
Chinese medicine has an anime spokesperson

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Chinese medicine has an anime spokesperson
Chinese medicine has an anime spokesperson

Acupuncture copper man was founded in the Northern Song Dynasty, full of acupuncture points, chest and back front and back can be opened and closed, the body is carved with internal organs, consistent with the physiological structure of real people, limbs and internal organs can be disassembled. Acupuncture Copper Man is the world's earliest medical teaching model and human anatomy model, which has played an important role in the development of Chinese medicine.

In ancient times, acupuncture copper people were not only teaching aids for acupuncture teaching, but also a "test paper" for assessing acupuncture medical students. The ancients left small holes in the acupuncture points of the copper man, which were sealed with yellow wax during the examination and injected liquid into the inside of the copper man. Students prick the acupuncture points with needles according to the questions, and if the acupuncture is accurate, the liquid flows out.

Hair bun on the top of the head, "gourd" hanging from the waist. "Walking Little Acupuncture Copper Man" - the little messenger of Chinese medicine "Moxibustion Boy" is coming! A few days ago, the Chinese medicine animation image "Moxibustion Child" appeared at the media meeting held by the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Why design an anime image for Chinese medicine? What is the value of "Moxibustion Child" to the spread of Chinese medicine culture? The relevant personnel of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine made an interpretation.

How moxibustion children are made

"The design of 'Moxibustion Boy' is inspired by the acupuncture copper man of the Northern Song Dynasty." Xiao Yu, director of the Information Department of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that in 2017, the bronze acupuncture of Chinese medicine was given to the World Health Organization as a "national gift", and the copper acupuncture person has become a messenger of Cultural Exchanges between China and foreign countries in the new era and a business card of Chinese medicine to the world.

According to the design team, "Moxibustion Boy" will make acupuncture copper people childlike and animated, giving him the identity of a small messenger of Traditional Chinese medicine and the special skills of being familiar with Traditional Chinese medicine and telling the story of Traditional Chinese medicine. There are many Chinese medicine elements on the "moxibustion child", such as the marking of important acupuncture points of the body, the clothing often worn by doctors, etc., and the props such as gourds and baskets also highlight the organic and natural characteristics of Chinese medicine, reflecting the inner essence of the unity of nature and man in Chinese medicine culture.

The person in charge of the design team said that he hopes to use the affinity and vivid expression of the anthropomorphic "moxibustion child" to narrow the distance between the people and the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and to infiltrate the profound concept of traditional Chinese medicine culture into people's daily lives in a subtle way.

According to Xiao Yu, "Moxibustion Child" comes from the selection activity of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Culture Boutique (Animation) held by the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Commissioned by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the campaign was launched in July 2020 and collected more than 500 works, including three types of Chinese medicine health culture works, including Chinese medicine animation images, animations and micro-videos. After the solicitation, online voting, expert review and other links, in the end, the "Moxibustion Child" designed by Shenzhen Sunac Ten Million Culture Communication Co., Ltd. won the bid.

It is reported that "Moxibustion Child" has been unveiled at the main media center of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to show the world the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. In the follow-up, more animation content products and derivative products will be launched around the image of "moxibustion child", providing new impetus for the popularization of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and the going out of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

When the spread of Chinese medicine meets anime

Why use cartoon images to express chinese medicine culture?

Wang Guochen, secretary general of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and head of the special team of traditional Chinese medicine animation work, said that the current revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine has ushered in a good time of time, location, and people, deeply excavating the cultural connotation and era value of traditional Chinese medicine, promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine culture, and injecting a steady stream of cultural impetus into the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine and the construction of a healthy China, which is the responsibility and mission of Traditional Chinese medicine people. However, just like the "easy in the heart, difficult to understand under the fingers" in the pulse of Traditional Chinese medicine, how to carry out the dissemination of Chinese medicine culture and the popularization of knowledge still needs to be studied and explored.

