
At the Battle of Chosin Lake, the 89th Division suffered at least frostbite and suffered from duty, so why was it revoked after the war

On November 7, 1950, the 9th Corps, which was undergoing reorganization training in Tai'an and Qufu, Shandong, received an order from its superiors, asking the 9th Corps to immediately end the reorganization and enter the Korean War. The 9th Corps was originally a reserve of the Volunteer Army, and was originally scheduled to enter Korea in the spring of 1951. Unexpectedly, the situation changed too quickly, and after the first battle, MacArthur commanded Walker's Eighth Army and Almond's 10th Army to advance east-west, preparing to meet the Yalu River. General Peng decided to lure the enemy deeper and use the 6 armies that had entered the DPRK earlier to deal with the US Eighth Army.

At the Battle of Chosin Lake, the 89th Division suffered at least frostbite and suffered from duty, so why was it revoked after the war

As a result, the Eastern Front was very empty, and the ADVANCE OF the US Tenth Army was extremely fast, and the forward force was directly approaching the Chosin Lake area, posing a great threat to the volunteers fighting on the Western Front. Under these circumstances, the 9th Corps was forced to end its rest and enter The DPRK three months in advance. Due to the urgency of the military situation, the soldiers did not have time to change their clothes, and wore thin cotton jackets and rubber-soled shoes to the front line. Winter temperatures in North Korea are already extremely low, and this year is a year of severe cold that has not been encountered in a century, and the temperature on the Gaima Plateau has dropped to more than -40 degrees below zero.

At that time, the US military held absolute air superiority, the aircraft bombed the logistics supply line of the volunteer army day and night, and the warm clothing prepared by the Northeast Military Region was destroyed by enemy aircraft before it was transported to the front line. At the same time, due to the need for air defense, the soldiers could not make a fire to cook, and could only rely on fried noodles and frozen potatoes to fill their hunger. But it was under such difficult circumstances that more than 100,000 soldiers of the 9th Corps endured the cold, hunger and fatigue and marched continuously in the mountains covered with thick snow, and on November 27, they suddenly launched a fierce attack on the US 1st Marine Division and the 7th Us Infantry Division, dividing and encircling the enemy.

At the Battle of Chosin Lake, the 89th Division suffered at least frostbite and suffered from duty, so why was it revoked after the war

After that, the enemy and us fought the Gaima Plateau for nearly a month, the US First Marine Division suffered heavy losses, and the Polar Bear Regiment was completely annihilated by our army. But the 9 corps also paid a great price, with 19,202 casualties, 28,954 frostbite, and more than 4,000 frostbite deaths, and more frostbite than the battle attrition. The exception was the 89th Division, part of the 20th Army, which suffered very little frostbite in the campaign and became the main force in pursuing the enemy later in the campaign.

The predecessor of the 89th Division was the newly organized 10th Brigade of the Northern Jiangsu Military Region, which was renamed the 35th Brigade of the 12th Column of Huaye in February 1947, and was reorganized into the 89th Division of the 30th Army two years later. In 1950, the 30th Army was abolished and the 89th Division was placed under the 20th Army. When the 9th Corps was ordered to enter the DPRK, the 89th Division stayed in Shenyang for a day as the vanguard, and the division commander Yu Guangmao and the political commissar Wang Zhi used this precious day to change the whole division into cotton coats and coats in the alpine areas, but cotton pants were insufficient, and cotton hats and cotton gloves were lacking more.

At the Battle of Chosin Lake, the 89th Division suffered at least frostbite and suffered from duty, so why was it revoked after the war

Yu Guangmao, commander of the 89th Division

After the 89th Division entered Korea, it was ordered to take over the defense of the 42nd Army, and on the way it encountered a transport convoy of the Us army, and the soldiers laid the enemy down with a charge, so the troops made a foreign fortune. Among the captured booty, in addition to cans and biscuits, there were 3,000 woolen military blankets. At that time, some of the soldiers in the 89th Division had already frostbitten, and Wang Zhi decided to cut these military blankets into small pieces and distribute them to the soldiers, and the rest were made into ear tips.

Afterwards, it turned out that Wang Zhi's move was extremely wise, and because the 89th Division did a good job of cold measures, only more than a hundred people were reduced to frostbite in the whole division, which was the least non-combat attrition among the 12 divisions of the 9 corps, and it was also the only unit that could still be formed into a system to pursue in the later stages of the campaign, and the results of the battle were also among the best among the participating units. But it is doubtful that shortly after the war, the 89th Division was abolished. Also revoked was the 88th Division of the 26th Army. The 88th Division was abolished because it had seriously delayed fighters and had suffered severe attrition.

At the Battle of Chosin Lake, the 89th Division suffered at least frostbite and suffered from duty, so why was it revoked after the war

Political Commissar Wang Zhi of the 89th Division

However, the 89th Division lost little in the Battle of Chosin Lake and achieved a lot of results, so why was it also revoked? The only explanation is that after the Battle of Chosin Lake, the 9 Corps and the corps were reverted to a three-division formation, and the 20th Army was no exception. Among the four divisions of the 20th Army at that time, the 58th, 59th, and 60th Divisions were the old units of the 20th Army, while the 89th Division was transferred to the 20th Army shortly before entering the DPRK, and the only way to withdraw was to withdraw the 89th Division. After the 89th Division was withdrawn, its personnel were replenished into the 58th, 59th and 60th Divisions. Wang Zhisheng, political commissar of the 89th Division, was promoted to director of the Political Department of the 26th Army, and the division commander Yu Guangmao returned to China to study, and later became the commander of the 20th Army, and both were awarded the rank of major general in 1955.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a national war for our country, and this battle brought out military and national prestige, and made the whole world look at New China with astonishment. Written by the famous writer Li Feng

"Decisive Battle of Korea" comprehensively unveils many historical truths in front of and behind the stage of the Korean War with detailed historical materials, such as the game contest between the top leadership of the Sino-US Soviet Union and the DPRK, the truth about the Korean People's Army's southern expedition, the truth about China's dispatch of troops to Korea, the real comparison of the combat strength of China and the US army, the inside story of the Soviet Union's military assistance to China and the air force's participation in the war, the real situation of the prisoners of war of the volunteer army, the negotiation process of Panmunjom, and so on. It's a good book that can't be read without reading.

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Decisive Battle of Korea Set 2 Volumes of Decisive Battle of Korea The first and second volumes reproduce the classic works of the history of the Korean War



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