
I Ching + Tao Te Ching + Analects: Three words, 3 keys to success in breaking the Tao

Talking about the three books of the I Ching, the Tao Te Ching, and the Analects, it is really everyone in the world who knows it. Each book embodies the supreme wisdom of the saints, which can also be called the foundation of traditional Chinese culture. These three books also laid the foundation for our Chinese wisdom, and the mysteries of how to behave and how to do things are all in the book.

But you may not know that in each book you only need to remember one word to let you know the biggest secret of success. Which three words are they?

I Ching + Tao Te Ching + Analects: Three words, 3 keys to success in breaking the Tao

The I Ching: Punctuality

The I Ching has clouds, "A gentleman hides his instrument in his body and waits for the time to move." "Gentlemen have excellent talents and superior skills, but they do not show off everywhere, but only show them when the time comes."

Punctuality here is not the meaning of punctuality, but to seize the opportunity and opportunity. Everything in the world cannot be circumvented in heaven, place, and man. Before the opportunity arrives, waiting is the only way to go.

The history books record: "Jiang Shang was punctual in his life, and he fished for fish in the water with a hook, without the food of the bait, three feet from the surface of the water, and Shang said to himself: 'The one who bears the fate is hooked!' Jiang Ziya was half cold and displaced, but he was able to move his heart and endure, wait for the opportunity, and finally at the age of nearly eighty, he met The Ming Lord Wen Wang and the Wu King, and helped him overthrow the rule of the King of Sui and destroy the Shang Jianzhou.

Decades of time, talent is almost buried by the times, even if it is as powerful as Jiang Ziya, want to meet Bole also need such a wait, not to mention us ordinary people? Jiang Ziya used his experience to tell us a truth: "When the time is moving, sometimes it is quiet." ”

Maybe you will wait a long time, maybe the wait is endless, maybe you will run out of patience, but please don't give up cultivating yourself, keep moving forward, you will eventually keep the clouds open and see the moon.

"Broad-minded and approximate, thick and thin." Lying down is not sitting quietly, not wasting time, but silently adhering to faith, constantly enriching and improving oneself. When you have enough accumulation, you can seize the opportunity when it comes. Just as the so-called "no silicon step can not go a thousand miles", time will not fail to live up to anyone's efforts, all we need to do is "hide the instrument in the body, wait for the time to move".

I Ching + Tao Te Ching + Analects: Three words, 3 keys to success in breaking the Tao

Tao Te Ching: Keep quiet

The Tao Te Ching says, "To the extremes of emptiness, keep quiet." All things work together, and I look at it. "To keep the mind in a state of utter certainty of emptiness and stillness, unaffected, in order that when everything happens in parallel, I observe the cycle of things with this state of mind.

The Ma Mo Street Pavilion was lost, the morale of the Wei army was high, and the Shu army's defenders in Xicheng were only more than 2,000 people. At the critical juncture, Zhuge Liang calmly and calmly sang out the empty city plan that has been passed down through the ages: "When Sima Yi came to the city, he saw Kong Ming sitting on the city tower, smiling, burning incense and practicing the piano. On the left there is a boy with a sword in his hand; on the right there is a boy with a dusty tail in his hand. Inside and outside the city gates, there were more than twenty people, bowing their heads and sweeping, judging no one. Sima Yi said: "Liang Ping was cautious in his life and never took risks." Now open the gates of the city, and there will be an ambush. If I advance, I will be able to do the same. "In the face of the oppression of 150,000 troops, calm and self-assured, the sound of the piano is not chaotic, so that cunning such as Sima Yi can not see any clues, what a calm and powerful heart is needed!"

But in today's society, there are many impetuous people and very few people who are quiet. What is impetuousness? Now many people hold their mobile phones all day long, and they can't read a complete book all year round, which is impetuousness. Many people sharpen their heads all day looking for ways to get rich quickly, and do not do physical things to speculate in houses, play stocks, and lend usury, which is impetuousness. People are impetuous, they will be in a busy and annoying emergency state all day long, their temper will be grumpy, their nerves will be tense, and they will be trapped by the rapids of life.

So how do you overcome the impetuous mindset? In fact, the ancestors have long given us a solution, that is, "to the virtual pole, keep quiet and do.".

To the virtual pole, in fact, it is very easy to understand, the virtual pole, there is nothing, is empty. Keeping quiet, this stillness, does not mean that there is no silence without any sound, but that it is quiet and pure, that is, it is not delusional. Lao Tzu believed that all connections in the outside world are projections of the heart, and changing the inside can change the world you see. Let everything in the world move together there, I just wait and see its reciprocation, so that I can become the master of the movement of all things, which is called "quiet for the restless king".

