
The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

author:17173 Game Network
The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

Hello everyone, this is the surprise game, I am the little brother who loves to eat melons.

It is said that touching fish makes people healthy, and this sentence is not bad in the Azeroth Chronicles. Those big bosses who are ambitious and want to do something often can't survive a big version, but the "small" characters who focus on fishing can survive all the way to 11 big versions from ancient times.

Today, let's talk about the man who is the most proficient at fishing in the entire Warcraft - the water elemental lord Nepturon.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

As the old saying goes, people can't be good-looking, and the sea can't be measured. Nepturon really showed us with his actions: what does it mean to have the most fierce face and touch the most ruthless fish.

Don't look at this thing, it looks like a living person can't enter, but in fact, Nepturon, who is a water elemental lord, can tolerate the stupidest mortal mage to summon his water elemental brother to fight. Just looking at this, Neptulon's attainments in "human sophistication" are much more clever than Ragnaros, the king of the fire demons, Orakir the wind rider, and Sera Zayn, the stone mother.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

(A mage can summon water elementals)

In ancient times, Nepturon was also wiser than the most intelligent of the Wind Elemental Lords, Olaquir, and during the melee of the Four Elemental Lords, they only did one thing - to constantly wash the rocky beach of the Mother Stone with the waves (which was harmless at all).

Even when the Fire Demon King and the Wind Rider had already broken their heads, the Water Elemental Lord, who had been clamoring to extinguish the flames of the Fire Demon, did not leave his ocean nest. As for the reason, it may be that taking the initiative to attack violates his "fishing" principle that he will only attack enemies above the ocean.

To put it bluntly, this product is too lazy to even go out of the door, and only wants to touch the big fish.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

Later, when the Elder God launched a war against the four elemental lords, Neptulon reluctantly cooperated with the Stone Mother Serrazane, and swept the servants of the Elder God with his minions like a tide.

However, there were too many servants under the Ancient God on the other side, and the four elemental lords had no choice but to play GG and join the camp of the Ancient God.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

But even if the camp has changed, Neptulon still does not change the bad habit of fishing.

When the Titans were fighting with the Elder Gods, he hid alone and quietly touched the fish for a long time, and then slowly drove to the others. As a result, they were blocked in their way by the Guardians Lorcan and Mimiron, imprisoned in the depths of the Abyssal Throat of the Elemental Plane.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

The younger brother has reason to suspect that this punishment of imprisonment was proposed by Nepturon himself, in order to hide in and fish alone, and no one will help him.

Because when Cataclysm broke the confinement of the elemental page, and the Elder God began to summon the elemental lords and the old department of Nlaki, ready to do things again, Nepturon was also the only one who resisted and did not want to work.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

Of course, his rebellion also drew the attention of the Elder Gods, who were forced to fight the Naga and the Faceless to protect the peace of the Abyssal Throat.

But the Elemental Lord is the Elemental Lord after all, and his combat power is still more than one level stronger than that of Naga and the Faceless, and it is basically suppressing the army of the Elder Gods. At the same time, his act of rebellion also won the favor of the foot man of Azeroth, and everyone worked together to fight a decisive battle on the Throne of the Tides.

To everyone's surprise, Ms. Nazchar on Naga's side left a killer weapon and enlisted the giant beast Erzumat to help suppress the water elemental power of Nepturon.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

Although with the help of the foot man, Nepturon beat Erzumat to the ground, Naga's magic and the brute force of the giant beast still took the water elemental lord on a physical level at the last moment. Wrapped in tentacles, Nepturon didn't know where he was swept up by Erzumat, and since then he has evaporated from the world.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

It wasn't until the return of the 7.0 Legion that Neptulon stood up bravely at the critical moment when Azeroth was about to be destroyed by the Burning Legion, and took on his share of the responsibility of saving the world, sending Duke Hydraxis and his water elemental to assist the Ring of Earth against the Burning Legion.

Therefore, the younger brother is also very suspicious that the operation of version 4.0 being abducted by Erzumat is a fishing drama directed and acted by Nepturon to evade responsibility.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

The younger brother has something to say: As the elemental lord who has survived to the end, Nepturon has indeed proved the gold content of the phrase touching fish to make people healthy and long-lived. Especially now that this product is basically in a state of "hidden", and if there is something to deal with, I am beginning to suspect that even if the monster falls, Nepturon will not die.

The most non-existent elemental lord, throwing the little brother to the player to save the world, ran to fish by himself

A startling question: Did you fish today?

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