted while knocking on the window outside the house: "Quick, the enemy is coming!" "There was tension in the operating room, they had no weapons or ammunition, only a carbine.

Wang Jun saw that everyone was a little nervous, and calmly said: "Panic, resist!" ”

Then he said to Comrade Sun Shangqi, a military doctor: "You sew, I will go and see!" ”

He picked up the carbine in his hand, not even taking off his surgical gown, and when he went out of the house, he saw several puppet soldiers walking towards them, only 60 meters away, the Wang army aimed at the enemy's first floor fire, clicked, and all the bullets were exhausted, and only one enemy was knocked down, and the guy rolled a few times, and then climbed back.

Wang Jun was in a hurry, regretting that he had not been familiar with the performance of the US carbine in peacetime, and the enemy pounced on them.

At this moment, the lightly wounded and staff members who were defending the air on the southeast slope pounced on the enemy while shouting: "Surrender your guns and don't kill!" ”

This young enemy was originally a broken enemy, and this time he was so frightened that he pulled out his leg and ran back.

Suddenly, the enemy was in disarray again, and a group of Korean compatriots dressed in white dresses came up with sticks, kitchen knives, and axes and shouted, "Dojong Hamin (Korean: surrender without killing)!"

The enemy turned and ran north again, just so that the stretchers of the field office had been picked up, and except for five or six killed, none of the rest had slipped through the net.

Just as they were counting the victories, dozens of North Korean compatriots poured in from the northeast ravines, and each carried a victory and took 3 prisoners.

General Jiang Yonghui recalls: The Thirty-eighth Army in Korea (10)

It turned out that these compatriots were hiding in the gold mine cave at the end of the ravine, and when they heard the gunshots and the roar of the volunteers, they resolutely ran out to support and eliminated the group of scattered soldiers.

It can be seen that the teacher of justice can get the support of the people at any time!

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