Meditation can give birth to wisdom, and meditation can produce reason. Since ancient times, the more sages and saints encounter earth-shattering things, the more able they are to calm their minds as water and deal with them calmly. This is "calm at every great event." People who can calm down in the face of big things can afford to put them down in the face of small things. In an impetuous society, it must be the one who is still wins.

But stillness is not weakness, not depression. Static is for better movement, static time insight into everything, plan the overall situation, find the weakness of the opponent, and then move like a rabbit, the momentum is like a rainbow, so that you are invincible and unfavorable.

In life, in the face of the dirtiness of the world and the intrigues of the world, but can maintain a pure and remote state of mind, do not fight with the world, do not turbidity with the world, this is the realm that only quiet people can achieve. Only by keeping quiet, the seeds of happiness and happiness will take root, sprout and bloom in the heart.

I Ching + Tao Te Ching + Analects: Three words, 3 keys to success in breaking the Tao

Analects: Trustworthiness

The Analects says, "A man who has no faith does not know what he can do." The big car has no body, the small car has no body, how can it work? "If a person does not have credit, just as a cart does not have a wooden pin connecting the yoke and the yoke, and a small car cannot walk without a wooden pin connecting the yoke and the yoke."

As the saying goes, people do not stand without faith, karma does not have faith and does not prosper, and the country will decline without faith. Trustworthiness is not only a kind of cultivation, but also the foundation of a person's life, and also the basis for the survival of a country, a nation, and a collective.

Since ancient times, the sages of the past have constantly emphasized the importance of honesty and trustworthiness, and have also led by example, personally demonstrated, and walked what they said.

In the seventh year of Tongzhi, after the Twist Army was wiped out, the reimbursement of military expenses for the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War was put on the agenda. According to the financial system of the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan needed to first count the military expenditures in these years one by one, compile them into an inventory, and send them to the Ministry of Households. The household department must examine the reimbursement list and pass the examination before submitting it to the emperor for reimbursement.

According to the old rules, Zeng Guofan needs to pay the "ministry fee" or "benefit fee" to the household department in order to be reimbursed smoothly. Before reimbursement, Zeng Guofan asked Li Hongzhang to inquire about how much the household department planned to ask for "ministry fees", and Li Hongzhang wrote back: "The reimbursement section ... If you entrust someone to inquire, the officials will have great luxury. Although there is nothing to be reduced. "Zeng Guofan shared about 30 million taels of military salary, and according to the calculation of 1 cent and 3, that is, 1.3%, nearly 400,000 taels of silver must be handed over to the household department.

Four hundred thousand taels of silver, Zeng Guofan could not get out in any way, so he entrusted people to continue public relations, after a lot of work, the household department reduced the "ministry fee" to eighty thousand taels, although Zeng Guofan was very dissatisfied with the "ministry fee", but finally responded to this matter.

Just at this time, the central government replied that because of their outstanding merits in pacifying the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Twist Army, the emperor agreed that military expenses could be reimbursed directly without going through the household department. Zeng Guofan was grateful for this, saying, "Grateful to the second bone, compared to the high-ranking official, his feeling is a hundred times greater."

Logically, the emperor has spoken, and the eighty thousand taels can be saved. But Zeng Guofan said, "I still want to give the eighty thousand taels that have been negotiated." Later, he took 80,000 taels from his "small treasury" and gave it to the Hubu Book Office. Zeng Guofan's integrity can be seen.

Trustworthiness is a simple and complex thing for a person. Almost everyone often pays lip service to keeping their word, but very few can actually keep their promises, especially when it comes to vital interests. In fact, many times, it seems to have made a small profit, but in fact, it has suffered a big loss. Because you have lost your value in the eyes of others, and untrustworthiness is the biggest bankruptcy in life. If you lose your footing, you may still be able to stand up; if you lose your faith, you may never be able to get it back.

Only by treating others with trustworthiness will others repay each other with sincerity. Xun Ziyue: Nourishing the heart is not good at sincerity. Trustworthiness is an experience in our life journey.

I Ching + Tao Te Ching + Analects: Three words, 3 keys to success in breaking the Tao

Three classics, three words, keeping "time, quiet, and faith" is not only the standard of being a person, but also the norm of doing things.

In these three articles, keeping quiet is the premise, and only when the mind is quiet can we understand all things, not be blinded by the outside world in the slightest, and can accurately identify the real opportunity and grasp it at the moment when the opportunity comes. Only by keeping quiet can we tear off the blindness of material desires, let the original heart appear, be open-minded, and do things without selfishness, keep faith in people, and be honest in the world.

In a chaotic and chaotic world, if you can keep these three points, you will be used for the rest of your life!

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