
Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested

author:Ping An Jilin

yle="text-align: justify">“你欠钱不还的事情

I don't want my relatives and friends to know."

"If you don't pay it back

You don't want to go to work normally."

"Give you three more days

Hurry up and pay it back."

Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested

The police turned into a delivery man to arrest him

In November last year, Xiaoya, who lives in Ningbo, Zhejiang, was threatened by the "soft violence" of the collection company because of online lending, and the collection team even made malicious complaints about the hotel where Xiaoya worked, affecting the normal operation of the hotel. After colluding with the city's cases, it was found that there were still many victims in Ningbo who were subjected to "soft violence" collection.

Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested
Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested

The scene of the police arresting the collection gang

Based on this clue, the Ningbo Public Security Bureau locked up a company in another province that was nominally for information consultation, but in fact was illegally demanding. The gang organized illegal access to citizens' personal information, harassed, abused, threatened, and intimidated borrowers and their relatives, friends, and colleagues by means of telephone harassment and mass text messages, and forced borrowers to repay high-interest online loans, which had a bad social impact.

Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested
Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested
Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested

The police check the collector's computer and enter the information

After investigation, since 2021, the collection gang led by Huang has collected debts by picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and the company has collected 10 million yuan per month and made huge profits.

Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested

Recently, the Beilun Public Security Bureau dispatched more than 60 police forces to other provinces under the unified command of the Municipal Bureau to collect the net and arrest them. Ningbo public security arrested a total of 104 suspects, including company shareholders, executives, team leaders, and collectors, and after interrogation, a total of 76 suspects were subjected to compulsory measures, 3 violent collection dens were destroyed, and 2 servers were seized on the spot.

Collect the net and arrest! A group of 104 people was arrested

Police remind

1. When faced with financial disputes such as online loans, reasonable and legal methods should be adopted to solve the problems.

2. Citizens and friends should establish a correct concept of lending, borrow through formal channels and platforms, and be vigilant against routine loans and usury.

3. Job seekers should enhance their awareness of job search security, use formal job search channels, and enhance their legal awareness, and do not engage in illegal occupations.

Source: Beilun Public Security