
On the night of the death of Kangxi in the "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did Pai Long Keduo pick up the Eight Ye Party, while Zhang Wuge picked up the Fourth Master?

On November 14, 1722 (7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.), the ill Kangxi died. Seven days later, the will was announced. Note that it was seven days later, not the same day that Yongzheng was established. Before Yongzheng ascended the throne, the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not have the tradition of passing on the throne to Li Chu, and although Kangxi worked for a while, he finally deposed the prince and made a mess for the end.

On the night of the death of Kangxi in the "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did Pai Long Keduo pick up the Eight Ye Party, while Zhang Wuge picked up the Fourth Master?

On the night of his death, Kangxi arranged for Zhang Wuge to pick up the fourth master into the palace, and arranged for Long Keduo to pick up the eight masters and the gang. Such a layout is actually the most secure personnel arrangement. What is Zhang Wuge's way, the TV series tells very clearly, from a prisoner who was almost wrongfully killed to Kangxi's personal knife guard, mainly relying on the fourth master and the thirteenth master to protect all the way, and Zhang Wuge is a chivalrous person who knows the gratitude and reward, at least in terms of loyalty and justice is no problem.

The reason why the emperor sent Longkodo to pick up the Eight Masters Party was nothing more than two meanings.

On the night of the death of Kangxi in the "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did Pai Long Keduo pick up the Eight Ye Party, while Zhang Wuge picked up the Fourth Master?

One is to paralyze the Eight Masters Party. Mr. Wu once said that the Tong family and the Eight Ye Party are closely related, and the Eight Ye has been wooing Long Keduo and asking Long Ke duo to pick up the Eight Ye Party, so that they can relax their vigilance and will not do further risky actions, because the emperor has made two-handed preparations for Long Ke duo, so he is not afraid of Ronco duo taking the opportunity to unite with the Eight Ye Party to cause trouble.

The second is to prevent problems before they occur. The emperor has determined that the fourth master is the heir, then the biggest threat is the eight masters party, only let the nine-door admiral Long Keduo, who has 20,000 soldiers and horses under his command, go to pick up the eight masters party to reassure people, in fact, it seems to be a transfer, in fact, it is house arrest, Kangxi This deployment is really clever, with Long Keduo to deceive the trust of the eight ye party, the old eight Yin Yu also thought that he had taken long ke duo, as everyone knows, it is Long Ke duo who has controlled him.

On the night of the death of Kangxi in the "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did Pai Long Keduo pick up the Eight Ye Party, while Zhang Wuge picked up the Fourth Master?

Zhang Wuge was just an ordinary citizen in Jiangxia Town, but he was saved by Yin Xiang and Kangxi due to the unjust imprisonment case of the Punishment Department, and finally became a bodyguard by Kangxi's side, but he was only an ordinary bodyguard. It can be said that all the forces have not noticed this humble little role. It was precisely because of Zhang Wuge's inconspicuousness that Kangxi finally decided to make a big article on him.

As soon as Yin Chan arrived at Changchun Garden, he was escorted by Zhang Wuge to Kangxi's sickbed. After the death of Kangxi, several brothers of the Eight Ye Party began to fish in the water and fought over the issue of heirs. Zhang Tingyu hurriedly ordered Zhang Wuge to escort Yin Chan to the partial hall to rest, in order to isolate Yin Chan from this chaotic situation, and in this partial hall, the gold medal ling arrow that Kangxi had arranged long before his death was placed.

On the night of the death of Kangxi in the "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did Pai Long Keduo pick up the Eight Ye Party, while Zhang Wuge picked up the Fourth Master?

Kangxi sent Long Keduo to pick up the Eighth Master Party, and then sent Brother Zhang Wu to pick up the Fourth Master, all of which he had planned, not with the dispatch. To put it bluntly, Long Keduo was an undercover agent placed by Kangxi next to the Eight Masters, ostensibly to pick up the Eight Masters Party, but in fact to inquire into the movements of the Eight Masters Party. Brother Zhang Must be a person on the side of the fourth master, and Long Keduo seems to be the person of the eighth master, but in fact he is turning to the fourth master, which even the fourth master does not know.

Kangxi's plan was indeed meticulous, hiding Long Keduo very deeply, hiding from the fourth master, but also from the eighth master, and finally even Wu Sidao did not find out, Long Keduo was the person over there. Therefore, it is necessary to let Long Keduo pick up the Eighth Master Party and Zhang Wuge to pick up the Fourth Master. If someone else is replaced, it is estimated that the heir to the throne may be replaced.

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