"Under the guidance of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, starting from 2020, the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and China Animation Group have cooperated to start the exploration of 'Traditional Chinese Medicine + Animation'." Wang Guochen said that he hopes to express and disseminate Chinese medicine culture through the modern, fashionable and innovative form of expression of animation, so that Chinese medicine culture can be visualized, popularized and lived, so that more people can know, trust and love Chinese medicine. ”

In the view of Duan Xiaohua, professor of the National College of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture copper people have rich historical and cultural connotations, and the "moxibustion child" with acupuncture copper as the prototype is vivid and lovely, and it is expected that the appearance of "moxibustion child" can play the role of a bridge between Chinese and foreign cultural communication, the role of the masses to enhance cultural self-confidence, the exemplary role of young people's patriotic determination, and the identification role of carrying forward china's excellent traditional culture.

Help the spread of Chinese medicine culture

The meeting also featured the premiere of the Chinese medicine cartoon "The Magic of fingers". Commissioned by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and jointly produced by China Animation Group, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tencent Video, the film tells the story of the protagonist Xiaolongzi who inherited his father's business as a Chinese medicine physician and used the techniques of traditional Chinese medicine massage and physiotherapy to help athletes quickly recover from injuries and win the world championship.

"The film is both a grounded realistic work and a concentrated presentation of the dreamlike animation imagination." Song Lei, director of the Development Research Department of China Animation Group and screenwriter and director of "The Magic of Fingers", said that in the creative process, the team held several symposiums under the guidance of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and also visited and investigated professional institutions such as the Institute of Sports Medicine of the State General Administration of Sports to ensure that the content of traditional Chinese medicine and sports rehabilitation reflected in the film was in line with reality. The animation focuses on the theme of "inheritance" of Chinese medicine, designing the protagonist as a young person, hoping to show the ordinary glory of contemporary Chinese medicine practitioners and attract more teenagers to recognize and love Chinese medicine.

In addition, the Office of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly launched the Chinese medicine cultural creative cartoon - the health lecture hall of the Tuantuan Small Classroom on the official WeChat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, selecting common health topics in the lives of teenagers, popularizing reliable, interesting and practical chinese medicine health knowledge, explaining the concept of Traditional Chinese medicine in easy-to-understand language, and interpreting healthy life scenes with cartoon images that the masses like to hear.

"'Chinese medicine + animation' is a new attempt in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, perhaps the current animation image and animation are not yet mature, and the next step is to continuously develop and improve in practice." Wang Guochen said that in the future, it is necessary to continue to explore the organic combination of Chinese medicine culture and modern communication channels to better help the spread of Chinese medicine culture.

Riding on the East Wind of Technology to Tell the Story of Chinese Medicine (Reporter's Note)

Traditional Chinese medicine is a key to open the treasure house of Chinese civilization, condensing profound philosophical wisdom and thousands of years of health care concepts and practical experience of the Chinese nation, and plays an important role in promoting mutual learning among civilizations and safeguarding people's health.

However, due to the high threshold of knowledge and strong professional attributes, Chinese medicine culture is often "misread" in the spread. How to avoid the embarrassment of "boiling dumplings in a teapot - there are goods that can't be poured out"? How to let more people correctly understand and love the culture of Chinese medicine? The appearance of "Moxibustion Child" gives a demonstration, combining the profound and long-established Chinese medicine culture with relaxed, interesting, vivid and flexible animation, learning from each other's strengths and complementing each other, explaining the profound Chinese medicine culture in a simple and popular way, making it easier for people to understand and learn Chinese medicine.

In today's rapidly changing mobile Internet technology, new forms of communication continue to emerge, digital voice, panoramic image, three-dimensional image, virtual reality, augmented reality and other technical means for the spread of Chinese medicine culture to bring unlimited possibilities. Telling the story of Chinese medicine well can take advantage of the "east wind" of technology, promote the integration of traditional Chinese medicine into people's production and life, and truly inherit, develop and make good use of Chinese medicine culture. (Reporter Wang Meihua)

People's Daily Overseas Edition ( 2022-01-18 Edition 09)

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